Windows 10

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
I love the wave of bullshit fanboyism in the comments. "OMG GUYZ IT'S A PREVIEW, OFC THERE IS A KEYLOGGER, JUST CHILL."


Avatar of War Slayer
I love the wave of bullshit fanboyism in the comments. "OMG GUYZ IT'S A PREVIEW, OFC THERE IS A KEYLOGGER, JUST CHILL."
they should at least make it kind of an option and let people know- I am sure being able to track back crashes and replicate the exact(ish) use up to crash is useful- they should know many people like to put these things on their "main" computers and would not like their accounts "hacked"


Trump's Staff
Maybe people would prefer that they only test focus groups of 100 or less people to get opinions on how good Windows 10 is. That worked really well for Windows 8.


2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
as long as 7 is still supported and games/programs I wanna play/use don't require 10, I'll keep using 7

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
they should at least make it kind of an option and let people know- I am sure being able to track back crashes and replicate the exact(ish) use up to crash is useful- they should know many people like to put these things on their "main" computers and would not like their accounts "hacked"
Yep, they should just have been upfront about it, but it should be in there. It's a technical preview and it's meant to be tested, not used in production. They want to know what people are actually using Windows for, which is one hell of an improvement on their Windows 8 "you'll swallow and you'll like it" philosophy.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Installed technical preview on virtual machine.

Command line still sucks. I am very disappoint.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
So my copy of Win7 has started to flash an icon for Win10 upgrade recently, both on my desktop and laptop. I've been thinking of trying it out on my old laptop, but not sure about the desktop as that's my main gaming machine (and, well, my main everything machine). Anyone here been able to try out 10? What do reviewers say about it, from a gamers point of view? Is it worth the free upgrade or should I just stick to what works?


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Head on over to the Windows 8 thread. There's some Windows 10 users there.


what Suineg set it to
My jimmies are supremely rustled. Anxiously awaited the 'Get Win 10' icon on my 8.1 tablet. Got it on all 3 work PCs (2 7 and 1 8), my home PC (7) and my laptop (8.1) but not the fucking tablet, which is the only one Iactuallywant to 'early adopt' 10 on.

This morning I boot it up and giant logo pops up Windows 10 now available! and I'm all excited... click it and it brings me to the Win 10 technical preview information page - nothing to do with the actual upgrade release. FML.


what Suineg set it to
I just don't want to go through hiccups converting from tech preview to 'free upgrade', is there anything on that yet? Supposedly more devices will be able to just manually do it actually starting 6/29 so may wait until then.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
I have never understood why windows doesn't just use a bash shell or something, and have cmd for legacy purposes. I am a huge command line person, and I can't deal with this windows shit. Even console2 does not give me nearly what I need/expect from a command line. It's sad. I just end up using cygwin.