Wizardhawk's memorial thread (a cautionary tale of dental care and garlic)


Tranny Chaser
Americans are famous for teeth. Are people really going to take advice from a Russian? ;P

Teeth you say? Oh, yeah, that's what you're famous for

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
"Stuff that contradicts my assertion doesnt count, guys!"


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Because they call it the war of Northern Aggression, and many people in the South still think they were in the right, and the North is still holding them down and forcing Northern values on them.

It's quite comical, really, to talk about the Civil War with true Southerners.


Tranny Chaser
Because they call it the war of Northern Aggression, and many people in the South still think they were in the right, and the North is still holding them down and forcing Northern values on them.

It's quite comical, really, to talk about the Civil War with true Southerners.
Lucky hodj is a True Northerner.


<Bronze Donator>
The south has a special breed of stupid really. Still parades around this idiotic notion of a nostalgic bygone era of gone with the wind father knows best slavery horseshit. The south was and is still to a certain extent populated with regressive dipshits, and people like Shelby Foote make it entirely worse..


Blackwing Lair Raider
It mostly has to do with a concerted effort during the Reconstruction era by former Confederates to rewrite history. It's the same thing as those who claim the Civil War was not about slavery, it was about "states right." Yeah, states rights to keep slavery you fucking retard. Neo-Confederates tend to ignore the atrocities committed by their great grandaddies, it's a bunch of nonsensical bullshit.


Musty Nester
What southerners are really mourning when they talk about that is the end of an agrarian aristocracy. That is a way of life and that war did end it.

What 99% of southerners do not understand is that they would not be the ones holding the whip. THEY would be the dumb assholes going to get shot at and gangrene in order to protect another man's god given right to hold the whip. But of course everyone thinks that they'd be up in the Plantation House. No one stops to think they'd be living in shitty little houses that ring the warehouse district and driving trains of tobacco and cotton northward.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
What southerners are really mourning when they talk about that is the end of an agrarian aristocracy. That is a way of life and that war did end it.

What 99% of southerners do not understand is that they would not be the ones holding the whip. THEY would be the dumb assholes going to get shot at and gangrene in order to protect another man's god given right to hold the whip. But of course everyone thinks that they'd be up in the Plantation House. No one stops to think they'd be living in shitty little houses that ring the warehouse district and driving trains of tobacco and cotton northward.
...Which basically explains why the Republican party is so popular down there, despite the fact many things on their platform actively screw most of those voters.


Can someone give me cliff notes on this thing? I am way too lazy to read 51 pages that may or may not involve Lumie rambling about whatever flavor of the month it is this time (garlic, apparently?) Wizardhawk had a tooth problem and fucking died from it?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Can someone give me cliff notes on this thing? I am way too lazy to read 51 pages that may or may not involve Lumie rambling about whatever flavor of the month it is this time (garlic, apparently?) Wizardhawk had a tooth problem and fucking died from it?
1. WH has toothache and doesn't want to go to the dentist
2. Lumie suggests rubbing garlic on his gums to get rid of the toothache
3. WH disappears forever


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The other possible situation is he did indeed end up having to receive government assistance with his teeth to prevent Bad Things from happening, and he's too pussy to come here and admit it after herping-derping about takers for so long. I put nothing past people anymore.