Woman who was getting her box munched on in public now claiming rape


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Wait. That case, while it did get nasty and political, legally turned out properly. There were no rape/sex assault charges pursued. And the guys should be in trouble for distributing pics of a private act without the girl's consent, which is what happened. Really, distributing shame pics is pretty messed up.
yeah, it turned out ok. Crown Attorney outright rejected the case because there wasn't enough evidence to support her case but people are crying about "injustice" and failings of justice system.... I am completely puzzled.


Tranny Chaser
rape culture
Giving an idea a name doesn't make it true and it doesn't mean everyone else automatically is forced to buy in to the assumptions of neo-feminism anymore than we are obligated to buy in to the assumptions made by any other theoretical framework. You don't get to start the discussion starting from that position.


Lord Nagafen Raider
yeah, it turned out ok. Crown Attorney outright rejected the case because there wasn't enough evidence to support her case but people are crying about "injustice" and failings of justice system.... I am completely puzzled.
Ahh, I see your point. I see no injustice, seems like the legal system sorted it properly.


Giving an idea a name doesn't make it true and it doesn't mean everyone else automatically is forced to buy in to the assumptions of neo-feminism anymore than we are obligated to buy in to the assumptions made by any other theoretical framework. You don't get to start the discussion starting from that position.
Fucking A! Tell you what, brosef, I hereby solemnly swear to never again use the term "rape culture", let alone present it as a valid theoretical framework, if and only if the term "white guilt" gets the same treatment from everyone else. After all, it's just as nebulous a theoretical framework (more so, even) and there is zero reason why it should be given any credence at all. I'll even go first. I won't mention "rape culture" again. But the moment someone decides to dismiss my point of view by labeling it the product of "white guilt" (a cheap and pathetic way to contradict a point without actually making an argument), all bets are off again. What's good for the goose and all that. Sound fair?


yeah, it turned out ok. Crown Attorney outright rejected the case because there wasn't enough evidence to support her case but people are crying about "injustice" and failings of justice system.... I am completely puzzled.
Ah. So your problem is with the media, and with the public jumping to conclusions based on limited information. Didn't we already come to the consensus we all agree on this in the Zimmerman threads?


Tranny Chaser
Fucking A! Tell you what, brosef, I hereby solemnly swear to never again use the term "rape culture", let alone present it as a valid theoretical framework, if and only if the term "white guilt" gets the same treatment from everyone else. After all, it's just as nebulous a theoretical framework (more so, even) and there is zero reason why it should be given any credence at all. I'll even go first. I won't mention "rape culture" again. But the moment someone decides to dismiss my point of view by labeling it the product of "white guilt" (a cheap and pathetic way to contradict a point without actually making an argument), all bets are off again. What's good for the goose and all that. Sound fair?
Your handicap, does it preclude you from owning a firearm or holding public office?


Pay to play forum
Only several forehead-kisses signal consent for sexual activity from the female in whatever-the-fuck-land Tanoomba lives in.


Only several forehead-kisses signal consent for sexual activity from the female in whatever-the-fuck-land Tanoomba lives in.
My exact words:
"It is possible to have alcohol be part of a sexual experience without it leading to rape accusations. It happens all the time. It usually involves not being an asshole and acknowledging that the person you're fucking is a human being."

You don't think I've had sex with drunk girls and/or sex while drunk? Guess how often I was accused of rape? How many guys who post here have made use of alcohol to help create circumstances under which sex was more likely? All but Trollface, I'm guessing, and if any one of us was ever falsely accused of rape I'd be very surprised. What's our magical secret?
This poor bastard's life is beyond ruined. Consent cannot be given under alcoholic influence, so unless that video had the girl pulling on his hair screaming "MUNCH MY BOX FUCK YEA," he's screwed.

Should have just taken her to the car imo.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This poor bastard's life is beyond ruined. Consent cannot be given under alcoholic influence, so unless that video had the girl pulling on his hair screaming "MUNCH MY BOX FUCK YEA," he's screwed.

Should have just taken her to the car imo.
And what legal proof is there that she was under "alcoholic influence"? If she is slurry, falling down drunk in the video, that would help that case. Otherwise, if she is appears coherent, it would be hard to prove intoxication. It's not like she took a breathalyzer right afterwards.
The best part of all those perpetuating this 'rape culture' shit? They continue to perpetuate the idea that women are weak and powerless in the big mean world of men

Had alcohol? Zomg, defenseless female, who somehow is absolved of all responsibility by choosing - yes, choosing - to drink - because the big bad man should not have raped her

What's the BAC for consent? Is it the same for driving, .08 and the like?
There's no hard limit... which is why these cases are tricky

But either way, the accused loses whether anything criminal comes of it or not

Like the case of Brian Banks last year which really pissed me off:
Former Rising Football Star Brian Banks Exonerated in Rape Case - ABC News

Guy is a top football recruit, gets arrested on a false accusation of rape, sent to jail 5 years, accuser gets $2+ million from the school system, and is caught lying on tape years later


Trakanon Raider
So I meet some broad at the bar, have a few drinks, take her back to my place, do the deed, and if for whatever reason she regrets having sex with me (first time for everything I suppose) she can call rape and I'm in the shithouse cause both of us had been drinking? Like I don't have enough shit to worry about with bedding women (std, preggo, etc).

Edit: Hell, take the bar out of the equation, how am I supposed to know if she's drunk? I'm supposed to administer a breathalyzer to everyone women I have relations with? Shits like me suing a casino for taking my money when I'm drunk.


The best part of all those perpetuating this 'rape culture' shit? They continue to perpetuate the idea that women are weak and powerless in the big mean world of men
Hmmm... "all those" meaning whom, exactly? I appear to be the only one presenting an alternate point of view in this thread, do I fall into "all those"? Strange, I did specifically say that a woman who tries to take advantage of a drunk guy for sex could very well face rape charges. Is it wrong to say that men are more often than not the instigators of sexual interaction? Is this an unfair point to bring up? I ask again (because nobody ventured a guess the first time), guess who's trying to change this shit? (Hint: It sure as fuck isn't you.)

Had alcohol? Zomg, defenseless female, who somehow is absolved of all responsibility by choosing - yes, choosing - to drink - because the big bad man should not have raped her
Wait a second... are you saying that if someone chooses to drink they are complicit in their rape? That if someone doesn't want to get raped, they shouldn't "choose" (yes, choose) to drink? You can't possibly be making a point that stupid, but that's exactly what your words are saying.

Like the case of Brian Banks last year which really pissed me off:
Former Rising Football Star Brian Banks Exonerated in Rape Case - ABC News

Guy is a top football recruit, gets arrested on a false accusation of rape, sent to jail 5 years, accuser gets $2+ million from the school system, and is caught lying on tape years later
That case should piss you off. Pisses me off too. Guess who's against this shit? C'mon, guess!


So I meet some broad at the bar, have a few drinks, take her back to my place, do the deed, and if for whatever reason she regrets having sex with me (first time for everything I suppose) she can call rape and I'm in the shithouse cause both of us had been drinking? Like I don't have enough shit to worry about with bedding women (std, preggo, etc).
Guess what? If both you and the girl knew what you were getting into and you weren't a complete asshole about it (say, by inviting your friends to watch or sharing pictures of you fucking her online), then the chances of her accusing you of rape are next to zero. And if you're not sure that the girl is on the same page as you? Don't fuck her! Holy shit, look at that... exercising a minimum of personal responsibility and common sense just potentially saved your ass from rape charges! It's not a fucking dice roll whether you end up with a girl who'll accuse you of rape, which is something many of you refuse to acknowledge. A girl's not going to accuse someone of rape just for the hell of it, because she has second thoughts about fucking or because she's bored or whatever. They're human beings, for fuck's sake.

Acting like you'd be taking this huge risk of false rape charges by sleeping with a girl you met at a bar is akin to saying "Shit, someone else got into an accident? Now I have to worry about crashing my car every time I drive somewhere, on top of everything else?" Come on, man. This shit doesn't occur in a vacuum.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
So I meet some broad at the bar, have a few drinks, take her back to my place, do the deed, and if for whatever reason she regrets having sex with me (first time for everything I suppose) she can call rape and I'm in the shithouse cause both of us had been drinking? Like I don't have enough shit to worry about with bedding women (std, preggo, etc).

Edit: Hell, take the bar out of the equation, how am I supposed to know if she's drunk? I'm supposed to administer a breathalyzer to everyone women I have relations with? Shits like me suing a casino for taking my money when I'm drunk.
rape kit is a way to go. alleged victim must go to the police immediately instead of wasting the school's time with these bullshit complaints. rape accusations after the said act (a week later) is extremely fucked up and nearly impossible to prove. You could but it's so hard that it's going to drag you down. All it does is attacking your reputation at that point.