Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Log Wizard
Classes are a lot of people's complaints right now. I'm not sure how I'd personally change them, but it looks like they're considering making changes. I guess the easiest thing to do would give them all unique resources or secondary resources, but that's just begging for an ass-ton of tuning.


They're all the exact same thing with minor variations, one of those variations being their one fucking weapon each. Did it really take them this long to realize how boring their classes are


2 Minutes Hate
There's just no depth to classes. You have an ability you can spam and it's like a playskool version of combat. You're "telegraph" is so fucking big you don't even have to really aim, especially in melee situations. There are some exceptions of course. Then all of your other abilities are "do more damage" and the only interaction you have is if you build combo points up to it, or you filled some bar that you can empty to release higher damage. For an action combat game, there are no combos outside a spell that "debuffs" your target or stunning a mob in a telegraph, but your stun is on such a cooldown that you can't use it every new combat engagement.

In GW2 at least you had some cool interactions with fields and projectiles and stuff like that, but even that system wasn't very exciting.


Musty Nester
I posted this in the ESO thread, but I'll post it here too. The next big patch in February unlocks 1-50, warplots and raid testing. My guess is that it's the miracle patch before a release is announced for May.
That's plausible, but I hope you're wrong.

If they try to ship this thing before summer I have a feeling they're doomed -- and I like it and am willing to be generous.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That's plausible, but I hope you're wrong.

If they try to ship this thing before summer I have a feeling they're doomed -- and I like it and am willing to be generous.
It doesn't really need another 6+ months. They are not going to overhaul classes because some find it boring. They will continue to balance and change around some abilities sure, but the majority of it is in place. They really just need players to go through the 36-50 content, raids and warplots for bugs, glitches etc. The rest is polish/bug fixes and the real big one server stability. The next 3-5 months for that is perfect, though depends if and when they do the 36-50 and warplot stuff(I'm still dubious they will do raids to entire CB), need a solid 1-2 months for that.


Musty Nester
It doesn't really need another 6+ months. They are not going to overhaul classes because some find it boring. They will continue to balance and change around some abilities sure, but the majority of it is in place. They really just need players to go through the 36-50 content, raids and warplots for bugs, glitches etc. The rest is polish/bug fixes and the real big one server stability. The next 3-5 months for that is perfect, though depends if and when they do the 36-50 and warplot stuff(I'm still dubious they will do raids to entire CB), need a solid 1-2 months for that.
It kinda does need more than a couple of months of polish. I'm not talking about overhauling classes. I'm talking about fleshing in the systems that they have. Art assets, phasing hitches (there are a LOT of those), getting their client to run better than shitty... it's a lot of work they have still to do.

It always depends on how fast they work, but... crate lasted a week. Crate should not have lasted a week. Crate really shouldn't have made it past QA. Really pay attention to the 20+ content and keep a little pencil scribble list of what still needs fixed. It adds up really quick, and the 34+ content isn't even accessible yet.

The 20- content is fairly well polished. But in all honesty, even that could use another pass.


Lord Nagafen Raider
In GW2 at least you had some cool interactions with fields and projectiles and stuff like that, but even that system wasn't very exciting.
Considering some features in Wildstar seem to be inspired by GW2, it disappoints me that they didn't do anything with combos. To me, that's always been one of the better ways of encouraging and rewarding group play, but it's something that's barely been explored in MMOs. To this day, FFXI is really the only one to do a decent job with them. Using combos in that game was the difference between being able to beat harder enemies to get exp faster and having your ass handed to you, and even then, FFXI was pretty limited since people figured out which combos were the most effective and only used those few. In GW2, combos are more of something that happens accidentally and not something people tend to go out of their way to work towards, particularly since they usually have very minimal effects.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Considering some features in Wildstar seem to be inspired by GW2, it disappoints me that they didn't do anything with combos. To me, that's always been one of the better ways of encouraging and rewarding group play, but it's something that's barely been explored in MMOs. To this day, FFXI is really the only one to do a decent job with them. Using combos in that game was the difference between being able to beat harder enemies to get exp faster and having your ass handed to you, and even then, FFXI was pretty limited since people figured out which combos were the most effective and only used those few. In GW2, combos are more of something that happens accidentally and not something people tend to go out of their way to work towards, particularly since they usually have very minimal effects.
In GW2 the difference between having 25 stacks of might (blast into a fire field) for the group and not having them is night and day in terms of killing time (which means less chance to be killed), protection is definitely strong and other boons are nothing to dismiss, although less impactful than might. Good groups go very much out of their way to stack boons, possibly pre fight, to duplicate them with mesmers, etc. etc.
The problem with GW2 is that they tuned down difficulty in beta and the difference between obtaining and mantaining boons and not having them is just the kill time, when it used to mean "you kill it with boons or you fail without them".
GW2 has a good system conceptually that is 50% good and 50% unfinished, especially in terms of conditions (debuffs).
It's like they had a few good concepts and pretty much failed including them to their full potential.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
In GW2 the difference between having 25 stacks of might (blast into a fire field) for the group and not having them is night and day in terms of killing time (which means less chance to be killed), protection is definitely strong and other boons are nothing to dismiss, although less impactful than might. Good groups go very much out of their way to stack boons, possibly pre fight, to duplicate them with mesmers, etc. etc.
The problem with GW2 is that they tuned down difficulty in beta and the difference between obtaining and mantaining boons and not having them is just the kill time, when it used to mean "you kill it with boons or you fail without them".
GW2 has a good system conceptually that is 50% good and 50% unfinished, especially in terms of conditions (debuffs).
It's like they had a few good concepts and pretty much failed including them to their full potential.
You are spot on. The real problem with GW2 was that most people didnt even TRY to use those systems like field/combos. Look through the GW2 thread, it's entirely ignored because people got by in the easy-mode of beta weekend 3+ and launch, and so did the facerolling masses. You are absolutely right that a good group knowing each others abilities and actively working together is a thousand times more efficient then a pug or even a guild group that just consists of 5 people soloing next to each other. GW2 just didnt force anyone to get better, that's the problem.

Sorry for the ranting but GW2's failed potential rustles me the wrong way. Not sure if that somehow applies or will apply to Wildstar! Carry on.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
After being told the censored version of my forum avatar was still inappropriate by CM Scooter, I change it to a woman wearing a burka. Three days later I get an email from the French CM Youmukon, saying that this new forum avatar is also inappropriate, and that my forum account is now banned. I'm now convinced that WildStar's CM team is full of strongly biased people.


Golden Squire
Given that talking about gameplay experience doesn't fall under LOL NDA BREAK bullshit in shit thread -

I did get a chance to play a little bit of Wildstar recently. For me, the game has Rift syndrome. It's remarkably bland, and it doesn't really do anything well enough to really hook you in. As a comparison to two games I played in recent memory and really liked:

FFXIV : Call it nostalgia, call it whatever, but the presentation of the world was enough to draw me in and have me keep playing the game. The visual and audio experience that the game throws at you compensates a lot for otherwise old hat MMO mechanics.

Blade and Soul: Combat system instantly strikes you as being unique and awesome. You get things like reactive counters and parries from the beginning of the game, and it gets better and better after that.

Wildstar doesn't impress with it's world, and it doesn't impress with it's combat system. Meaning that there's nothing you experience in the first few hours of playing the game that really makes you want to continue with the game. Short of adding some enormous carrot like the world's best competitive PvP system, I don't see how they're going to entice the average player to stick with the game.


Vyemm Raider
Wildstar doesn't impress with it's world, and it doesn't impress with it's combat system. Meaning that there's nothing you experience in the first few hours of playing the game that really makes you want to continue with the game. Short of adding some enormous carrot like the world's best competitive PvP system, I don't see how they're going to entice the average player to stick with the game.
This kind of sums up my impression of it thus far but i need to put more time into it.


The more I see of Wildstar, the more I compare it to a Blade and Soul 'lite.' Just completely lacks the depth of combat in BNS. My Assassin in BNS is only level 17 but the crazy shit I can do already is mind boggling.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think you can just download the game and go through all the steps to make a account for the Chinese version(though I think that version is heavily censored compared to the korean). I was tempted but not sure I can deal with not being able to read anything and a high ping in a action game is just super frustrating.

Not sure about the korean version.