World of Warcraft: Classic

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
The only question that matters is:

Are they bringing back original AV?
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Golden Knight of the Realm
I also enjoyed the irony of Brack being the one that announced it. Too bad they didn't force him into a more direct mea culpa.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The only question that matters is:

Are they bringing back original AV?

Is it bad my only fond memories of classic are all PVP? SS/TM, original AV, the massive fights in BRM(from people trying to do all the dungeons + MC), STV crazyness etc. But nothing about the PVE.

It probably helped I played a mage, so wasn't completely gimped in pvp.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Is it bad my only fond memories of classic are all PVP? SS/TM, original AV, the massive fights in BRM(from people trying to do all the dungeons + MC), STV crazyness etc. But nothing about the PVE.

It probably helped I played a mage, so wasn't completely gimped in pvp.
My only memories are of PvP as well. Arcanite reaper Shaman 8+ hours in AV all day, every day.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
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Lord Nagafen Raider
How in the world does anyone miss having one useful tree for each class that actually raided in Vanilla? Not to mention who in their right fucking mind misses 40man MC or spending time retraining the army of retards to do old Naxx40 again when it was actually hard. Even the amount of Uncle Rico and Al Bundy glory day players in any form of chat could be used as a terrorist weapon.

I get the PvP aspect as Vanilla PvP was the sweet spot of little to no ability bloat and actual burst damage (Hello PoM Pyro 8/8 Netherwind berserker buff), but will they bring back that Warlord grind that caused substantial damage to a person's actually well being? Everyone knows that one player that went for it with either multiple people playing the account or the welfare drug addicts that did it then never logged on again afterwards. Let's not even talk about the drama of the Rank trading which fell apart when one person decided they wanted to play a few more games and get it first.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Several friends and I that quit years ago will be back for this. I think it will be immensely popular at least for a while.


what Suineg set it to
Here's what they do: add unique xmogs and titles to classic server achieves usable on live regular. New armor sets and weapons only obtainable there.

Everyone will have to sub for classic to get the cool shit.


Also loot crates


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I mean those of you complaining about specs probably played like a paladin or Druid and wanted to play something stupid like Ret or Feral instead of healing. To which we say STFU and heal faggot.

Really though if you don't like it don't play it there is always live. Given the number of emu servers I am surprised how many of you faggots are butt hurt about it. Blizzard gonna make some cash off this wether you like it or not.
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A Mod Real Quick
I mean those of you complaining about specs probably played like a paladin or Druid and wanted to play something stupid like Ret or Feral instead of healing. To which we say STFU and heal faggot.

Really though if you don't like it don't play it there is always live. Given the number of emu servers I am surprised how many of you faggots are butt hurt about it. Blizzard gonna make some cash off this wether you like it or not.
Seems like a waste of resources to me
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what Suineg set it to
I mean those of you complaining about specs probably played like a paladin or Druid and wanted to play something stupid like Ret or Feral instead of healing. To which we say STFU and heal faggot.

Really though if you don't like it don't play it there is always live. Given the number of emu servers I am surprised how many of you faggots are butt hurt about it. Blizzard gonna make some cash off this wether you like it or not.

Yea but you could only really have one druid, maybe two if they were resto. Remember hots and dots didn't stack from different people.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Yea but you could only really have one druid, maybe two if they were resto. Remember hots and dots didn't stack from different people.

There were only a limited number of buffs and debuffs a mob could have, I remember you had certain things that would overwrite or rip off dots in place of shittier ones. It's part of what limited some talents as you didn't want some of that shit.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Seems like a waste of resources to me

I doubt it took as many resources as they want to pretend. Plus it isn't like they are sitting on a billon dollars a quarter. They need something to do now that they pulled everyone from the D3 team, and you can only make so many trashstone cards and fairy tale princess dress up loot boxes for people to buy.


what Suineg set it to
There were only a limited number of buffs and debuffs a mob could have, I remember you had certain things that would overwrite or rip off dots in place of shittier ones. It's part of what limited some talents as you didn't want some of that shit.

Debuff cap was diff, I want to say some stuff was unique there but you are right you ran into cap issues mostly. IIRC, for example only one ignite and you couldn't run two affli locks.

You couldn't stack most buffs either, though. So you could only put one rejuv on your tank.