Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Vyemm Raider
I don't want them at all. First of all it ruins any chance of world pvp and mounting up to fly 10m to skip the pack of mobs you don't need getting to the ones you do is a fucking awful mechanic.
I want them totally. First of all it lets me avoid pointless ganking, and mounting up to skip a pack a mobs I don't need to get to the ones I want is a fucking wonderful mechanic.

(I know jack shit about this game)


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I would assume they are just data mining from the client you can download?
Pretty much, I'm not really good at it though.


Trakanon Raider
I was a little worried about the Soldier path from the videos, but the different types of missions seems a lot more promising.


fuuuuuuuck, the Explorer path is right up my alley and is everything I've wanted in an MMO where exploring is rewarding and won't get you banned or be totally useless. With scavenger hunts too? and claiming areas for your faction? fucking count me in.

However the Settler sounds really awesome as well. I like the idea of building up towns for everyone to use and unlock new quests and whatnot. That's fucking cool to me, but I have to wonder what happens when all the towns are already built up.. then what?

Scientist really seems like it's more lore based than anything else, which is pretty cool too.


Trakanon Raider
They made mention of buildings needing upkeep, so for example, if you pass a building thats starting to look run down, say the fence is broken, and no one does anything about it, the building will continue to fall into disarray and eventually be unusable\gone. Not sure if we will graphically see this, or if every player building will just have a health bar that lowers with time and use, but yeah, upkeep is supposed to be "a thing" settlers deal with.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
They made mention of buildings needing upkeep, so for example, if you pass a building thats starting to look run down, say the fence is broken, and no one does anything about it, the building will continue to fall into disarray and eventually be unusable\gone. Not sure if we will graphically see this, or if every player building will just have a health bar that lowers with time and use, but yeah, upkeep is supposed to be "a thing" settlers deal with.
On a related note, I really hope they will go the way of putting playerhousing in the gameworld and not into "neighbourhoods" (no matter if those are in the sky). Housing in most mmo's is such a lonely and pointless feature imo. I loved to bump into player-houses in the middle of nowhere in SWG, made me wonder who put it there. Even more awesome if you could enter. I even liked the abandoned ghosttowns that used to be a playercity or guild-city. I am not buying the old "Urban Blight" argument anymore of the UO days. It was partly a luxury problem, because the game was so popular.

Apply some restrictions on certain locations and just let abandoned houses deteriorate, maybe give the settlers something to do if they feel like it. I just can not be bothered to go check out some dudes hideout in some desolate, walled off "neighbourghood". I understand that housing in Wildstar will be more interactive then just playing "interior decorator"(war plots, allow others to tend your shit). I have a feeling this will only work if they put it in the gameworld itself.


I half agree with you, I wish they could just be out in the world but at the same time.. it may cause some problems unless certain zones are dedicated to them which I doubt. I do like that the idea of the housing plots are basically their own little story as well in the game, they're not just randomly thrown in there.. but as far as you're talking about, the best we're gonna get I think is being able to open your house up to the public. As far as I know, you'd still probably have to port to the house.

It is pretty awesome that you can open it to the public though, I can't wait to see more on it. Honestly, I'm looking forward to housing just about as much as I am looking forward to raiding.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
It's a Sci-Fi game, just make a "colony death star" for cheap housing for players that just want the utility of the house, and have the plots with cool vistas be very expensive in upkeep. You could also encourage shared housing through various mechanics for circles/cliques/guilds to save open world space.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
In the client UI files, there were a few Housing windows that seem to allow you to chose your Neighborhood.

There was one that actually mentioned Guild Neighborhoods.

These UI window look unfinished though, or obsolete as there were a lot of windows that looked to be doing the same thing...essentially choosing housing plots/neighborhood.

I don't think they have settle on what they want to do.

I like the idea of guild neighborhood or circle neighborhoods where all the houses around mine are friends, circles members or guildmembers.


The paths and housing are intriguing. I like some of the design ideas. However, I really wish they hadn't copied WOW's over stylized graphical look. In the age of inexpensive i5s and cheap rocket fast video cards for PCs, I'm not sure what the rationale for that look was unless their artists were raided from Blizzard.


2 Minutes Hate
Paths look cool, but they seem like an adder to the game like Achievements. I've never been an Achievement kinda guy (I'm a dungeon crawler kind of guy), so that might be why they don't seem that interesting to me.

If anything, I'd probably be a Settler because that seems kinda cool and very different.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Is the new info their Wildstar Wednesday, or just an extra reveal? Anyone have a clue?
Think it was Wildstar Wednesday info let out early because of the leaks. The fansites have been in full developer cock sucking mode when it comes to the leaks. Crying about the shit on twitter in the usual overly dramatic fanboi way. The Wildstar fansites make me fucking sick.


2 Minutes Hate
I'm working on putting together all the leaked LUA shit that was available to the public. Path stuff should be out today I think.