Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


EQOA Refugee
Looked him up? Cyber stalking skills or he have a public profile. This is getting creepy. Itzena better watch out!


qwerty say's this forum is full of idiots. Is one of the most regular posters on the forum

qwerty uses a service daily that is ran because of a guys good will. Has never met him and personally attacks him.

qwerty doesn't let facts help decide what is right and what is wrong.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Wow, qwerty confirmed terrible gamer.

Anyway, slightly off-topic, anyone know of a simple macro'ing program where I can have autofire on my 1 key?


<Silver Donator>
Wow, qwerty confirmed terrible gamer.

Anyway, slightly off-topic, anyone know of a simple macro'ing program where I can have autofire on my 1 key?
I used autohotkey for this kind of stuff, but it requires to actually look into it a bit to understand how to make the macros, it's not like super friendly(but you can do more stuff including rebinding keys when stupid games don't recognize certain keys as bindable). Autoit is another but haven't used in forever.


Vyemm Raider
Ultimately as people said, it's the result that matters. Clicking and keyboard turning is not as as efficient and key binding and mouse turning though...but a skilled clicker probably will be better then a bad mouser turner. It's not just about the control method, but also of skills.

Generally speaking though, the 2 kinda go hand in hand as the most skilled players will chose the most efficient method. Clicking is easier to learn then key binding. Honestly until the naga came along, I was a clicker, with just a few key bind, never really got my hands around the hitting all those keys.
. I never keyboard turned though.
I never touch my keyboard - everything i need it bound to my G13 and MMO mouse - I do however click a good portion of my abilities but thats mainly bc at times il press the wrong G-key and have an "oh fuck moment" so depending on what im doing its simpler. I've never had an issue with DPS be it EQ, EQ2, or WoW, would always be in the top spots if not top. I've heard these bias comments on people clicking before, but i've never really seen the warrant for it.

Fact is people will suck if they suck regardless of them clicking, pressing the mouse, rolling their elbows, or dicks across the keyboard. If you are going to say a person sucks b/c they are clicking just means you're a retard for not noticing they just fuckin suck and trying to give them an excuse to justify it.

"Dude you'd be totally better if you turned with mouse over keyboard,.. it has nothing to do with your slow reaction speed or the fact you were too busy not noticing the BIG TEXT ON SCREEN TELLING YOU TO MOVE!"

Wow hand feeds you strat, no excuse at all in that game.


Deus Vult
Well this is escalating quickly. My anecdote is that I have a very close friend and discovered he's a clicker when I stayed at his house one night. Amazingly, he'd done awesome dps in wow for years which is one game where, especially now, clicking dps is obvious. However, a lot of other things in arenas, heroic raids, etc starting making sense. He was just good enough to mask if most times. He never keyboard turned that I saw and would use some hybrid style when it called for it. Takes exceptional reflexes to click and be serviceable on the high end.
I've been hybrid clicking and keyboard for years at the higher end.Most good people don't necessarily only click, its a hybrid of what's fastest, a little mouse, some abilities click and some of rotation on the number keys. Never had problems in heroics and generally one of top dps. It's a stupid argument.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
qwerty say's this forum is full of idiots. Is one of the most regular posters on the forum

qwerty uses a service daily that is ran because of a guys good will. Has never met him and personally attacks him.

qwerty doesn't let facts help decide what is right and what is wrong.
Think this sums it up well..



He never keyboard turned that I saw and would use some hybrid style when it called for it. Takes exceptional reflexes to click and be serviceable on the high end.
I do this a lot, in kind of a different way. I use the numpad for most dps stuff,, so when I have to move quick I have to move back to the mouse for quick turn/moving. But I also have 3 mouse buttons that I macro heavily used skills to. So I can move from mouse to numpad on the fly using the numpad for all skills, mouse for 3 macros+clicking, but it would probably be awkward for most people. No ones ever called me out for it. I just never got too used to hitting 1-6 keys. I'm getting a g700, so maybe that'll help.
I never touch my keyboard - everything i need it bound to my G13 and MMO mouse

Fact is people will suck if they suck regardless of them clicking, pressing the mouse, rolling their elbows, or dicks across the keyboard. If you are going to say a person sucks b/c they are clicking just means you're a retard for not noticing they just fuckin suck and trying to give them an excuse to justify it.
Only one person gets it. That's pretty sad.

Think this sums it up well..
I never said keyboard turning requires skill. You just have the mind of an 8 year old so you can't do basic reading comprehension. Forum is indeed run by a complete fucking idiot though, and all you little sheep people live to suck his dick. The saddest thing to me, is that if it was run by someone else... lets say Tad, instead, you would all suck his dick instead and you would use your little teenage reddit memes and whatever to prove to the world that you stand by him on most things.

Ie: you people are sheep.

charge a mage
"rofl this guy keyboard turns"
proceed to kill him without getting hit once
The option is open to you too. Pick any competitive game, I'll humiliate you at it. And not a single pixel will be turned using keys, as I already explained, and you failed to understand with your little child's mind.

I forget who, but you did say you wanted to slit someone's throat for disagreeing over a game mechanic of something. Not to mention you're now e-stalking.
How am I e-stalking? I googled the guys screen name and saw him doing a video on youtube, under that same screen name.... Hardly fucking FBI skills. And yes, I want to slit the throat of that Quinloe guy. Not because of anything to do with games, purely because of his personality. There are other people I hate, like Itzena, but I pity them more so wouldn't want to harm them. But Quinloe, I have a feeling about him, I think he should be dead.

AND THIS IS NOT DRAEGAN's community. He stole it from FoH.

p.s. Draegan you can put your signature links back up, you spineless turd. You're out of my range.
qwerty say's this forum is full of idiots. Is one of the most regular posters on the forum

qwerty uses a service daily that is ran because of a guys good will. Has never met him and personally attacks him.

qwerty doesn't let facts help decide what is right and what is wrong.
What facts are these? Do you even know ANY facts about anything? And I don't mean about pokemon. And stop deep throating his cock, seriously, you are making me ill. He is running this website because he has no life and no job and thinks he can make a living off of running a few nerd websites while living with his mom. He isn't doing it because he's some kind of pied piper of nerd kids. This community was put together by FoH, all he did was grab it when it crumbled and shoved it in to the back of his pedo van.

an accordion_sl

The option is open to you too. Pick any competitive game, I'll humiliate you at it. And not a single pixel will be turned using keys, as I already explained, and you failed to understand with your little child's mind.
I actually have no idea what this is saying, 1v1 dota2 monday?

edit: you can even choose the matchup
I actually have no idea what this is saying, 1v1 dota2 monday?

edit: you can even choose the matchup
I'm saying I don't use keys to turn, if I need to turn quickly. And I'm also saying, that I am better than you at every game ever released. And DOTA2 is a bad choice, pick a FPS or something good and difficult, preferably with lightning fast movement.

I mean... I could suggest something that would be the ultimate test like Quake 3 or Descent, or something, but seeing as everyone here was born in about 2002, it's going to limit our compatibility.

p.s. I missed that funny comment by janitor, insulting my gaming skills and then asking how to macro in the same sentence. Classic.

an accordion_sl

I'm saying I don't use keys to turn, if I need to turn quickly. And I'm also saying, that I am better than you at every game ever released. And DOTA2 is a bad choice, pick a FPS or something good and difficult, preferably with lightning fast movement.

I mean... I could suggest something that would be the ultimate test like Quake 3 or Descent, or something, but seeing as everyone here was born in about 2002, it's going to limit our compatibility.

p.s. I missed that funny comment by janitor, insulting my gaming skills and then asking how to macro in the same sentence. Classic.
I'll 1v1 q3dm17 instagib.

And rofl at thinking you know something about competitive games.