Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Lord Nagafen Raider
I enjoy the game, I just don't think it will be a great fit for me. I can really maybe only raid like one or two nights a week at best, and every guild I see recruiting on the forums either doesn't care at all about progression, or raids 4+ nights a week. Archeage is better for me, it appears, since I can do a host of other things besides raiding.


That's why you play the one class with 3 interupts(warrior I think it was). Fuck interupt armor, interupt all the things! But yeah the interupt mechanic is fairly prevalent from what I've seen in dungeon design(maybe also in raids) which means you'll need at least one other competent player in your group. And then you need people to at least kinda try to avoid shit, kinda.
If you really really want to you can remove 5 interrupt armor as warrior (2 with Kick, 2 with Grapple and 1 with Flash Bang).


If you really really want to you can remove 5 interrupt armor as warrior (2 with Kick, 2 with Grapple and 1 with Flash Bang).
Not at level 20 though.

As far as raiding, I think you will see a lot of 20 man groups crop up who raid once a week. They will take months to get through the 20 man raids but I am sure there will be more casual raiding guilds. My friends and I plan on doing mostly PVP and hooking up with some other guilds for PVE when we can. We've already talked to a bunch of smaller guilds who are going to roll on the same server once server names are announced in the hopes that we can field 20 between us all on random Friday nights.


True not at 20 but then again there is, except for a select few encounters, no reason to not have at least one stun on your bar.


I leave them on my bar at all times. rotating stuns on trash mobs helps your healer so much and allows you to move much faster through the dungeon trash.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well, if anyone is involved with, or knows of a guild looking to raid a couple times a week at 8est or later, and treats gaming as a fun pastime and not a job, please refer me to them!


Lord Nagafen Raider
Also looking for an Euro Exile guild that plays late nights. I know it's a long shot to ask here, but you may never know.
Still haven't picked a class, but I'll probably end up tanking or healing.


open beta will happen from 8th through 18th and preorder gets name reservation (for one char and a guild) from 13th through 23rd.
level cap will be raised to 30 and there will be EU servers. preemptive yay for less latency.


You are missing the point on the level 20 dungeon ranting. As I am not retarded and can stay out of the red shit on the ground and don't have retard skills on my hotbar, I can do it just fine. I have completed both dungeons several times on several different classes and roles. The issue is it is almost uncompletable unless you bring 4 other good players with you. Even if you bring 4 other players with you the experience is bad, it is not fun and the loot is bad therefore the dungeons at low level are not worth playing.

Why is it unfun? Let's take KV for instance. There is a necromancer bitch in the last third of the dungeon, if you do not interrupt her cast called something gay like impending doom, you get a dot debuff that kills you extremely quickly. She has 2 interrupt armor. Unfortunately, half the time her casting bar bugs out because she hits an auto attack mid cast. If someone missed the fragment of a second her casting bar was up, they don't use a stun, the cast goes off and your group wipes on trash.
debuff is dispellable... so if DPS mess up interupting, healers classes could still remove it and keep the group from wiping...


So. I had kind of lost all hope for this game but recently on a few gaming sites I've heard positive things. Where as ESO was crushed on most gaming sites. The view I get from most peoples impressions is the game is shit until 20 then it gets good?


Vyemm Raider
Has this game found the fun button yet? Havent played it in about 2 months so curious if its improved drastically enough to not just be WoW in space - and if you say its not WoW in space you're so far gone your opinion is irrelevant.


It's not WoW in Space. Why? They don't try to delude you that having 400 buttons on your bar is important and you still won't use a rotation of 3-4 buttons in most encounters

I found the game to be enjoyable enough that I will be playing with some friends on release. If I didn't have friends playing it would be a toss up 50/50 chance I would play. It's a pretty standard and polished theme park MMO. If you like theme parks, it's probably worth playing, if you don't, it's probably a pass. Open beta starts in in a couple hours, try it out again (or for the first time). It takes like 10-15 hours to hit level 20 and open up some of your better options on some classes.


Avatar of War Slayer
Its wow in space. sortof. its only barely in space, in the same way Starwars was barely in space too.

although, that level 15ish Exile deadspace/Alien/doom quest on the moon was pretty awesome...


If you enjoy decent game music, they have done an excellent job in that aspect. Some parts you get a Firefly feel, others medieval, then at times tranquil.

I was a hater originally. I've found the fun ramps up but can start really early if you don't just quest hop. Class matters as to what gameplay experience you have. Also, engage the Path you chose and find yourself spending time on puzzles, jump scenarios and races, building buff stations, etc. In no time you unlock PVP and xp goes pretty fast there. Main story quests are good for gear/faction while waiting for queue.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So. I had kind of lost all hope for this game but recently on a few gaming sites I've heard positive things. Where as ESO was crushed on most gaming sites. The view I get from most peoples impressions is the game is shit until 20 then it gets good?
I played the last 2 beta weekends, fell in love right away. I don't know why, I just liked it, but I like theme parks and quest levelling, so I'm not turned away by those aspects.
I find it fun and quite challenging, which is a good thing by itself.


Has this game found the fun button yet? Havent played it in about 2 months so curious if its improved drastically enough to not just be WoW in space - and if you say its not WoW in space you're so far gone your opinion is irrelevant.
The game grows on you, but it's not trying to be anything super innovative. It's built around the endgame, so it's tough for me to say since I never did any raids in closed beta. The problem is it requires a time investment to get to the really fun parts, i.e. the elder game, which have similar hooks. The time investment isn't huge, but the first few levels are rote MMO stuff and not engaging.

I'm tempted to buy it just so I can grind the first three weeks and save enough gold to buy 12 months of Credd cards and get a years worth of gameplay in the first month since they will be so undervalued. The reason I won't is the telegraph combat system actually hurts to play for long durations.