Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Golden Knight of the Realm
I actually might look into raiding if the PRX schedule allows(if we go there officially). I never raided in WoW and while I've heard the nightmares, I'd like to try it at least....maybe.


<Gold Donor>
It really depends on how they plan on scripting the raids. In the last 6 years or so we've seen raids become more and more finely tuned. You need 1000 Raid DPS to win and if you have 999 you auto-lose to enrage. If Jimmy dies or misses a cue, you lose. If timmy misses an interrupt, you might as well wipe.

It's hard to balance fun with difficulty but it's not impossible. A hard raid encounter doesn't have to be defined by how flawless you are. There are a lot of different things you can do if you just use your imagination and have a bit of development help behind just scripting encounters. Here are a few examples:

A)Timed events with tiered rewards- Raid Boss A (or Encounter A, doesn't have to be a single boss) has 10 phases and you have 10 minutes to complete all of them. If you wipe on phase 1, 2, 3 you get nothing. If you wipe on p4 you get loot from table A. p5 on table A+B, p6 on table A+B+C. Essentially the higher you go, the more loot you get.

B)Multiple group gauntlets- This could be timed or not, but essentially you break your raid down into individual groups. Could be 4 groups of 10 or 8 groups of 5, it doesn't matter. Build a portion of the raid so that it splits off into four different sections. It could be simple passageways, or bigger areas, or "dimensions" you have to enter and win. Doesn't matter. Each group needs to fight their way to the end. Each group needs to be successful in order to continue on. Here's one example.

You enter a large throne room and the princess is locked up by four energy chains. By the base of each chain is a portal to an instanced area that acts as a pocket of whatever (insert lore here) where the chain is bound. It's a 40 man raid so you can take up to 15 people into each instance, but it's geared for 10. Instance one is a "Jungle" that you have to fight through waves of mobs to get to the end where the Jungle King is protecting the chain's energy source. Think about the temple sequence in that's in ZulFurrack in WOW.

Instance two consists of jumping puzzles and platforms. Get to the top, unlock the chain. You can design it so you need 10 people to complete it, where 9 people need to channel certain portions of the puzzle to unlock the final piece.

Instance three can be "arena" style boss fights. Like 10 people need to defeat the previous 9 bosses in the instance in miniature form. Instance four can be some other puzzle or gauntlet like event.

Oh ho ho, then you can do all sorts of things with this. If group A finishes with one instance, they can split up and help out other groups. Or you can make all of these timed, and if you beat the time you get extra rewards.

Then once the chains are complete you unlock Bowser and you have to beat him to save the princess.


There are a lot of other ideas out there for raid/dungeon design that I think could be hilariously fun. You can make a dungeon with a ton of trash, but trash that dies really fast like in DDO/Neverwinter and just toss waves of it at groups and if you beat them all in a certain time or beat them without dying you can unlock different mini bosses. Raids need more minibosses anyway and less shitty boring trash.

Essentially more GW2 like encounters in place of trash pulls.

You can also incorporate Zelda like dungeons where your raid needs to split up and jump around to unlock different portions of the map. Get keys to unlock doors. Limit certain areas to X amount of people. Use the housing interface that Wildstar seems to have, to build things within the raid to make platforms to jump up to certain areas. You can make boss encounters have different phases that you unlock. So if a boss has 4 phases and you wipe on phase 3, you don't start all over again, but you start on phase 3 again. Then put a counter on it, so if you fail 3 times on phase 3 you go back down to 2. This way you can design really long encounters that are fun, but not force groups to re-do each one every single time you make a mistake.

There is a ton of stuff you can do outside of just having boss mechanics and hallways of trash mobs. Developers just need to create tools that allow this sort of thing. Wildstar SEEMS to have the right attitude of creating challenge and not caring if everyone can't beat the dungeon.

Lang rant sorry, but I could play these DIKU games and the raid game if devs just made dungeons more fun. How many times have you played through a Zelda dungeon and only have fun at the boss? Those fucking dungeons were entertaining from beginning to end. There is no real need to innovate combat/classes as much as innovating the content to not be retarded.

edit to add:
As others have mentioned how enrage timers suck. They do, and it's a retarded encounter. That's why you have "timed" events. If you defeat an encounter in the designed amount of time, then you get Reward tier A, if you took an hour to beat it, then you get Reward Tier B. Of course you should keep the enrage timers on some encounters. Some encounters should be difficult and you should be forced to beat it a certain way, but EVERY encounter doesn't have to have one.
These are actually some really good ideas. Time to create a blog and start marketing Rerolled's "expertise", keke.


Trakanon Raider
Draegan's option A sounds exactly like WoWs current model. LFR > Normal > Heroic. Three separate tiers you can compete on, to get the loot you want. Sure, the "timed" mechanic is different, but it's essentially the same thing. You want better loot? do shit harder. We all know how that little scenario gets played out in the end.


<Gold Donor>
Draegan's option A sounds exactly like WoWs current model. LFR > Normal > Heroic. Three separate tiers you can compete on, to get the loot you want. Sure, the "timed" mechanic is different, but it's essentially the same thing. You want better loot? do shit harder. We all know how that little scenario gets played out in the end.
The proof is in the pudding. You might as well argue that all salons will give the same haircut, because they use the same tools. It's not what you do, it's how you do it.

WoW forced people into three separate instances of the same fights, which in turn burned out a lot of raiders (myself included). To make matters worse they artificially paced players by adding a lock out timer.

Super fun game design there!

Draegan's model allows for the gear, while removing the grindy WoW model.


Silver Squire
Its all a bunch of bullshit regardless.

Remove raid caps.

Let people zerg if they want.

Reward those that don't with different looks of the same gear, epeen boards with tons of stats to compare / contrast. Holy shit the meta game would be a blast to compare and contrast speed, average deaths, number to kill the boss, dps, heals etc etc etc. So many stats why they don't do something with all this info and put it out on their website / forums is beyond me.

The end result is people aren't locked out of any content, the good players get rewarded in multiple ways and everyone is happy. If you want to bring 100 puggers to kill the boss with 2 items be my fucking guest. You want to carry that lady that makes cookies and does phone sex on the weekends so be it. You want to go super hard core and go for the perfect victory achievement and win the "we did it with less" war you can do that as well. Same with timed runs, no deaths, lowest amount of heals, fastest time to kill etc etc..

All that adds to the meta game. Stop worrying so much about how people beat your shitty fucking raid mechanic and let us play the fucking game please. How and when we want. Time vs reward will take care of the rest.

The sooner developers STOP with the surgical developing and micro managing every little move the better. GTFO of my game because the only thing your rules and restrictions do is fuck up the fun.


Draegan's option A sounds exactly like WoWs current model. LFR > Normal > Heroic. Three separate tiers you can compete on, to get the loot you want. Sure, the "timed" mechanic is different, but it's essentially the same thing. You want better loot? do shit harder. We all know how that little scenario gets played out in the end.
Also segregates players before they have even tried. They have decided before the fight how good they are and act accordingly. Dangling the time carrot in front of them will make each fight more exciting and give players more to strive especially people that are around the cut off times to upgrade to the next tier. So no it's definitely not the same thing at all.


Its all a bunch of bullshit regardless.

Remove raid caps.

Let people zerg if they want.

Reward those that don't with different looks of the same gear, epeen boards with tons of stats to compare / contrast

The end result is people aren't locked out of any content, the good players get rewarded in multiple ways and everyone is happy. If you want to bring 100 puggers to kill the boss with 2 items be my fucking guest. You want to carry that lady that makes cookies and does phone sex on the weekends so be it. You want to go super hard core and go for the perfect victory achievement and win the "we did it with less" war you can do that as well.

All that adds to the meta game. Stop worrying so much about how people beat your shitty fucking raid mechanic and let us play the fucking game please. How and when we want. Time vs reward will take care of the rest.

The sooner developers STOP with the surgical developing and micro managing every little move the better. GTFO of my game because the only thing your rules and restrictions do is fuck up the fun.
Yeah fuck peoples desire to impress there peers with their feats. All you do is trivialize content with your method. I raided pretty hard in BC and never killed illidan let a lone get into the Black temple. T5 was the highest I went and I was ok with that because I didn't play enough to deserve that feat. I liked seeing guys with the Illidan swords it created more mystery and awe. MMO revolved around community and since communities have existed so has social status within said communities. So fuck you and your 'but mum why can't i have everything too' you either work hard enough to get it or stfu.

edit: The reason you can't get to top tier raids is because you don't have anymore time to commit to the game. Therefore the game is already offering you enough content compared to the hours you have at your disposal to play. So why ask for more?


Silver Squire
Yeah fuck peoples desire to impress there peers with their feats. All you do is trivialize content with your method. I raided pretty hard in BC and never killed illidan let a lone get into the Black temple. T5 was the highest I went and I was ok with that because I didn't play enough to deserve that feat. I liked seeing guys with the Illidan swords it created more mystery and awe. MMO revolved around community and since communities have existed so has social status within said communities. So fuck you and your 'but mum why can't i have everything to' you either work hard enough to get it or stfu.
Bull shit. You still get to wave your epeen, perhaps even more my way. Actual tangible stats all public.

No reason to lock people out of content. The bads will be bad regardless and if they want to band together to zerg down something like some half ass server wide Vox raid then let them. Community extends beyond you and your guild for the other 12k people on your server. Stuff like that is a casuals dream.

Why do you give a shit what they do if your loot looks better and you have your name smeared all over leader boards if they get a shitty piece of gear? Not like you have to wait a week to kill that boss again nor are they fucking you out of a rotation spot. Give me a break.

Doesn't impact me or my gaming one bit. Why deprave them of their once a night cluster fuck raid that likely will end in more complete raid reforms than boss kills. The youtube gold mined from bads banding together like this would be worth it by itself.

Trivialize content? Yeah right, all this shit gets on pharm mode not long after people hit it. If people want to throw 100 bodies for a piece of gear then can do that all they want. Its a developers wet dream since their progression will slow to a crawl but they aren't locked out of content for sucking nor will content need to be adjusted to account for the suck. Can't cut it? Bring moar.


I'm Amod too!
Yeah fuck peoples desire to impress there peers with their feats. All you do is trivialize content with your method.
The social dynamic handles it just fine. Everyone knew who the scrub zurg guilds were in EQ and they lost respect among the poop sockers because of it. Are you so obsessed with e-dick watching that you can't handle it when some other guild breaks your penis measuring rules?


It would be refreshing to see a dungeon where, for once, you never lay a hand on the boss. You have to puzzle your way through a dungeon and what you do in that dungeon defeats the boss. Not 40 neckbeards whacking away with their +Betterer Swords.


The social dynamic handles it just fine. Everyone knew who the scrub zurg guilds were in EQ and they lost respect among the poop sockers because of it. Are you so obsessed with e-dick watching that you can't handle it when some other guild breaks your penis measuring rules?
Oh you mean that social dynamic from a game that was released in 1999? The one that had barely 500,000 players at its peak with single servers, no LFR/LFG tools and fuck all instancing. Compared to Wow with 12 million players at its peak, a fuck load of instancing and phasing, A LFR and LFG tool. You must be the fucken rain man to keep track of all the scrub guilds. Oh yeah your not your just too fucken stupid to realise communities have changed since EQ. Tokens of feats are needed to show.... I can't believe I'm even explaining this to a complete fucken retard. Punch yourself in the dick.


I'm Amod too!
And you seem to think that communities can't adapt. That we need to force mechanics into the game to make damn sure that everyone around you should know you're the mutherfuckin badass. Bullshit.

P.S. Rustled jimmies much?


Force mechanics? Symbols and Tokens to show status among peers have been used in society for thousands of years. Your so stupid you are trying to compare the communities of a small backwards village to large thriving city.

I'm not even going to bother with you. You've already been put in your place and you know it.


I'm Amod too!
Yep you won this round damn you. You managed to get the personal insults out first before my shields were up. That was totally a deadly blow to my position and I can no longer see any position from which to continue arguing my point now that I've been told to punch myself in the dick.


Bull shit. You still get to wave your epeen, perhaps even more my way. Actual tangible stats all public.

No reason to lock people out of content. The bads will be bad regardless and if they want to band together to zerg down something like some half ass server wide Vox raid then let them. Community extends beyond you and your guild for the other 12k people on your server. Stuff like that is a casuals dream.

Why do you give a shit what they do if your loot looks better and you have your name smeared all over leader boards if they get a shitty piece of gear? Not like you have to wait a week to kill that boss again nor are they fucking you out of a rotation spot. Give me a break.

Doesn't impact me or my gaming one bit. Why deprave them of their once a night cluster fuck raid that likely will end in more complete raid reforms than boss kills. The youtube gold mined from bads banding together like this would be worth it by itself.

Trivialize content? Yeah right, all this shit gets on pharm mode not long after people hit it. If people want to throw 100 bodies for a piece of gear then can do that all they want. Its a developers wet dream since their progression will slow to a crawl but they aren't locked out of content for sucking nor will content need to be adjusted to account for the suck. Can't cut it? Bring moar.
Ok so you can zerg every boss.. What's the point of even having tiers of difficulty? May as well make all bosses the same difficulty and have no progression system at all. Not to mention you lessen the weight of story behind most raids. Because in today's MMO space large guilds would simply put on zerg times and everyone would zerg through all content in a night and then everyone is sitting there for the next three months with their dick in their hand. So now everyones on the forums complaining about lack of content not to mention the fact that gear progression pretty much goes out the window because why do they need that extra dps on the sword for PvE? Just bring another person instead. You pretty much erase all max level PvE progression for the casual/semi hardcore audience if you let people just zerg bosses.

I just want to make something really clear.MMO"S TODAY ARE NOT LIKE EQ. THE INTERNET IS NOT THE SAME AS IT WAS IN 1999.It's in peoples nature to take the path of less resistance.

You guys are seriously just wrong. Whether it be difficulty by skill or numbers difficulty tiers need to be in games for a million reasons.
A form of play or sport, esp. a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.

The only difficulty will be looking on forums as to when the next big zerg is for casual players.


Ok you win I'll bite. What demographic of people played EQ? What demographic of people play WoW/MMOs today? What were people willing to do back in the EQ days? Is ANYONE even the old school EQ players willing to do that again? Have they made an MMO with anywhere near the same amount of time sinks as EQ had since? Was LFR around? Were strats as easily found? Was LFG around? Was there small communities in EQ making it easier to recognize people? Was there server transfers? Was their much instancing? Why haven't companies made another EQ? Do you know what the word mainstream means? Do you know that MMO's are now considered mainstream to gamers? I'm pretty sure your trolling now because if you can't admit your wrong in comparing EQ's communites to todays MMO's. Being wrong in this argument is the least of your worries.

People played EQ the way they did because they HAD to play it that way. Yeah it built strong communities but so does doing a Special Forces training camp with your mates. Does anyone enjoy Special Force testing? No it fucken sucks only masochist do.


I'm Amod too!
I don't see a single thing in your post there that has anything to do with people's ability or inability to actually play a game without raid caps in place to force them into playing "as intended". There are some very obvious downsides to zurging your way through content, if you'd stop raging just long enough to actually give the idea some thought. You seem to think that as soon as raid caps get removed the server population will band together in one massive zerg blob and force their way through all raid content the same day. That's just not going to happen. It didn't happen in EQ back when players actually had the ability to try exactly that and it wouldn't happen in today's games either.


The social dynamic handles it just fine. Everyone knew who the scrub zurg guilds were in EQ and they lost respect among the poop sockers because of it.Are you so obsessed with e-dick watching that you can't handle it when some other guild breaks your penis measuring rules?
Your arguement is based around the idea that it was handle fine in EQ therefore it will be fine in todays MMOs. Now you are trying to change your stance because I've proven that using EQ as an example that "zerg raiding" actually works is completely incorrect. That is the original argument and you are wrong. No where have I said a game can't work with or without raid caps. I enforced my point by saying that when choosing between 'zerg raiding' and raid caps for end game progression in modern MMOs "Zerg raiding" simply will not work and raid cap has already proven that it does work. How well? that's subjective.

So try and lead the arguement into safer ground for yourself, mince words and back track. In relation to end game progression 'zerg raiding' is not viable in todays MMO. End of story.

P.S Have a quick look who was throwing out insults to begin with. I'll say no more on the subject to you. You're a joke and I won't derail the thread arguing with a brick wall.


I'm Amod too!
Now you're trying to put words in my mouth. I've not changed my argument or stance at all. You've resorted to Lumie tactics of "I've proven it because I said it two posts ago". You've done nothing to prove that raid caps are a must in modern MMOs except trying to force your own opinion as fact.

Try debating instead of just trying to assert "it won't work just because".