Winter 2015 Anime Thread

This last episode will finish out all the manga content. In fact they will probably have to stretch it with some anime original stuff because the last chapter is really two or three scenes that could be done in ten minute of animation. Maybe less.

Like was said, the manga was written in the late ever eighties and early nineties. There won't be a sequel.


Lord Nagafen Raider
ah damn, really disappointed. I knew the manga was old, that was reason why i thought it was a long series... AH well... such a pity.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If it is really popular, they can always create new content. Oh look there are parasites in another place too, or more parasites happened, we need to figure out why. Personally, the show is pretty close to perfect so even though I want more, leave it be.


Buzzfeed Editor
So glad for that last line that Migi said. Whenever I hear people saying they are cleaning up the environment "for the earth", or because "mother nature is kind"--I always get rustled. No. Naturedoesn't care. Nature has already driven 99% of all species to extinction. Nature thinks it's cool when a fungus can invade your brain and take you over--for nature, a lion murdering cubs to ensure his own genes propagate?Okay! It's like that George Carlin skit--humans might very well only be here to create plastic, who knows? Nature givesno fucks.

We aren't "saving the planet"--it's going to be fine even if we nuke each out of existence. In 10 million years, shit will grow back and completely forget us. We'll be a blip on the evolutionary chain. What we are doing is "saving humanity"--we want the earth to remain it's most hospitable for ourselves. (Which is a fine goal.)

When Migi said that humans that didn't understand how life works annoyed him? I almost cheered. THen they added in that life probably began in a toxic soup that would be considered adverse to life today....Illustrating that what's bad comes from a completely human perspective anyway, so don't delude yourself with thinking you are some great protector of the natural order (You are a protector of what mankind wants the natural order to be--which again, is okay.). Was such a great line...So glad they didn't just walk off with the shallow feel good ending of "humans bad, nature good!" and instead chose the more nuanced view of the world.


Life's a Dream
The end of Your Lie in April was good. I knew she was going to die, but I still felt bad about it. Then to see the back story where she's always been around, he just didn't start paying attention to her until she started to hotten it up a little bit. Bye glasses and pony tails.

Anyway, good episode. I enjoyed Cross Ange as well. He was like "I dick slapped that bitch!" to embryo, to rub his face in it. Good times.
Parasyte: the tale of a boy and his right hand.

Anime did a better job then the last couple of chapters of the manga for the ending. Roof scene was the same, but the monologue while thy were studying did a much better job of getting across the whole point of the story then the original work did. Murano is just as crazy as shinichi though. Sticking with him though all he screwed up shit hat has happened.

Phoenix Prime_sl

Final battle in Gundam Build Fighters was amazing, the use of actual tactics at the beginning and the final showdown between transient and try burning. Hopefully season 3 isn't too far off with the open world tournament.


Vyemm Raider
Well,..Tokyo Ghoul was easily the biggest let down this season - The last episodes especially shows they tried to fuckin hard - it was such a episode riddled with shit from start to finish.

Parasyte is easily the best thing out in ages, that and Nanatsu have been carrying the dead weight of everything else.


The Scientific Shitlord
Cross Ange may be top heavy, but that's not dead weight! A/Z has also been awesome as hell this year.
Your lie in April was quality as well. Last two seasons overall haven't been amazing but having nanatsu, your lie, parasyte, and Aldnoah as top quality isn't bad. Cross ange is a step below but is Damn entertaining. UBW wasn't in this season but was started long as hell last season.


That guy
Last few seasons as a whole have been disappointing but there have been some absolutely fantastic shows. Winter was still the worst though, even Death Parade couldn't save it. Spring however is looking to be amazing.


Vyemm Raider
Did LH ever get good or was it shit till the very end?

Also AldNoah saved winter, as did Parasyte - they may have carried over but imagine the season without them! also Akatsuki no Yona and a couple others i think.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Women: the simultaneous reason that men will or won't kill each other. Still would have rather seen a headshot.


Vyemm Raider
Sucks its over, but it was great - i appreciate they did it all with earth tech but man would i have loved to see Inaho use a martian bot at one point - would have been a new level of OP.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Aldnoah kind of faded there at the end imo. Still a great series but the ending felt thrown together and not cohesive at all.