Witcher 3


Mr. Poopybutthole
Might even be some really good mods out by than too, if they ever get off their ass and release redkit


<Bronze Donator>
my jimmies are really rustled over the ending I got, since i completed pretty much everything and did all the quests, chose all the right dialogue options, well, chose the logical dialogue options.

I'm not a follow a walk through or watch videos before hand kind of guy, but this game is giving me trust issues.

figured I was the last person to play this game since it's been out a while, but i'll put spoiler tags just in case.
turns out 4 random, arbitrary dialogue choices determine the outcome of the game. (there is a 5th choice about taking Ciri to see the emperor but that one makes sense) They are 4 meaningless conversations having nothing to do with the main quest.

Of these 4 other choices, the only one I got "right" was taking Ciri to see Skald's grave, which is logical since earlier we performed necromancy to speak to the guy's spirit, and learned what happened to him, and how he got shit on just for helping her, and he deserved a proper burial and recognition for what he did. The wrong answer is: Fuck off Ciri ain't nobody got time for that, which is obviously wrong.

The other dialogues:
Ciri: Here's 20 minutes of dialogue about how everyone is just trying to use me for my power, it's the principle narrative of the game. The wild hunt wants to use me, the sorceresses want to use me, even the mystery elf is trying to use me for his own purposes. So, Hey come with me to speak to the sorceresses, please?
Me: Sure i'll go with you for moral support, but you will be the one to make the choices, it's your life Ciri

Correct answer is: Fuck off and deal with them yourself, i gotta better things to do (ignore quest)

Ciri: I feel terrible right now, I suck at magic, everyone is dying and it's my fault, I can't do anything right!
me: It's not your fault, cheer up, you are great at fighting and shit, can't expect you to be great at everything.

Correct answer: Here's a surprise snowball to the face. Kill ciri with snowballs. (this one I guess is whatever, the dialogue options were super vague and not indicative of the actions you would take)

Ciri: Argh i'm so angry and emotional right now, this elf has been using me the whole time. I have no control over my powers, I know the last time I was super angry and emotional I almost destroyed the Witcher fortress and killed everyone I love and care about! Now we're in this tiny subterranean laboratory, and i'm that angry. In case you forgot what happened last time I hulked out which was 20 minutes ago, i'm specifically going to remind you about that, and tell you that i'm that angry and about to hulk out!
me: calm down

Correct answer: Go ahead and hulk out and in the process kill yourself, me and yen. Bring this whole island down on top of us, you can do it.

I don't know if this is just a meta thing, the game is really progressive in it's own ways. Geralt is so white knight it's almost a cliche, especially on sex and racial issues which permeate the world they live in. But in order to get the good ending, you can't deal with her logically or give her any agency. The only way to win is realize she is an emotional teenage girl and to treat her as such, which builds her confidence? i guess.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
my jimmies are really rustled over the ending I got, since i completed pretty much everything and did all the quests, chose all the right dialogue options, well, chose the logical dialogue options.

I'm not a follow a walk through or watch videos before hand kind of guy, but this game is giving me trust issues.

figured I was the last person to play this game since it's been out a while, but i'll put spoiler tags just in case.
turns out 4 random, arbitrary dialogue choices determine the outcome of the game. (there is a 5th choice about taking Ciri to see the emperor but that one makes sense) They are 4 meaningless conversations having nothing to do with the main quest.

Of these 4 other choices, the only one I got "right" was taking Ciri to see Skald's grave, which is logical since earlier we performed necromancy to speak to the guy's spirit, and learned what happened to him, and how he got shit on just for helping her, and he deserved a proper burial and recognition for what he did. The wrong answer is: Fuck off Ciri ain't nobody got time for that, which is obviously wrong.

The other dialogues:
Ciri: Here's 20 minutes of dialogue about how everyone is just trying to use me for my power, it's the principle narrative of the game. The wild hunt wants to use me, the sorceresses want to use me, even the mystery elf is trying to use me for his own purposes. So, Hey come with me to speak to the sorceresses, please?
Me: Sure i'll go with you for moral support, but you will be the one to make the choices, it's your life Ciri

Correct answer is: Fuck off and deal with them yourself, i gotta better things to do (ignore quest)

Ciri: I feel terrible right now, I suck at magic, everyone is dying and it's my fault, I can't do anything right!
me: It's not your fault, cheer up, you are great at fighting and shit, can't expect you to be great at everything.

Correct answer: Here's a surprise snowball to the face. Kill ciri with snowballs. (this one I guess is whatever, the dialogue options were super vague and not indicative of the actions you would take)

Ciri: Argh i'm so angry and emotional right now, this elf has been using me the whole time. I have no control over my powers, I know the last time I was super angry and emotional I almost destroyed the Witcher fortress and killed everyone I love and care about! Now we're in this tiny subterranean laboratory, and i'm that angry. In case you forgot what happened last time I hulked out which was 20 minutes ago, i'm specifically going to remind you about that, and tell you that i'm that angry and about to hulk out!
me: calm down

Correct answer: Go ahead and hulk out and in the process kill yourself, me and yen. Bring this whole island down on top of us, you can do it.

I don't know if this is just a meta thing, the game is really progressive in it's own ways. Geralt is so white knight it's almost a cliche, especially on sex and racial issues which permeate the world they live in. But in order to get the good ending, you can't deal with her logically or give her any agency. The only way to win is realize she is an emotional teenage girl and to treat her as such, which builds her confidence? i guess.
I always tried to aim for the more caring, fatherly choices, and I ended up only getting 3/5 "right." The two I missed were joining her to talk about the sorceresses and raging in the lab. I wasn't going to take her to the emperor, but I decided Geralt is a man of his word and that's what he would do.

Had I read the books and understood that witchers are supposed to be neutral (not just neutral when they felt like it), I might not have gotten involved in the plot to kill Radovid. It seemed like Geralt and Vesimir generally didn't give a fuck about being neutral, so I killed Djkstra and supported Temaria.

All in all, I liked my endings, but if I had made just one choice different with Ciri I wouldn't have (she would've died to the White Frost.


<Bronze Donator>
I went back to a previous save and redid it for a different ending.
Thing is, there are about a dozen dialogues with Ciri throughout the game and, they just chose 4 random ones to decide how the game ends. And it's not really about being supportive or not. You can be super supportive, domineering, an asshole, or strive for her to think for herself and be independent. It doesn't matter. only the choices you made in those 4 random dialogues matter. They are binary switches.

the thing about the "bad" ending is not only does Ciri die but you die too. You don't get a "what Geralt does afterwards" storyboard. You just resign to your fate and die in the crones hut.

I did everything you are supposed to do in the game, made all the right choices, got the ending I wanted for every single character, side mission, the war's outcome, etc, did everything. Except for the two main characters, because lol random dialogue.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I went back to a previous save and redid it for a different ending.
Thing is, there are about a dozen dialogues with Ciri throughout the game and, they just chose 4 random ones to decide how the game ends. And it's not really about being supportive or not. You can be super supportive, domineering, an asshole, or strive for her to think for herself and be independent. It doesn't matter. only the choices you made in those 4 random dialogues matter. They are binary switches.

the thing about the "bad" ending is not only does Ciri die but you die too. You don't get a "what Geralt does afterwards" storyboard. You just resign to your fate and die in the crones hut.

I did everything you are supposed to do in the game, made all the right choices, got the ending I wanted for every single character, side mission, the war's outcome, etc, did everything. Except for the two main characters, because lol random dialogue.
I'm sorry broseph. I definitely would've felt a certain way if that had happened to me. If I had to guess, I'd say they had the different endings written first, then they inserted "how the player arrives at ending X" later. YouTube is nice for fixing your ending, but it can't fix that shitty feeling you get when your ending doesn't make sense to you because you chose the wrong arbitrary choice ten hours ago.


Golden Squire
I always tried to aim for the more caring, fatherly choices, and I ended up only getting 3/5 "right." The two I missed were joining her to talk about the sorceresses and raging in the lab. I wasn't going to take her to the emperor, but I decided Geralt is a man of his word and that's what he would do.

Had I read the books and understood that witchers are supposed to be neutral (not just neutral when they felt like it), I might not have gotten involved in the plot to kill Radovid. It seemed like Geralt and Vesimir generally didn't give a fuck about being neutral, so I killed Djkstra and supported Temaria.

All in all, I liked my endings, but if I had made just one choice different with Ciri I wouldn't have (she would've died to the White Frost.
There's a whole thing in Baptism of Fire about Geralt figuring out that remaining neutral is completely stupid in some situations. Made me pause a few times in the game.


Trakanon Raider
Well the theme of the game is that sometimes you get fucked no matter what, so any ending sort of makes sense and the game won't even hint at what you will get, so I think they intended for people to play through it blind. There are so many choices that keeping it simple is understandable, unless you come up with some crazy weighted choice system vaguely resembling DA party friendship or whatever. Geralt might be Mary Sue, but the game makes it clear that there are still powers that will make him do what they want.

To say Ciri's ending is decided by the wrong choices is a gross simplification, a lot is conveyed in the animation and voice acting, when you sum it up here you aren't even close to describing the situation. I thought I should support her no matter what she does in all of the situations and guess what ending I got ?

Leto Eu`Acumen

I'm a little surprised there hasn't been more buzz in this thread about the fact that they are adding a STASH to the game, amongst other huge quality-of-life improvements in v1.07.

Partial list:

- A player stash for storing items, available in various locations throughout the game. Stash locations are marked on the player's map.
- Crafting and alchemy components no longer add to the overall inventory weight.
- Books are now placed in a dedicated tab in the Inventory and books that have already been read are properly grayed out.
- Multiple sorting options are now available in the Inventory.

Leto Eu`Acumen

That patch basically fixes every issue I had with the game before I beat it lol.
IKR. They are even teasing improvements to "horse behavior" for Roach and an "alternative movement response mode" for Geralt, presumably to make him feel more responsive in combat.

I'm a bit dubious anytime a game tries to mess with how combat "feels" after release, but considering more than a few folks had issues with how responsive combat felt, then maybe even that will be a win.

Easily my most anticipated patch.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Can't wait for this. Controls and inventory management are my only complaints with the game. I'm still fairly early in the game so happy it's getting addressed before I'm done with it.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I'm always curious how conversations like this occur inside development studios. Is it, "Hey, you know all those issues with movement, responsiveness, and inventory management the play testers were bitching about? Turns out everybody else is bitching about them too." Then they fire up the batphone and get to work on the biggest glaring issues of the game... 3 months post release?

The optimist in me wants to believe that there were other, bigger issues that they fixed just before the game went gold - leaving no time to address the items fixed in 1.07.

The cynic in me thinks they just said fuck it, most of our sales come after initial launch so let's just get this behemoth out the door and fix it when we've got time down the road.


Trakanon Raider
Dude, 99.9% of games don't get these kind of patches ever. I think you put way too much nefarious thought into your criticisms. Maybe they just weren't that important on their limited testers concerns. Maybe testers didn't have inventory weight problems cause they never played a contiguous game to run into a weight issue. I just say heap more praise on CDPR for their exceptionally swift addition of some massive improvements. Its like they went and read reviews and just said - lets just fix it and did. How fucking legit is that? They already have my money, and they would have gotten the dlc monies from me too without this patch. They've removed almost everything to complain about. Cheer up - don't bitch about the right way to support a game.


Molten Core Raider
Dude, 99.9% of games don't get these kind of patches ever. I think you put way too much nefarious thought into your criticisms. Maybe they just weren't that important on their limited testers concerns. Maybe testers didn't have inventory weight problems cause they never played a contiguous game to run into a weight issue. I just say heap more praise on CDPR for their exceptionally swift addition of some massive improvements. Its like they went and read reviews and just said - lets just fix it and did. How fucking legit is that? They already have my money, and they would have gotten the dlc monies from me too without this patch. They've removed almost everything to complain about. Cheer up - don't bitch about the right way to support a game.
I have to agree. They have been exceptional and I wish more companies were like them. 3 months seems like nothing to me now the way some companies drag their feet with quality of life patches. Hell, that's if they even bother. They saw the horrible path the game industry has been heading and said "Hey people! Wake up this is the way it should be!" I just hope it pays off and more companies get the hint.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
We're exactly 7 weeks after release (May 19th), not 3 months. Those QoL fixes will make an already amazing game nearly perfect.


Trakanon Raider
I think Yahtzee said that developers sometimes contact him after he drags their games over the coals and say "Yeah, we agree" I can't imagine any developer is happy to come up with an idea and see it continually cut down to basics just to make the release as bug-free as possible. However, since money is made at launch, this kind of post-launch support is a luxury very few can afford. However, with the recent fiasco of last Batman, we might see more developers/publishers do this, since it gives them a lot of goodwill and less refunds on Steam.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm about 40 hours into the game, hit level 20 and I'm still trying to finish out the last of my novigrad quests before I move on to Skellige. I keep thinking I'm finally done and then a couple new quests pop up.

I unlocked a spinning light attack that basically turned me into a chipper/shredder. It made combat a lot more fun.


Vyemm Raider
Remember the enhanced edition updates? These guys very much care about improving their games.

They even make unofficial patches/mods.

Where do I need to invest in strong attack for breaking guard/heavily armored enemies? Does the igni armor reduction accomplish the same thing?