World of Warcraft: Classic


Tranny Chaser
Been unable to get in game since yesterday afternoon when the servers shit themselves a little. The character I was playing is just stuck in game. Trying to enter world I get "a character with that name already exists." I can play other characters and a /who reveals the trapped one but they're just stuck in limbo. I'd have thought the system would have ejected them for being AFK after 15 minutes or whatever but it's been over 24 hours. Tried using a move feature their website provided to send them to Westfall but that didn't work and the ticket hasn't been resolved as it's Christmas.

It's no one's fault but it sure is odd.


Molten Core Raider
AV is now nothing but alliance premades that win in 8 minutes or non-alliance premades full of undergeared players that get destroyed because the good and geared players are in premades. Way to go Blizzard, your negligence is beyond atrocious and an embarrassment to game development.
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Molten Core Raider
Both then and now. They like changes when it suits them (like how mounts function) but for PvP they throw up their hands and say 'nothing we can do so sorry!'

Total bullshit when general races only became common in patch 1.12 so most of classic was AV playing out legit. Coordinating queuing was really rare until the TBC pre-patch time frame and then wasn't nearly this common. I should know. The era of Discord is making this far worse with x-server premades.

They have plenty of excuse to do something about this. PvP is utterly ruined right now and most people are too stupid to complain because their number is getting bigger either way because WoW gives trophies for participation; meanwhile the game bores the fuck out of them. It's kind of fascinating how players 'play' a game for many hours a day every day doing something that bores them to tears (and pay for this) but they keep doing it because a number gets larger. If I didn't like my guild so much I'd unsub for sure.

Simple things that can be done: use an older AV and add random delays to queue times to shuffle people.


I mean, you can get 15-20 people together and sit on defense to actually pvp and summon mobs if you want, nothing is stopping you.

I really don't understand what the original AV would fix or why people keep saying it. You're delusional if you think people won't just find a way to make that version of AV also be 10-15 minutes. Currently an older version of AV is running in retail wow and it's the exact same. That's just how games are played now. Unlike classic, people are even actually even incentivized to do the quests more than once but everyone ignores them anyways in favor of rushing.
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<Gold Donor>
I definitely remember queuing with a mod in a full raid for AV. Not sure the time frame but def in Vanilla. I was doing that shit every night on my server. People used to spam in org for those raids. You got to know certain good leaders and you rolled with them.

But yeah this shit can def be fixed by Blizz somehow. Clearly its broken and not intended to run in such a way. If they intended entire raids to queue as a team they would of added that feature themselves.


Tranny Chaser
AV is now nothing but alliance premades that win in 8 minutes or non-alliance premades full of undergeared players that get destroyed because the good and geared players are in premades. Way to go Blizzard, your negligence is beyond atrocious and an embarrassment to game development.

The alliance pre-made rankers only care about maximum Honour, if you turtle and frustrate them they'll eventually /afk out one by one.

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
Discord. I’m in an alliance AV discord with 4K members cross server. Each server has a representative and you have to meet them in game to verify your gear and epic mount, and then you are allowed to join the pre-makes. It’s terrific.


Molten Core Raider
It’s just people all queueing at the same time manually since the autoqueue feature in Vanilla is not a thing in Classic. But if you have a discord channel with a bunch of people that are all level 60, have their epic mount, and are capable of at least the most basic coordination, it’s night and day compared to just randomly queueing by yourself and rolling the dice.


Tranny Chaser
Having the bracket be 51 to 60 is almost cruel. When I was doing rep I couldn't be anything other than the slowest gazelle in most games and as the days went on the Horde were focusing more and more on picking off all the slow mounts at the open. Just being mostly guaranteed to have all sixties all epic mounts would give one side an incredible advantage from minute one.
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Got something right about marriage
Both then and now. They like changes when it suits them (like how mounts function) but for PvP they throw up their hands and say 'nothing we can do so sorry!'

Total bullshit when general races only became common in patch 1.12 so most of classic was AV playing out legit. Coordinating queuing was really rare until the TBC pre-patch time frame and then wasn't nearly this common. I should know. The era of Discord is making this far worse with x-server premades.

They have plenty of excuse to do something about this. PvP is utterly ruined right now and most people are too stupid to complain because their number is getting bigger either way because WoW gives trophies for participation; meanwhile the game bores the fuck out of them. It's kind of fascinating how players 'play' a game for many hours a day every day doing something that bores them to tears (and pay for this) but they keep doing it because a number gets larger. If I didn't like my guild so much I'd unsub for sure.

Simple things that can be done: use an older AV and add random delays to queue times to shuffle people.

Older AV versions would not change anything. It was a bit more difficult to rush to Drek for Alliance before the NPC nerf but still very, very doable. People are always going to try to maximize honor gains, the reason the rushes started happening so frequently even in Classic was not because of the changes to AV, it was because of the changes to honor gains and the honor system.

Winning or losing an AV in short order is the best way to maximize honor gains in this version of the honor system. It wasn't always like that, in previous versions of the honor system it was more efficient to kill people for honor and that is when long battles with tons of back and forth happened. It didn't happen because AV was "fun", or because the map and NPC setup made it happen. It happened because it was the most efficient way to grind honor. And also because people didn't have the knowledge of the map and it's "shortcuts" like they do now.

These types of AV games actually have very little to do with the version of AV and everything to do with the way the honor system is set up in this version of classic.


<Bronze Donator>
Just getting max rep the first week made me want to quit WOW, AV was terrible.

I dont know how people continue to do it "I just need to get rank 10 for the gear man!" no thanks! Instead I'm leveling a mage alt with a 60 druid to heal and having a blast.
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Molten Core Raider
We actually have the early version of HK diminishing returns (100% 75% 50% 25% 0) rather than the later one which was 100 90 80 etc. I’m not really sure why. The 10% decrease was implemented in 1.12.


Tranny Chaser
I'm hoping for an Arathi Basin early release as it's the only BG I actually like the gameplay of. PvP rewards being an extension of Alterac Valley is not appealing.
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Tranny Chaser
"About 13 weeks ago or so they released work ops within Blizzard to hire game engineers to work on the design of Classic +, scaling down Karazhan and Outland to a level 60 format and my friend is currently working on Karazhan, also said in his interview they asked him what he thought about them adding in Demon Hunter as a class, supposedly that was an idea back then with the original devs

but even though they're being paid right now to work on it there's also like 2 or 3 devs doing TBC, so nothing's really certain right now as to what they wanna do but he did mention some decisions to be made are awaiting the launch of Shadowlands to see how well it does

2 weeks into Classic launch, 2/3rds of all active subscriptions were actively playing Classic and stocks were up around $11, but yea again, will be interesting to see what's done."
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Molten Core Raider
It was much easier to defend in older versions of AV because there were NPCs to hide behind/aggro on players, particularly for Horde players. I used to run up the horde towers after being attacked to sick all the NPCs inside on them. Horde base now has virtually nothing. People started general racing in patch 1.11 after NPCs were removed and it became regular in 1.12 with xserver BGs.

Blizzard, as the game masters, have the responsibility to try and corral players in a way that encourages fights between equally equipped and skilled players. This is critical to the success of any PvP system and Blizzard fails to do this so badly. My suggestions would not change the honor system or game mechanics in any way and if anything make the game more classic, not less. Everybody wants older AV for this and other reasons anyway
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