Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


I still don't like the subscription model, and I don't think the 'buy a sub with in-game money' option will be viable to anyone who doesn't spend the majority of their time in game. I'm sure a boatload of people will be resubbing to WoW for WoD, and I doubt most of them will want to throw down double or even triple sub fees to play multiple games that are going to be competing for their time. Some people can handle multiple MMOs at once, but I can't. I'm also at the point where the new has worn off, and I'm starting to ponder whether it's worth it to wade through the waist-high pile of bullshit quests to reach max level. Housing doesn't interest me much, questing is a chore, 40 man raids and the 'raiding scene' don't interest me at all. At this point, what am I really wanting to get out of end game? I can already see what awaits me. Plus, the tacky visuals are starting to annoy me again. I need something realistic to immerse myself. Most of the shit in this game is so whimsical and cartoony that I can't even tell what the fuck I'm looking at half the time.

All that said, I still think they did a great job on the game, and you can tell they put a lot of love into it. It's also amazing how many people here on this forum are absolutely enthralled by it. Nearly every post is positive, so that is probably a good sign. I'll try it again in a few days to check if I see things in a different light, but at this point I just don't think the game is for me.

I'll be one of the first to join the Jumping Ship club.


what Suineg set it to
I still don't like the subscription model, and I don't think the 'buy a sub with in-game money' option will be viable to anyone who doesn't spend the majority of their time in game. I'm sure a boatload of people will be resubbing to WoW for WoD, and I doubt most of them will want to throw down double or even triple sub fees to play multiple games that are going to be competing for their time. Some people can handle multiple MMOs at once, but I can't. I'm also at the point where the new has worn off, and I'm starting to ponder whether it's worth it to wade through the waist-high pile of bullshit quests to reach max level. Housing doesn't interest me much, questing is a chore, 40 man raids and the 'raiding scene' don't interest me at all. At this point, what am I really wanting to get out of end game? I can already see what awaits me. Plus, the tacky visuals are starting to annoy me again. I need something realistic to immerse myself. Most of the shit in this game is so whimsical and cartoony that I can't even tell what the fuck I'm looking at half the time.

All that said, I still think they did a great job on the game, and you can tell they put a lot of love into it. It's also amazing how many people here on this forum are absolutely enthralled by it. Nearly every post is positive, so that is probably a good sign. I'll try it again in a few days to check if I see things in a different light, but at this point I just don't think the game is for me.

I'll be one of the first to join the Jumping Ship club.
Sounds like you are burnt out on the WoW paradigm and this game is WoW at its core.


Lord Nagafen Raider
One thing that irks me about the game is that there seems to be no in-game support. I found a bugged quest that apparently is also bugged for a lot of my guild mates. I sent in a ticket and just got an email saying someone would contact me soon. Re-did the quest and it bugged in exactly the same quest (almost an hour of time wasted for both attempts). Sent in another ticket and its been almost 2 days without any response. I don't know about others, but I expect in-game GMs if I am paying a sub fee.


Mr. Poopybutthole
40 man raids and the 'raiding scene' don't interest me at all.
I'm fairly certain that very difficult adventures/dungeons/raids and perhaps PvP is the only real reason to play this game long term. If you don't want that, then it does seem rather pointless to continue. The questing is okay, but if you don't have anything to look forward to, then I don't really blame you for jumping ship.


Id probably throw down 60$ to buy this game if it didnt require a sub, but I'm not seeing anything so far that blows me away. I just have that gut feeling that this game will be a ghost town in 6 months. Its a good game but its not great.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I still don't like the subscription model, and I don't think the 'buy a sub with in-game money' option will be viable to anyone who doesn't spend the majority of their time in game. I'm sure a boatload of people will be resubbing to WoW for WoD, and I doubt most of them will want to throw down double or even triple sub fees to play multiple games that are going to be competing for their time. Some people can handle multiple MMOs at once, but I can't. I'm also at the point where the new has worn off, and I'm starting to ponder whether it's worth it to wade through the waist-high pile of bullshit quests to reach max level. Housing doesn't interest me much, questing is a chore, 40 man raids and the 'raiding scene' don't interest me at all. At this point, what am I really wanting to get out of end game? I can already see what awaits me. Plus, the tacky visuals are starting to annoy me again. I need something realistic to immerse myself. Most of the shit in this game is so whimsical and cartoony that I can't even tell what the fuck I'm looking at half the time.

All that said, I still think they did a great job on the game, and you can tell they put a lot of love into it. It's also amazing how many people here on this forum are absolutely enthralled by it. Nearly every post is positive, so that is probably a good sign. I'll try it again in a few days to check if I see things in a different light, but at this point I just don't think the game is for me.

I'll be one of the first to join the Jumping Ship club.
I'm kind of in the same boat but I'm still trudging on. When you're just going from point a to b to c mindlessly just to see the 'level up' animation, something is wrong. I can't say it's the so call 'wow factor' because I didn't have this feeling when first play FFXIV, that game was actually fun to level up the first time around. I give the game style points for the aesthetic that is brings, it's definitely not as boring as say, Rift but at least in that game you had something going on other then mindless questing to break up the treadmill (rifts). I agree with the previous poster, if you're not in this for the 40 man raiding (which I think the devs put at bullet point number one on selling features) then I don't really see the point, there is nothing else really there that you can't get in most other games, including WoW.

Something to keep in mind on the CREDD system, remember who ultimately is behind this (NCSoft), they don't have the greatest track record of keeping games sub based once they see the numbers fall.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
I cant settle on a class. Keep rerolling. First ss, then esper and now i think i am going to try engi. Keep getting to mid teens and restarting. fml.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Id probably throw down 60$ to buy this game if it didnt require a sub, but I'm not seeing anything so far that blows me away. I just have that gut feeling that this game will be a ghost town in 6 months. Its a good game but its not great.
Then buy it for 48 bucks from green man gaming and have two months of playtime for 60 bucks. Just below the average sub time for every content cycle.


> Than U
Ok so after playing most of the week from a trial key and getting 3 chars into the teens( I spent far more time exploring, checking things out than I did leveling ) I've come to tell my observations, which mean jack shit to most people, especially rabid neck bearded folk still blinded by the This is gonna rock, until it doesn't crowd so take my post as a grain of sand in a big mountain. You can disagree, I can disagree.

The game is well made. It runs fairly well on my dated 4 yr old computer and configured itself for optimal graphics quite well.
While cartoony I have found the animations to be better than average compared to almost all mmos released in some time and overall they work as intended.

I have run into some bugs in combat, especially with spellslinger where I get you cannot do this at this time, even though it is doing it. Specifically sprinting/combat seems to bug some abilities like this after use is stopped.
I feel the combat which a bit latent at times, feels like Frogger. You can see and react to everything going on with ally and enemy and while a neat concept, in reality everyone spends more time avoiding puddles and cc'ing each other than actually fighting. It almost like TPvP or trolling pvp. Not a bad thing , just not MY thing. The skill here is actually being awake and avoiding windows and paste eaters.

The world is fairly diverse and quite beautiful in places getting around isn't all that bad. Really no complaints rather than I would enjoy a day/dark night system and weather.

Crafting seems semi bland as it is in many mmos. I assume by this point over a decade later, we will never have another system like SWG which is a shame. Like Rift, the crafting here forces you into a craft and a resource trade. This is annoying to me as I feel anyone should be able to gather resources .

I have already seen the classic signs of involuntary boredom in capital cities on 3 servers. People camping out , running in circles, or those damn folks who spend 5 hours a night jumping around while waiting on a group/BG to pop. The game while skinned much different seems to lack something that is very addicting and fun. There has been far far worse mmos out than this as far as that goes, but I do not see anything that will draw people to continue to play hardcore over a longer period of time.

Custom UI/Mods are well done and more than once I got the feeling playing this game I was playing Rift but with different Lore and skin. I wonder if many of the devs/programmers on this game worked on Rift initially. A lot of the menus and interactions almost seem like a direct copy/paste of code at times. Even the advancement, initial zone leveling and time you reach the capital cities is virtually the same.

Overall, well made, props to them for having a fairly complete game at release. From what I've read, seen and been told by those already 50 however, the game lacks originality and will probably do about the same as Rift did in terms of drop off and overall players. Rift is still around and I suppose does well enough so that isn't a bad thing in all respects, but this game is no new coming of Jesus either. That is reserved for the Panthelon Dev.


Molten Core Raider
Crafting seems semi bland as it is in many mmos. I assume by this point over a decade later, we will never have another system like SWG which is a shame. Like Rift, the crafting here forces you into a craft and a resource trade. This is annoying to me as I feel anyone should be able to gather resources .
I've heard you can level all crafts and harvesting on one toon - you can only 'equip' two at a time, but when you swap back into something you haven't lost any levels or recipes. Not tested it.

I cant settle on a class. Keep rerolling. First ss, then esper and now i think i am going to try engi. Keep getting to mid teens and restarting. fml.
Eng really sucks soloing due to the pets constantly aggroing mobs. The last couple levels to 50 were a huge pain especially due to the environment you are fighting in. Looking back I'd have taken any one of the other 5 classes as my first toon and only leveled Eng later in PvP/instances or grouped up and I'd advise anyone against playing one if they are going to level solo.


Musty Nester
Carbine works really really slowly. If you're coming from WoW I guess it'll feel like lightning speed. But if you're from anything else it'll feel like what it is -- very slow and not QA'd very well.

If they're not stupid, they held something back for the 1 month update. If they're smart they held something back for the 2 month update.

I doubt very much they held back a 3rd month.

It's not a bad game though. It's just not a great one.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
I've heard you can level all crafts and harvesting on one toon - you can only 'equip' two at a time, but when you swap back into something you haven't lost any levels or recipes. Not tested it.

Eng really sucks soloing due to the pets constantly aggroing mobs. The last couple levels to 50 were a huge pain especially due to the environment you are fighting in. Looking back I'd have taken any one of the other 5 classes as my first toon and only leveled Eng later in PvP/instances or grouped up and I'd advise anyone against playing one if they are going to level solo.
Maybe i will try a melee this time.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Carbine works really really slowly. If you're coming from WoW I guess it'll feel like lightning speed. But if you're from anything else it'll feel like what it is -- very slow and not QA'd very well.
They've stated time and again that they have monthly updates planned and a sizable amount of content ready for post release. I don't really understand the "carbine works really really slowly" part. Time with tell regarding quality and execution. I think we've all would have preferred a faster content release from Blizzard even if it meant sacrificing a bit on quality.

Jeremy Gaffney:We've actually mapped out and we have pre-production done on the first 16 monthly updates. That sounds mildly insane but we just walked through them as a group the other day. Some are quests that need art but there's a significant amount of work that's been put into a year-plus into the future, so that we can make sure we can hit that.


Musty Nester
Yeah, well, I mean when has any dev ever claimed "Nope. We're done. Be a bro and keep paying the sub though."

I've watched them work and they work slowly. Press releases are great and all, too, buuuuuuut

I don't believe them. It's not personal.


what Suineg set it to
So I hit 50 today. Not sure how I feel about it. I immediately want to level an alt, see what I missed. The game is hampered by a few bugs that are just nuisances. However, overall it's very fun to play. In some respects I was ready to return to a DIKU MMO that was at least somewhat engaging and I enjoyed WoW, so it works for me. We'll see where the elder game takes us.


This game feels so linear and empty to me. Stupid 1000 quests and the same 2 battle grounds over and over. Love the dungeons but, only 4? There is no depth. Just run these quests then run the dungeons on hard mode again.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, well, I mean when has any dev ever claimed "Nope. We're done. Be a bro and keep paying the sub though."

I've watched them work and they work slowly. Press releases are great and all, too, buuuuuuut
Cute. It sounded like you might have some insight on the situation, but you don't. It's not like that type of content release schedule is impossible, Guild Wars 2 has had a more aggressive content release schedule this past year. Granted its success can be debated, but there is an example of it being possible. Interestingly enough, both are owned by the same company and, based on that, I have more faith that Carbine would be able to pull it off, than say a SOE or Blizzard.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
This is what I see when I see the hamster ball.

