Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
For those of you playing how does it "feel" for lack of a better word to only have 6 classes? It just seams like they should have at least 8 to start but that could just be me being stuck in my EQ1 ways.
With only dps/heal/tank roles and 3 classes each for heal/tank and everyone can dps, seems fine to me.


Rifts soul system was an illusion of freedom/control. There was always one or two specs that were superior in every way and required you to play that way in order to perform at the top. During it's heyday (HK) warriors used the RW spec, rogues used MM for range or NB/whatever for melee, mages used pyro for DPS or chloro for healing and clerics either healed with warden/sent or played icar roles. The only class that had a truly deep/difficult rotation were mages.

If you're looking for me to convince you that Wildstar's class design is deeper, I'm not going to. It's not. It's more of the same - there's 1-2 optimal specs per class that require you to memorize a rotation and understand basic priorities (if above X energy use Y ability, if X situation presents itself activate Y innate, etc). Some people will be good at it and top meters while most won't.

The PVE raiding in Wildstar has a lot more depth to it. In Rift, the scripted system was indeed pretty cool however it was always the exact same fight without change. Sicaron would drop the totems every X seconds and would require your members to move to a set location for optimal stacking, you'd need to time heal/tank CDs for his breathe which would always occur exactly X seconds following the engage. Akylios waves would come every X seconds and, if you timed things correctly, you could make sure that wave/breath never lined up because they're on a set pattern that start at a set percentage of Akylios' health. Wildstar's raiding is built differently - it has similar scripting to Rift however it also adds some random elements to make encounters play out differently. Those random elements are placed there so that you can't treat the encounters in a set way - at some point some raid members will need to react and think for themselves as to how to best handle a situation. While that isn't in every raid encounter, it's in some of the ones that I've done and the devs have been pretty adamant that they're going to continue designing based on that.

At the end of day, I'm not looking to convince you. It's up to you to decide for yourself.
Thanks for the detailed response.


Toe Sucker
Torn between stalker and warrior, probably gonna end up going warrior.
Do servers go live at midnight or sometime later in the morning?


Lord Nagafen Raider
So I was just going over stuff to make sure everything was ready and just noticed there was no exception in windows firewall for Wildstar. I haven't gotten the greatest fps considering my rig and my question is could that have something to do with it? I've checked and none of my cores are parked my power settings are all set to high performance and changing graphical settings in game don't really have any effect on anything fps wise. I usually have bad fps when a lot of characters are around espcially in that first control point battle ground where I am getting only 25 fps.
They have been working on improving FPS towards the end of beta. Its gotten better MUCH better then it was but it remains to be seen on launch how far they have truly improved FPS. Most people agree the FPS problems are the game needing optimization not bad hardware.


Trakanon Raider
Not trying to be a debbie downer but history has proven any guild made on this forums didn't last too long in any game. But I may be wrong, wish you guys the best of luck.


Trakanon Raider
On that note, I'm getting an extended nap in before launch. I've replied to all the PMs I've received about the guild and everything is set for tonight. Just figured I'd make sure everyone was aware that I wasn't vanishing before launch but I won't be answering anything else for a little bit.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Not trying to be a debbie downer but history has proven any guild made on this forums didn't last too long in any game. But I may be wrong, wish you guys the best of luck.
It's still a fun experience and people make friends and end up finding homes in other guilds because of it. For me nothing beats a MMO launch with other people.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not trying to be a debbie downer but history has proven any guild made on this forums didn't last too long in any game. But I may be wrong, wish you guys the best of luck.
Thus why you choose a high pop server so you can find another guild if needed.


Molten Core Raider
So, quick question. I put my pre-order code in, so does that mean I'll be able to play tonight? Is there anything else that I need to do?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I thought I read somewhere they smoothed out the animation.
They did..somewhat. It is still the worst looking animation of any class, there just isn't a smooth transistion between swings; feels clunky to me. The animation for the Stalkers builder is better, though not nearly as smoothly animated as say, a Tera warrior.

As to when this "forum" guild will wither away. It is my understanding that SFA isn't based on members from this forum, they are just taking in those of us interested in joining them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Draegen if you want to see some warrior tank play it looks like Towellie is running some pre-recorded warrior dungeon runs on his twitch stream atm.


Just added 2 step authentication

If you deactivate 2-Step Verification, you will lose access to the following benefits unless you reactivate:
Progression Boosts: 2% Increase to Experience, Renown, and Prestige gain
Character Title: Certifiably Certified
Costume Piece: Cybernetic Eyepatch