Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What are the items like in this game?

Typical WoW + gooder to dmg, that you will replace every level/raid tier?
Well remember they have the whole socket thing. So you remove and replace stats and if based on their own info out there, even special things like set bonuses, skill effects/procs etc. Will be very interesting how that effects raid gear/high end crafted and pvp gear, if it does at all. Hopefully you get situations where you want a piece of gear just to get the special socket out of it or even have sockets themselves drop and you can build what you want. They talk about it a little in the post, seems instead of getting 1 BiS piece that is all set and done, you are going to collect pieces.

Here :Econ Devblog: Circuit Board Crafting | WildStar MMORPG


With not knowing dash and jump/double jumper timers and heavy movement required, my math fails me, good sir.
The Dash (Sprint) is a ressource that grow over time. You have like 5-6 second of sprint when it's full.
The Dodge work in the same way, but you have only 2 dodge max when it's full. Once used, it take like 2-3 second to get one dodge available.
The Double Jump is usable anytime, not limitation on this.

And you have some buff/debuff who can impact this ressources.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hey Scooter I have some questions for the day :

- How do Carbine feel about the overuse of cooldowns on core abilities in recent MMOs ? Some would say it's a a lazy way of making people press different buttons when you can't design interesting combat mechanics and situational class abilities, for example.

- What's the latest update about Wildstar mounts ? Latest interviews suggest there could be flying mounts, are you gonna set a "no flying during leveling" policy like WoW ? Will there be some fuel-like ressource designed to limit flying mount use ?

- Some of your hardcore fans are wondering about your "Fred Savage on Wonder Years" look and they want to know if it's on purpose ?


Hey Scooter I have some questions for the day :

- How do Carbine feel about the overuse of cooldowns on core abilities in recent MMOs ? Some would say it's a a lazy way of making people press different buttons when you can't design interesting combat mechanics and situational class abilities, for example.

- What's the latest update about Wildstar mounts ? Latest interviews suggest there could be flying mounts, are you gonna set a "no flying during leveling" policy like WoW ? Will there be some fuel-like ressource designed to limit flying mount use ?

- Some of your hardcore fans are wondering about your "Fred Savage on Wonder Years" look and they want to know if it's on purpose ?
I'm not generally going to speak for "Carbine" when it comes to design philosophies; I have my own thoughts and opinions on the matter but it wouldn't be appropriate for "random Community guy" to pontificate on the topic instead of the actual people responsible for making the game and design decisions.

Mounts are a thing. Flying mounts are... up in the air (HAHAHAHAHAHA*wheeze*HAHAHAHA).

"Fred Savage on Wonder Years" - wut


Ahn'Qiraj Raider


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Then you have places where gravity is different.
If done right I would try this game just for this effect. Use to make quake / half life levels built around wierd gravity effects. Was tons of fun, especially in multiplayer.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If done right I would try this game just for this effect. Use to make quake / half life levels built around wierd gravity effects. Was tons of fun, especially in multiplayer.
I can dream about BG maps or hell even a zone on a pvp server, where there are a multitude of different gravity effects and settings, and pvping around it.