The original KJ fight was much less interesting, since it was mostly stationary with portals. Being BC, it was still a victim of simplistic design.That and his flight intermission artificially increasing fight length along with pillar rng. The fight as a whole was just subpar. Then again the whole zone was shit for mythic so the last boss being a dud wasn't unexpected. I'm sure this is rose colored glasses talking, but his original fight was much better from a story standpoint and as an actual fight.
Edit: I think the biggest thing I hated about kj was how he completely brought back raid stacking when the majority of this expansion avoided it (aside from soak rogues).
The only thing wrong with KJ (and most of TOS) was the soak mechanic ensuring absolute failure, tied to rng. That's bad design.
Hooray, more "Horde is evil" and "Alliance are the good guys" tripe, because this never gets old.
Clarify.So expansion launches at 3pm monday, so if you spend 16-18 hours leveling, you've got a solid hour or three to grind out island expeditions for the weekly Azerite before the servers reset tuesday!
You get rewards for doing individual islands, but there's also a weekly "big" reward of AP you get after you've completed ~6-8 Islands. The Gauge fills up based on the Azerite you gather on each island as you're trying to complete the island. I am mostly joking, although there's probably a group of people out there who will try it.
Any forum bros in a guild that has the guild glory of achievements unlocked for MoP and Draenor? (Does FoH have the Draenor achieves?)
I wanna buy the mounts.
I think I am going to try Azeroth Auto Pilot add on this time. The tips/tricks from the following legion guide were good, so I will be using those as well.