Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Don't do it until post 50? The paths actually reward you for doing the shit with people of other paths (extra path xp and shit).
Maybe I'm doing it wrong then. It just seems like a pita trying to do my path and my friends path in what order and seems to slow leveling down actually.


Log Wizard
I'm surprised none of you nerds have geeked out about the Samus-style energy rope swinging challenge.

But then again, that's like, SEVERAL levels past the tutorial.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Maybe I'm doing it wrong then. It just seems like a pita trying to do my path and my friends path in what order and seems to slow leveling down actually.
You share path XP when you're grouped with someone when either one of you would gain it. Also, there are instances of like, a scientist might open up a room and then there might be an explorer flag spot in there, or doing cartography as an explorer ALWAYS spawns a holdout/supplies/scientist scan shit, for instance.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You share path XP when you're grouped with someone when either one of you would gain it. Also, there are instances of like, a scientist might open up a room and then there might be an explorer flag spot in there, or doing cartography as an explorer ALWAYS spawns a holdout/supplies/scientist scan shit, for instance.
Thanks. Dunno if I should go explorer then since everyone I know fucking hates jumping puzzles.


Thanks. Dunno if I should go explorer then since everyone I know fucking hates jumping puzzles.
Explorer involves jumping puzzles? Good to know! (Fuck that shit!)
Soldier I assume is straightforward kill shit tasks, right?
What about scientist and settler, what's the gist of those lines?


Lord Nagafen Raider
as scientist u generally scan stuff. mobs, plants, items etc... there is a little drone u can name (and customize the appearance) that follow ya around and do that stuff for you. You can open secret part of zone/dungeons etc...Generally when u scan something u get a short time bonus etc.

Settler u build stuff, like stats booster (30 min duration), vendors shop, taxi shuttles and so on. To do that u need to gather items troughout the world (mobs also drop em).

Dont remember the bonus of each path but is nothing groundbreaking anyway.


Aaah - that bites about Warrior and threat, that's the one I've been enjoying most so far. I have to put more time into the others though.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Eh, just means Warriors will get an over-compensatory buff a month after launch that makes them faceroll. 'Tis the way of the MMO.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Don't ever pick a class in a MMO based on how OP or gimped it is in beta. Play the class that feels right for you and is fun. I remember picking IA in TOR even though everyone was going sorc healers. It wasnt easy mode but I was still able to heal nightmare modes etc. Then when the big IA buff and sorc nerf came it was like god mode. Those sweet, sweet sorceror tears.


Log Wizard
I did one in Biodome 3 on Farside a couple days ago. Maybe there's more, though.
I believe that's the one.

From what I've raid end game Stalkers are the best tanks but aren't the meat-bags that warriors are. Engineers, from what I read, are possibly the worst of the three, but not that far behind. Warriors don't have the mit that stalkers have but can maintain better DPS while tanking making them better off-tanks.

Overall it's Stalker > Warrior = Engineer for tanking but it's not like 10/10 tanking vs 5/10 tanking more like 9/10 versus 8/10 tanking.


Explorer involves jumping puzzles? Good to know! (Fuck that shit!)
Soldier I assume is straightforward kill shit tasks, right?
What about scientist and settler, what's the gist of those lines?
Scientist can also eventually create portals (wormholes?!) to the capital city and group summon if the other members are on the same continent.


Potato del Grande
Just the GMG 25% off they run all the time.

I got it when they were running that crazy deal for Wildstar that was 35 for the deluxe, so you might want to wait a couple days to see if they run it again.
Damn, $35 for the deluxe preorder? Too bad I missed that, I would have jumped for that.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
All of the warrior 'threat' stuff is from prior to the UI change patch. Idk how things are now, but that patch gave warriors like a 50% threat boost to their stance or some shit. Bandaid-y but I HAVE to assume that fixed it since they were workable before just notably less good.

Class balance from months of beta feedback with intense changes seems like the worst thing to be overly concerned with. It's gonna take time before you're raiding anyway, endgame setup is hardcore grindy.


Musty Nester
Gear progression.

The idea was that greens < some crafted < blues < some crafted < dungeon drops | pvp drops < raid drops | warplot drops

But the reality didn't match up. Last I knew, they've had weeks to work their spreadsheets, it was more like level appropriate crafted weapon (for the proc) + blue quest rewards + dungeon drops --> raid token items.

Very very shallow crafting. Techno was the most useful of them all.

Crafted armor is basically for twink pvping. I sincerely question why anyone would want to pvp in this game. But that's just me I guess. At least a couple of people want to, judging from the constant whining about why pvp q's were so slow.