Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Molten Core Raider
TLDR: check your spam folder if you signed up for beta

Just a heads up. I had a beta invite sitting in my gmail spam folder since 4/10. I got another email today about the "Tradeskill Extravaganza" this weekend (19th-21st) which did not get spammed so that prompted me to go searching. Downloading the beta client now and pretty synced.


TLDR: check your spam folder if you signed up for beta

Just a heads up. I had a beta invite sitting in my gmail spam folder since 4/10. I got another email today about the "Tradeskill Extravaganza" this weekend (19th-21st) which did not get spammed so that prompted me to go searching. Downloading the beta client now and pretty synced.
Didn't had it in my spam folder too
but thanks to remind me to go check there because i had 3 mails from GW2 , it look like someone was trying to sell my account :p


An interview was posted today about the game engine. It's pretty neat if you're into that sort of thing.


Page 1 is mostly just general MMO talk with handling the game, Page 2 is a tiny bit of the code and development of the engine, and Page 3 is about the artstyle, like rendering and draw distance and how they plan on making it available to as many machines as possible, be it old or new.


TotalBiscuit has some videos up you can see the UI pretty well.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeUbXJZPkd0

However, they've stated that they are going to have really easy customization with the UI. Whether or not you can replace them with your own assets.. no idea yet, but they want to give that freedom for it so you can set it how you want.


2 Minutes Hate
That's a pretty cool article and those videos have been posted already. The UI is fully moddable like WOW. Apparently people are doing it already in beta.


Tranny Chaser
Ugh. I hope they stay away from the mod-to-win autopilot that WoW fell into. At one point I swear my UI was getting angry with my inability to push the buttons it wanted and was desperately seeking a way to take over the keyboard.


Rasterizing . . .
An interview was posted today about the game engine. It's pretty neat if you're into that sort of thing.


Page 1 is mostly just general MMO talk with handling the game, Page 2 is a tiny bit of the code and development of the engine, and Page 3 is about the artstyle, like rendering and draw distance and how they plan on making it available to as many machines as possible, be it old or new.
Excellent read, thanks!!


Silver Baronet of the Realm
There's a part of me that thinks moddable UI should be just that...a openly customizable UI and none of the dbm nonsense. I haven't used dbm since cata but I only do lfr now, but I'd like to see that shit disappear.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Am i missing something?

The video you just posted reminds me of running through durotar as a level 5. I thought I went to their site and saw space flight and combat, am I wrong?

For some reason that video instantly made me lose interest in the game. I don't feel another linear MMO where you run around on terrain and have gated progression is "the next thing". The game may be amazing and a better "WoW" than WoW currently is but that really isn't saying much since they have a dolphin expert as head of class design now.

Really had an interest in this as I saw a ton of people drooling for this release and now, not sure why the pools of drool. maybe someone can "TL;DR" me on that?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Going to be funny, 20 years down the road , a game has a African safari type landscape and will still get "Hmm barrens again".


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Am i missing something?

The video you just posted reminds me of running through durotar as a level 5. I thought I went to their site and saw space flight and combat, am I wrong?

For some reason that video instantly made me lose interest in the game. I don't feel another linear MMO where you run around on terrain and have gated progression is "the next thing". The game may be amazing and a better "WoW" than WoW currently is but that really isn't saying much since they have a dolphin expert as head of class design now.

Really had an interest in this as I saw a ton of people drooling for this release and now, not sure why the pools of drool. maybe someone can "TL;DR" me on that?
If it was more purple would that make it more space barrens and less regular barrens?

There's only a certain number of plausible terrain archetypes.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
If it was more purple would that make it more space barrens and less regular barrens?

There's only a certain number of plausible terrain archetypes.
no no, I get it, I guess I was expecting that it would be more like WoWtor. Like a combination of WoW and Spacecombat that isn't as...dated(?) as Eve.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm curious where the thought of spacecombat came from at all, unless I missed something?


2 Minutes Hate
The game takes place on a single planet, The Nexus, while it also has different zones on space stations, the moon (I think) and other space-type places. There is a zone where gravity is less so you jump hire and fall slower. You can find a PAX east video of it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Sci fi almost always conjures lasers and space flight. So this is basically earth in 100 years with moon colonies.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
thought I saw a pic on their site that showed space combat, but it was only a brief look at their site.

Was likely wrong but then that honestly begs the question of why this game over other games of the same genre? Perhaps not over but alongside instead?

I mean I really don't want to bag on a game before it even releases but...

WoW Style graphics
Touting WoW devs on staff
History of WoW-esque trait games being lauded by the press only to shit on chest

Kinda why I asked if people could give me a TLDR why everyone seems to be brewing on this one. Like I understand Arche-age hype, the world is a completely open world with free flowing PVP and largescale enviornments and a vast sailable ocean complete with water battles. What's the hype for this game based on?

EDIT: Read the responses. I guess it isn't for me. Sounds interesting, but not THAT interesting for me, not yet.


It's just one zone at the moment though, however they do have quite a bit of people form the WoW team working on the game and even said in one of those videos that you may see some art elements that feel familiar, but overall that's just one zone.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
no no, I get it, I guess I was expecting that it would be more like WoWtor. Like a combination of WoW and Spacecombat that isn't as...dated(?) as Eve.
If you're looking for something radically different then WoW you'll probably want to follow another game (not sure which one, the other projects with tangible info out have fail written all over). This is taking WoW and making it better, hopefully liberally taking the good parts of the other games that WoW didnt scoop up yet (like the dodging and stuff they obviously have).

Someone following it closer correct me please, but the biggest innovation is the warplot thingie right? Do we know if you just invade another warplot or if the put both yours and the opposing guild warplot adjacent?