Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
You are demonstrably and objectively stupid if you bought an Xbone.
And if you got BOTH the PS and the XB?

(not me! not me! But I have a friend who must purchase every console when it comes out. And yes, he's looking forward to the Steamboxes)


Golden Squire
Laugh, it never ceases to amaze me why some people move from thread to thread of games the supposedly 'hate' just shitting them up. You don't like the game, say so (preferably including why) and move on. Page after page of 'l33t burn' drive-bys really just make you look like the world would have been a better place if you were part of a shot your mother took in the mouth instead.


Musty Nester
And if you got BOTH the PS and the XB?

(not me! not me! But I have a friend who must purchase every console when it comes out. And yes, he's looking forward to the Steamboxes)
That's not quite as bad. I too am looking forward to the steamboxes, even though it is not quite what I ignorantly assumed it was going to be. Most of the shit (besides gaming) that I use a desktop for anymore I could just as easily do on a tablet or laptop.

What will we call them though? Steam(ing PILE) Boxes? Peen Boxes? wtf-is-a-linux-kernel boxes?


FPS noob
Same old and tired statement like Sega Vs Nintendo, etc. You don't like what I like, you look different, etc,etc, etc so you must suck. The stupidity of humanity but it is what it is. This is a good game for people who want a lot of what WoW offers but want something a bit fresher. Nothing wrong with that as long as it moves the genre a bit forward. Personally, I think it's too much like WoW for my long term tastes but that's just me.
I really hope that is not what Carbine is thinking - we'll make a game for Wow players who don't wanna play Wow anymore - because the MMO graveyard shows that is a very bad way of thinking. If you are playing wow, its going to take a pretty amazing game for you to switch, Wildstar is not that game. if you played wow and quit, its such a tiny tiny tiny tiny fraction of the people who quit that Wildstar seems to appeal to - "wow was good, but I hated not having 40 man raids so I quit".

Most of the people who quit wow did so for a dozen other reasons, including bored of the treadmill, paying a monthly sub and not really getting anything new, didn't want to play alts, hit the limit of their playstyle, didn't have friends who were playing, etc, etc. Wildstar doesn't really do a single thing, afaik, to handle that.

Thats the thing that weirds me about TESO and Wildstar, neither of them seem to have really thought long and hard about "what is it about our game that will make someone bored of MMOs want to pay us $15 a month for a year?" At least with things like Division, The Crew, Destiny, Landmark, etc you can see things that are definitely different and new and possibly interesting, albeit things that may turn out to be boring after 4-5 gaming sessions.

with Wildstar though I feel like fucking Neo in the matrix, able to see exactly what will happen. I would level to 50 within a week or two. Whatever random reddit/FOH/goon guild I join will splinter into cliques, with team A and team B happy raiding. I'll join some rando raid group that kills a boss or two, then loot drama and people not showing up will destroy it. Meanwhile Team A will clear the raids and team B will be stuck because they have shitty players who are wife/girlfriends/tardos holding them back, and the guild chat will be full of petty raging. Meanwhile I'm on alt #4 and doing arena PVP with a friend not caring about raiding. At day 30 half the userbase disappears, never to return, and every raid group starts begging for new players and cannibalizing each other just to kill bosses they had been farming. By day 60 its like fucking DayZ or Walking Dead, with everyone hating each others guts, backstabbing each other for raid spots, and another half of the userbase has disappeared. The cycle begins anew with all the "people with lives" folks hitting 50 and wanting to do endgame.

It has all happened before, and it will all happen again, so say we all.


Golden Squire
Most of the people who quit wow did so for a dozen other reasons, including bored of the treadmill, paying a monthly sub and not really getting anything new, didn't want to play alts, hit the limit of their playstyle, didn't have friends who were playing, etc, etc. Wildstar doesn't really do a single thing, afaik, to handle that.

Thats the thing that weirds me about TESO and Wildstar, neither of them seem to have really thought long and hard about "what is it about our game that will make someone bored of MMOs want to pay us $15 a month for a year?" At least with things like Division, The Crew, Destiny, Landmark, etc you can see things that are definitely different and new and possibly interesting, albeit things that may turn out to be boring after 4-5 gaming sessions.
Well I think it could appeal to the people who still enjoy wow for a month after every expansion but then basically run out of things to do besides grind rep since it is basically the same game, but a whole new world -- IF it has an end game. Prospect of all new dungeons, raids and a world to explore does have an appeal to some (me included) but that will dry up fast if you hit the cap and all there is to do is 20 faction 'dailies' for innane_rep_012.


Oh look, another brain dead dipshit that blames the entire world on WoW.
Brain dead? Have you played Wildstar? Wait until you start questing lol. I've been part of the beta for almost 8 months now and it's painfully obvious that they are trying to grab the WoW crowd. It's actually embarrassing at this point. The game is going to be dead before it even hits the ground, especially when Blizz launches WoD at or around Wildstar launch. It's just not a fun game, at all. MMO's need a total wipe in general.


Musty Nester
Thats the thing that weirds me about TESO and Wildstar, neither of them seem to have really thought long and hard about "what is it about our game that will make someone bored of MMOs want to pay us $15 a month for a year?" At least with things like Division, The Crew, Destiny, Landmark, etc you can see things that are definitely different and new and possibly interesting, albeit things that may turn out to be boring after 4-5 gaming sessions.
Wildstar has apparently been in development since like 1973 or something so while I totally get what you're saying and agree with it, I have to imagine that when you're managing projects with a long timetable those sorts of shifts are very hard to take into consideration.


FoH nuclear response team
Finally got my friend keys, Sike and Slaythe they are coming your way!

Also have one more key, first reply get's it.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Regarding the "nothing to do after 6 weeks" thing, I believe around the time when Carbine announced that they are going subscription-based they also announced that they will support the game with monthly content updates. If they pull that off people who actually like the game itself might find themselves sticking around. I would still be playing GW2 if their bi-weekly content updates were more to my liking.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Brain dead? Have you played Wildstar? Wait until you start questing lol. I've been part of the beta for almost 8 months now and it's painfully obvious that they are trying to grab the WoW crowd. It's actually embarrassing at this point. The game is going to be dead before it even hits the ground, especially when Blizz launches WoD at or around Wildstar launch. It's just not a fun game, at all. MMO's need a total wipe in general.
It's the same 17 year old WoW population comment that everyone is tired of. How exactly is WoW aimed at 17 year olds when the game was launched almost 10 years ago and the majority of us here who were playing it were in our 20's at the time? How about next time talk about how you are tired of quest hubs or gear treadmills and the genre needs something different then two faction gameplay. You know something to actually discuss instead of parachuting in with WoW sucks blah blah blah.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm hoping this means you've come to terms with being my healer. Cinge can be our DPS medic in that case. :p
I tried medic it was.. Meh.

STALKER on the other hand oh fuck yeah that's the class I'm going to be playing. So fucking fun.


Trakanon Raider
I got a stress test key from a fine upstanding citizen here, and it's left me wanting something other than a 2 hour lagfuckfest. So if anyone wants a friend... pick me! pick me!


2 Minutes Hate
I tried medic it was.. Meh.

STALKER on the other hand oh fuck yeah that's the class I'm going to be playing. So fucking fun.
Stalker is the only class that is worth playing because it's the least shittiest.

Esper is also a really good class to play too if you want to play a spell caster.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I wasn't overly fond of it myself. Played all 4 ranged dps to at least 20, and have settled on Esper I think.