Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

It seems the faggot admins are abusing power again. I guess I should just leave along with half the other users of this forum. What a piece of shit this place is now.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
It seems the faggot admins are abusing power again. I guess I should just leave along with half the other users of this forum. What a piece of shit this place is now.
Yes, you're right. This place is a piece of shit now that the Mods (which have always done that, even on FOH) deleted a post, possibly a user, because of his name and his blatantly racist signature. Grow up.


This thread is literally wack - a - mole. Each time a new face pops up says "wow clone, boring, bad quest! Wicked Tribe! Mejor club! Ruling, ruling tribe!" then disappears and a new face replaces it.

Here's the problem though, if you are still making the wow clone observation you are YEARS late to the party. We knew what it was years ago, anyone surprised that this is what it is now, doesn't deserver a response because they haven't even done a half seconds searching about the game.

I wanted challenging group content. I got challenging group content. I wanted the game to be polished, it is more polished than any release in memory.

I have never liked questing, not in VG not in FFXI not in WOW not in GW2, I like group content, that's it.

This game is for me, I would prefer it if VG rose from the grave and was new and fresh and polished and everyone loved it, but that's never happening.

This game isn't perfect but the questing grievance usually comes from the standpoint of someone asking for a complete and deep world. Anyone asking for that of this game is again not afforded any legitimacy because again you didn't take the half seconds time YEARS ago to find out this isn't that kind of game nor does it want to be that game.

Criticism is important and so is being able to express it. Conversations about a game are what forums are for, but again we aren't getting any reasonable criticism. You are literally coming in here saying "this game is exactly what it was made to be and everyone knew it was and I hate it for it!" that's the criticism around here.

How about REAL problems with the game? Like how groups bail on their adventure and dungeon runs after one wipe because they can't gold the run anymore.
How about name plates that disappear randomly.
How about carbine being unable to keep up with the number of help tickets and people going days without any gear or money because their accounts got hacked.

these are real grievances. Coming here and complaining about what is literally the DNA of this game as if you didn't know all along and are surprised and angered is, bluntly, stupid.


Buzzfeed Editor
I don't care if it's a WoW clone, I really enjoyed vanilla through some of TBC WoW. The graphics and questing heavily mimics WoW, the group content (from what little I have seen of it) does not.


My general rule of thumb is that anyone who channels Utnayan and starts saying stupid shit is going to catch some flak. I apologize profusely if I hurt your feelings.
It takes a lot more than some random bitch boy on the Internet to hurt my feelings. However, let me extend my own apologies as well since I have supposedly spread lies and misinformation about a game that you hold so dear to your heart. Let me also do you the honor of swiftly leaving this thread so that I do not incite anymore hatred. Criticism is so hard to take these days. Feel free to rehash how amazing this game is a million times over, or argue and call everyone who is remotely critical about the game Utnayan or Qwerty juniors to your liking. Also, just so this post isn't completely pointless rambling, I'm going to post my codes here.


Please direct all hate messages to my PMs. Thanks, and have a nice day.


Actually we'd rather discuss things like damage rotation, progression, and crafting, but it's hard to do when the thread is broken up by people with nothing new to say repeating themselves.


Molten Core Raider
This thread is literally wack - a - mole. Each time a new face pops up says "wow clone, boring, bad quest! Wicked Tribe! Mejor club! Ruling, ruling tribe!? then disappears and a new face replaces it.

Here's the problem though, if you are still making the wow clone observation you are YEARS late to the party. We knew what it was years ago, anyone surprised that this is what it is now, doesn't deserver a response because they haven't even done a half seconds searching about the game.

I wanted challenging group content. I got challenging group content. I wanted the game to be polished, it is more polished than any release in memory.

I have never liked questing, not in VG not in FFXI not in WOW not in GW2, I like group content, that's it.

This game is for me, I would prefer it if VG rose from the grave and was new and fresh and polished and everyone loved it, but that's never happening.

This game isn't perfect but the questing grievance usually comes from the standpoint of someone asking for a complete and deep world. Anyone asking for that of this game is again not afforded any legitimacy because again you didn't take the half seconds time YEARS ago to find out this isn't that kind of game nor does it want to be that game.

Criticism is important and so is being able to express it. Conversations about a game are what forums are for, but again we aren't getting any reasonable criticism. You are literally coming in here saying "this game is exactly what it was made to be and everyone knew it was and I hate it for it!" that's the criticism around here.

How about REAL problems with the game? Like how groups bail on their adventure and dungeon runs after one wipe because they can't gold the run anymore.
How about name plates that disappear randomly.
How about carbine being unable to keep up with the number of help tickets and people going days without any gear or money because their accounts got hacked.

these are real grievances. Coming here and complaining about what is literally the DNA of this game as if you didn't know all along and are surprised and angered is, bluntly, stupid.
some people need a little more variety other than a new skin/ip and the same old mechanics, much like you don't want to eat the same shit everyday, but most people do cause they are lazy and most people will play this because its there to play and they are bored of eating the same thing (WoW) every night.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Here's the problem though, if you are still making the wow clone observation you are YEARS late to the party. We knew what it was years ago, anyone surprised that this is what it is now, doesn't deserver a response because they haven't even done a half seconds searching about the game.
Yeah, I think the main difference between Wildstar and most other MMOs that's come out in the past decade is Wildstar really wasn't one that promised the world and failed to deliver. It's not like they proclaimed Wildstar to be a revolutionary game that would be the one and true WoW killer that prophecy has foretold only to pull back the curtain and reveal that they are another pretender to the throne. They more or less embraced it from the outset and concentrated on adding new things to the model. But considering Carbine was founded by former Blizzard employees, it's hardly like it's a surprise that Wildstar is heavily influenced by WoW. I don't think Wildstar is as big of a step as WoW was from EQ and doubt we'll be talking about "Wildstar clones" in the next five years, but it's at least a step in the right direction.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Don't worry. In about 2 months those still playing will be able to discuss legit problems. The same people that parachute into every MMO thread to poop on it will have moved on to shitting all over Archage or drooling over another Korean MMO with no release date in site.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Don't worry. In about 2 months those still playing will be able to discuss legit problems. The same people that parachute into every MMO thread to poop on it will have moved on to shitting all over Archage or drooling over another Korean MMO with no release date in site.
Hehe actually the trend lately has been the exact opposite, where those constantly praise a game are usually gone once the free month is gone and the thread becomes a ghost town. We'll see how this turns out.


Molten Core Raider
Hehe actually the trend lately has been the exact opposite, where those constantly praise a game are usually gone once the free month is gone and the thread becomes a ghost town. We'll see how this turns out.
I mean the end game alone will probably give you a couple months, I give this game 6 months before its a ghost town on here, just not worth it to lvl up to 50, gear up run the attunement bullshit just to test the raids that will get smashed so fast you probably spend more time attuning and gearing to do the raid, then you actually spend inside, until they eventually tune it down for everyone else to do, and the people that smashed it are gone.

that's all this type of game seems good for, and some people are into that some aren't.


some people need a little more variety other than a new skin/ip and the same old mechanics, much like you don't want to eat the same shit everyday, but most people do cause they are lazy and most people will play this because its there to play and they are bored of eating the same thing (WoW) every night.
I didn't mean at any point to suggest that everyone should like it, just that popping in to down the game for being exactly as advertised isn't actually good conversation.

In terms of longevity, this first content patch is a given, we knew it was coming and that it was done basically, but if they can keep cranking out things to do every month, it might last a bit longer than normal. If on the other hand, we ever get a monthly content patch that only contains costumes and housing crap, we will know that they've fallen off the path.


Molten Core Raider
I didn't mean at any point to suggest that everyone should like it, just that popping in to down the game for being exactly as advertised isn't actually good conversation.

In terms of longevity, this first content patch is a given, we knew it was coming and that it was done basically, but if they can keep cranking out things to do every month, it might last a bit longer than normal.
yeah unfortunately for me I think it comes down to not wanting to go through the motions again of meaningless grind to max lvl, meaningless grind to get gear / attunements only to spend less time raiding the content than I did gearing up for it because its dumb easy, but attuning up for it is tedious as fuck theres no happy medium for me I cant stomach that formula again since leaving WoW, and being burned by countless games not able to deliver content after the initial buzz.

The idea and the combat was almost enough to make me want to play this for that initial honeymoon phase, but then I got into winter beta played it and just didn't feel it from the combat it just felt off almost as if it was confused on what it was trying to deliver.

theres no question the game is polished and will deliver a good 6 month experience if you enjoy that type of deal, possibly able to stay strong if they can keep putting out content.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I mean the end game alone will probably give you a couple months, I give this game 6 months before its a ghost town on here, just not worth it to lvl up to 50, gear up run the attunement bullshit just to test the raids that will get smashed so fast you probably spend more time attuning and gearing to do the raid, then you actually spend inside, until they eventually tune it down for everyone else to do, and the people that smashed it are gone.

that's all this type of game seems good for, and some people are into that some aren't.
The very nature of this board makes these threads a ghost town after awhile. Plenty of people still play SWTOR, ESO,RIFT etc. They just don't discuss problems or things with the game here. We basically follow a game until it's released then play it and peel off or stay and start talking about the next big thing. I personally don't think there is any game on the horizon that could hold my interest for over a year. I just have too many things that I want and want them my way.


Molten Core Raider
God I hope they do something about Engineer pets. The class is far and away my favorite but the aggro radius on the bots is ridiculous. I played my Medic last night and it was eye opening just how close you can get to mobs without aggroing them compared to the Engineer. As much as I love the class and the pets, I'm not sure I can deal with having to fight every mob on the map every time I move for 50 levels. So, anyone have any insight as to how well Medic plays as a dps class in later levels? I don't mind healing as well, but if they are capable dps as well, I might just drop the Engineer until some kinks get worked out with them.


Musty Nester
The very nature of this board makes these threads a ghost town after awhile. Plenty of people still play SWTOR, ESO,RIFT etc. They just don't discuss problems or things with the game here. We basically follow a game until it's released then play it and peel off or stay and start talking about the next big thing. I personally don't think there is any game on the horizon that could hold my interest for over a year. I just have too many things that I want and want them my way.
That's true. But it's mostly true because the games aren't worth discussing.

The EVE thread ran forever. The WoW thread should have died years ago, and it still limps along. People are still talking about various iterations of EverQuest. Fucking everquest.

My point is just that it's not really the fault of the boards. The subject matter itself is self-limiting. The only thing there will be to talk about in wildstar in 2 months is raid strats. And no one will talk about them, because the entire discussion is encapsulated in a letsplay youtube link.


Tranny Chaser
The level 42 portal mission has driven me up a fucking wall. Tried it three times now and it's bugged out each time in a slightly different way ~20 minutes in. So terribly buggy with these scripts. They need cleaned up and some means to self-correct when they misfire.