Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

Archdruid Archeron

the Site Surgeon
<Granularity Engineer>
The game's challenge, like all wow clones is what's the sentiment two months from now, when the average player is close or at the level cap. This game is the same sort as almost every other type of mmorpg like this. Everyone praises it for a bit (usually during the first 30 days) and then people slowly start dropping out for a variety of reasons. This game is probably more dependant on a guild staying intact to have fun at endgame than most others and I can see people getting disinterested as soon as a couple from the guild start dropping. Nobody plays these games long term any more. It's even worse that this is one of those 'wait till level xx and it gets better' games. What's the average time it takes to hit 20?
Can you share your source for the saying the average player hit level cap after two months? I would be interested in reading more from the source for player retention rates that shows no one plays long term too. I was under the impression that the active player base in SWTOR, GW2, WOW, and FF:ARR are collectively pretty high and stable over time, but I can't find any data on monthly churn rates or average active duration. It would be good to see some data on that.

Edit: Thinking about this more. It is difficult to imagine your stats as being legitimate or even directionally accurate. If WoW is stable at 11.5MM subscriptions, the average subscription length is two months, then WoW cycles through 69MM unique customers each year. SWTOR reported 2MM accounts after going F2P. Let's discount that to 1MM and conclude that they are cycling through 6MM unique customers each year to maintain that number. These don't seem like credible churn and retention rates for active customer base based upon the data reported to shareholders at quarterly earnings.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Anyone explain to me costumes? I have a few pieces of costume stuff, but have no idea how to actually use them beyond equipping them.


Avatar of War Slayer
Anyone explain to me costumes? I have a few pieces of costume stuff, but have no idea how to actually use them beyond equipping them.
There are "stylists" in various locations. Main city has 2 or 3. And they added one to the first town you find as well, at level 6-7ish. (I can tell you exile locations, but not dominion.)
Talking to the stylist, will let you set a costume, as well as dye your gear.

There is a bug currently. sometimes when adding a piece to a costume set, it will flash on and off. If it does that, just leave, its not working. this SEEMS to be related to lag or latency or something. every time i had this happen, it was in a populated area. When I go to another stylist off the beaten path. works fine.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
There's a costume guy in most towns. His Icon looks kind of like a tear drop. It allows you to have the appearance of the costume item X while retaining the stats of item Y.

I was able to get my spellslinger to 20. Not sure which to play between my stalker and it now. Both are a lot of fun. I honestly don't mind the lower level content, and I am excited to continue progressing when I get back from Asia. I'll probably just level them in parallel! I noticed the combat getting distinctively harder once you hit Whitevale. I can only hope it gets more and more challenging!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Can you share your source for the saying the average player hit level cap after two months? I would be interested in reading more from the source for player retention rates that shows no one plays long term too. I was under the impression that the active player base in SWTOR, GW2, WOW, and FF:ARR are collectively pretty high and stable over time, but I can't find any data on monthly churn rates or average active duration. It would be good to see some data on that.

Edit: Thinking about this more. It is difficult to imagine your stats as being legitimate or even directionally accurate. If WoW is stable at 11.5MM subscriptions, the average subscription length is two months, then WoW cycles through 69MM unique customers each year. SWTOR reported 2MM accounts after going F2P. Let's discount that to 1MM and conclude that they are cycling through 6MM unique customers each year to maintain that number. These don't seem like credible churn and retention rates for active customer base based upon the data reported to shareholders at quarterly earnings.
The games you mention are outliers, WoW for obvious reasons. GW2 isn't comparable since it's mostly a PvP game and is B2P. SWTOR was a trainwreck and mostly retains it's customers due to it's license. Same goes for FFXVI (although if you look at this board as a example, many stopped playing that game by the end of October). How about Rift, which was hailed as having a pretty smooth launch and during those first 30 days you couldn't find someone that wasn't singing it's praises. That had the best content delivery and what happened? FFXVI isn't any different, there are just a lot of Final Fantasy fans. When a game doesn't have an established licensed property, I think it's that much harder to keep people playing since then what's left is the gameplay and if the gameplay isn't fun or engaging after about a month, there's your churn rate.

Archdruid Archeron

the Site Surgeon
<Granularity Engineer>
The games you mention are outliers, WoW for obvious reasons. GW2 isn't comparable since it's mostly a PvP game and is B2P. SWTOR was a trainwreck and mostly retains it's customers due to it's license. Same goes for FFXVI (although if you look at this board as a example, many stopped playing that game by the end of October). How about Rift, which was hailed as having a pretty smooth launch and during those first 30 days you couldn't find someone that wasn't singing it's praises. That had the best content delivery and what happened? FFXVI isn't any different, there are just a lot of Final Fantasy fans. When a game doesn't have an established licensed property, I think it's that much harder to keep people playing since then what's left is the gameplay and if the gameplay isn't fun or engaging after about a month, there's your churn rate.
It seems like what you are saying is that you have no data. You should just man up now and say "I made all these stats up to validate my preconceived notion that this MMO will fail, and my opinion is that this game will fail".

I don't have an issue with you having that opinion. Your prior post portrayed this as fact.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It seems like what you are saying is that you have no data. You should just man up now and say "I made all these stats up to validate my preconceived notion that this MMO will fail, and my opinion is that this game will fail".

I don't have an issue with you having that opinion. Your prior post portrayed this as fact.
I never said the game is going to fail. What's your definition of fail? F2P? Losing half it's subs after the free month?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well gd! I didnt even think about looking for a 64 bit client. Dont know why I thought it would automatically revert to it based on your OS. ++++ I told my buddy this and he had no idea either. Brilliant suggestion! lol

Decided to buy the game a few hours ago and got the code from Green Man Gaming. My NCSoft account wont accept the code and there is even a thread on GMG stating that it has to do with the region lock dealing with the old Beta account. Apparently I have to petition for CS to manually insert the code. Anyone else run into this? Is submitting a ticket the only way to get this to work?

We killed the level 10 guy with 1.3 million hp in Ellevar just a few minutes ago. The guy would send out roots in a straight line and I would simply side strafe but still get hit with the shit because I was experiencing just a small amount of lag. Then of course, you're pelted with a direct damage spell while rooted. Was a cool little fight though, just wish I didn't lag. (Maybe this 64 bit client will be the bees knees and fix a lot of little shit for me!)
Late to this but I think they fixed it so it does detect your OS and go that way, I was using the 64 bit client myself until recently. No noticeable difference going back to the default.
Anyone know when they are going to start selling Credd?
I want to buy some, so can sell some to get a couple thousand plat to level my tradeskillls with by selling on auctionhouse, also wondering what items they have in the cash shop pets, costumes etc


2 Minutes Hate
Can you share your source for the saying the average player hit level cap after two months? I would be interested in reading more from the source for player retention rates that shows no one plays long term too. I was under the impression that the active player base in SWTOR, GW2, WOW, and FF:ARR are collectively pretty high and stable over time, but I can't find any data on monthly churn rates or average active duration. It would be good to see some data on that.

Edit: Thinking about this more. It is difficult to imagine your stats as being legitimate or even directionally accurate. If WoW is stable at 11.5MM subscriptions, the average subscription length is two months, then WoW cycles through 69MM unique customers each year. SWTOR reported 2MM accounts after going F2P. Let's discount that to 1MM and conclude that they are cycling through 6MM unique customers each year to maintain that number. These don't seem like credible churn and retention rates for active customer base based upon the data reported to shareholders at quarterly earnings.
Average retention rate on almost every game in the last decade has be sub 50% after the first few months. Almost every game, prior to F2P has settled around 300-500k subscriptions. Your WOW numbers are very very wrong (and stupid) and I really don't feel like getting in to it, but if you want to play that game, go look up NA/EU numbers which are pretty much stable at a few million (4-6?) but those numbers are hazy due to clever Blizzard marketing with D3 and other battle.net stuff.

As far as players hitting the level cap, it's impossible to write a definitive answer to this because only the game studios know this metric but I think it's safe to assume the average player hits max level in 1-3 months depending on the game.


2 Minutes Hate
I ran the first adventure last night. Kind of fun. I think my problem is that I'm hitting the duldrums of my class (I'm level 17 I think). Gameplay is boring right now and I think the thing that changes is is the reactive stuff (Bolstering Strikes?) for some damage.

Should be more entertaining when I can finally tank. The first adventure was pretty much a spam fest. Though I can see how medal runs could be a fun thing eventually.
Anyone explain to me costumes? I have a few pieces of costume stuff, but have no idea how to actually use them beyond equipping them.
My purple colored set that came with my deluxe game for pre ordering set makes my spellslinger look bad ass compared to her normal boring armor.Cant recall which I claimed of the 2 costume packs.

If anyone knows when there going to start selling Credd please let me know.


I ran the first adventure last night. Kind of fun. I think my problem is that I'm hitting the duldrums of my class (I'm level 17 I think). Gameplay is boring right now and I think the thing that changes is is the reactive stuff (Bolstering Strikes?) for some damage.

Should be more entertaining when I can finally tank. The first adventure was pretty much a spam fest. Though I can see how medal runs could be a fun thing eventually.
I will be interested to hear what you think from your first dungeon at 20. They are horrible experience but if you are in to challenge they are fun as heck.


I will be interested to hear what you think from your first dungeon at 20. They are horrible experience but if you are in to challenge they are fun as heck.
How can a challenging dungeon crawl experience be horrible unless you prefer simple, fast and easy and collect your loot?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
How can a challenging dungeon crawl experience be horrible unless you prefer simple, fast and easy and collect your loot?
If your group sucks so will your experience. The way it should be imo. I'm tired of sleep walking through easy dungeons.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone have a spare pass they could PM me? I'm too slow trying snag up the ones that have been posted and really want to try this out! Seems fun.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone know when they are going to start selling Credd?
I want to buy some, so can sell some to get a couple thousand plat to level my tradeskillls with by selling on auctionhouse, also wondering what items they have in the cash shop pets, costumes etc
They had an announcement on their site that they will not be releasing CREDD until the economy on servers stabilizes, so I would expect it basically at the very end of the month.