Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Trakanon Raider
I ask this question about every MMO that comes out.

Is this game going to suck dick after 1 month?
That's impossible to answer without knowing more about you. Wildstar is probably the best theme park MMO released since Rift and it exceeds Rift in every way imo.

With that being said, if you're looking for an MMO that will revolutionize the genre, this couldn't be further from that. It's going to release with a good amount of content that will take most people well over a month to complete. It's also releasing raid content that's going to take even the fairly hardcore several months to complete. It's roots are deeply entrenched in the gameplay that made WoW popular - you grind out dungeons/raids for gear and you get to highlight how much of an internet badass you are with shoulderpads that grow increasingly larger. If you're sick of that type of game - you'll hate Wildstar. If you're not sick of WoW's system but want a game updated for 2014 in a different setting than WoW's then you'll probably enjoy Wildstar.

Some people really hate the combat/classes and find them lacking in depth. Others find it enjoyable. Some people can't make it past the opening tutorial and others question why a 10 minute tutorial is such a deal breaker. Honestly the only way to know if it'll last longer than a month for you is to try it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The game had an open beta, no reason not to have at least tried it to see if you like it. Too many different opinions on what people like or dislike in MMO's and what deal breakers are for each individual. The pre orders do come with 3 guest passes with 7 days of play time each so might be a good idea to come looking for those in a week.


Molten Core Raider
For instance"Engineer is like a hunter cause it has pets" = useless fucking info.

Keep in mind what I posted is only related to DPS, and since Engy is what I stuck with I know WAY more about them than the rest, so it's mostly an example. Realistically, most of us will be DPSing at the end of the day, especially tank classes, so it seems a bit more relevant. Tanking/healing are obviously quite different.
If it's what you know best why are you advocating using Electrocute the most when it's now one of the poorer choices for leveling ? Also Eng is like Hunter because it is ranged DPS and has pets which can either add DPS or tank for you and give you buffs.

You're obviously spot on with the rest. Maybe you've been playing other classes more recently ?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm only left with race. Do I roll the awesome space gremlins but don't get to see my armor/weapons or just roll the human female.


I can't stop reading this thread title as: Wildstar Lunch

Now I'm hungry.

Also: Would it be cool if I hop in mumble to chat even though I'm not in the guild? Or is that against the rules.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Was there a miracle patch? Did they make warplots and battlegrounds better at least? Should I buy this game?


Lord Nagafen Raider
So I see that there is a nearly even split for inter-forum side choice Exile or Dominion. Is it just me or does this seem like a good thing? We might be able to have inter-forum warparty battles and some shit talking to go with it. Seems like Stormtalon is the choice for server atm.

If it's what you know best why are you advocating usingElectrocute the most when it's now one of the poorer choices for leveling ?Also Eng is like Hunter because it is ranged DPS and has pets which can either add DPS or tank for you and give you buffs.

You're obviously spot on with the rest. Maybe you've been playing other classes more recently ?
What? When did this happen?

I've been using Pulse Blast and Electrocute for leveling even after the recent nerf and it is still awesome. Sure using Pulse Blast over Energy Auger is controversial but I prefer a spammer ability for leveling and EA is better for elite mobs/dungeons. Still in both cases Electrocute is the preferred volatility dump especially when combined with Volatility Rising amp. I guess Mortar Blast is the contender? I'm not sure if it is better though because of it's cost and high likeihood of taking you out of Volatility Rising buff in one pop.

Also I am assuming Bio Shell, Quick Burst, and Zap (Utility Stun) are still being taken by everyone.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So I see that there is a nearly even split for inter-forum side choice Exile or Dominion. Is it just me or does this seem like a good thing? We might be able to have inter-forum warparty battles and some shit talking to go with it. Seems like Stormtalon is the choice for server atm.
A 40v40 rerolled gangbang sounds like a lot of fun actually.


Toe Sucker
I just yolo purchased this since the early access is tomorrow. Haven't seen anything about this game since PAX last year. I just want something to play that isn't WoW or D3

Time to start looking up the classes!
I think i'm already convinced on the warrior without looking at other shit. Dat sword, dat whirlwind.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm not angry, but you're asking for help and getting answers that you could get reading the "Class info" page on the official site, which isn't helpful at all unless the look of the class matters more to you than the gameplay. Was more an exasperation than any rage at anyone. I wish it were simpler, but it's really not, you don't get any clue how any of the classes really play at higher levels without just diving into those threads, so 30 posts of the blind leading the blind is only going to result in a lot of unhappy players, which sucks for everyone.

Keep in mind what I posted is only related to DPS, and since Engy is what I stuck with I know WAY more about them than the rest, so it's mostly an example. Realistically, most of us will be DPSing at the end of the day, especially tank classes, so it seems a bit more relevant. Tanking/healing are obviously quite different.
When I was playing my Engi and got the reactionary skills (on crit or on deflect), I felt the need to have those on the LAS to be wasteful, but I never played my Engi past 15, so I'm not sure those reactionary skills are truly a waste of a LAS slot..taking the place of something maybe more useful. I would have greatly preferred some other mechanic for the on Crit/Deflect skills to be used.


Trakanon Raider
I'm only left with race. Do I roll the awesome space gremlins but don't get to see my armor/weapons or just roll the human female.
I'm just happy that someone else shared this line of thought with me. I mean, Chuas are by far the best race and they're downright hilarious to listen to (don't judge my sense of humor!) but the Engineer armor set is actually pretty god damn awesome and it's lost on Chuas. So I'm stuck with generic human as my race because I want to look cool.


Was there a miracle patch? Did they make warplots and battlegrounds better at least? Should I buy this game?
Never needed a miracle patch it either was the style you wanted or it wasn't. But in less of a fanboi tone, there are more battlegrounds coming out but I think warplots are still the same, there have been some performance improvements, but definitely no improvements of any kind that would fall in the category of miracle patch, if you didn't like it before you still won't.