World of Warcraft: Current Year


Still no Garrosh (normal) kill :/ Had to pug 3 this week, holiday hiatus has already started. Fight requires endurance fo sho, but doesn't seem too bad for our group. Have casually steamrolled everything else, but we seem to be slacking big time on raid cds during EWCs. Also tanks getting insta aggro on adds. Hoping we can make it happen next time.


resubbed for the holidays with a SoR after quitting back in WotLK. in those 10 days i took my druid to 90 as well as another one to 87. after doing timeless isle i went straight to LFR, dominated healing thanks to retarded glyphed mushroom spam, and just went on and on and on. 9th day after reactivating i killed garrosh in LRF, and am now sitting at an 505 ilvl with three pieces of t16.. quite a weird trip.

going to see what happens next, will probably become bored of the game really fast, even though LFR raids are funny enough on a resto druid. i thought i was going to go balance for endgame, but fuck those queues so i just queued as a resto. and you know what ? its so brilliant. fuck looking at rotations and procs and eclipse or solar state or whatnot. i just pop my mushrooms on the melee group and watch all the pretty green numbers explode all over my screen.. can then nearly go AFK for the rest of the fight, and still end up #3 on effective healing done.

as far as the rest of the game goes (especially leveling process), i thought it was really really insulting. i know WoW is moving away from being an actual mmorpg and stuff, and i was never one of those guys who was big on "IMMERSION" or actual role playing or whatnot, but i think MoP even overdid it for me. so many stupid mini games, so many retarded quests where i don't play my character, so much gimmicky shit. so many fucking quests having do with freaking GARDENING... throwing carrots at vermins, throwing watermelons at some rhino-animal-thingy... i did really miss the whole WAR aspect of the game.

also i think they fucked up a bit on the theme. since everything is asian, every zone looks the same to me, and i still just cant tell them apart. pagoda here, some more lotus flowers there. ugh.. horrible horrible horrible.


Vyemm Raider
Fuck MoP and fuck the idea of it taking forever to level when there isnt shit to do until max level.

That aside LFR means squat - When i go into LFRs im usually doing 2x the highest person's dps just b/c LFR gear is pretty much insignificant. I do agree the asian theme is beyond fuckin annoying tho - i cant fuckin stand it. Everything involving this xpac aside from the last raid zone(which does have some taint as well) can suck a dick. I think i did maybe 25 quest between 3 characters in MoP and did all my levels from rares/named.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
MoP's best zones are townlong and dread wastes. As far as mini game shit, cata to me was farrrr worse.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I should've been more specific. I am looking for an RAF buddy to level a few combos in to the 80's, preferably on a PVE high pop, 1 side dominated server. Think Thrall for Horde, Proudmoore for Alliance.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I thought the farm zone and the mountain zone looked really good. Dread waste though felt the most like warcraft

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
So how does one actually get a garrosh kill in normal or flex? I can't join a normal until i have a mind bottling 550+ GS zomg. and people with flex want retarded high GS too...Im like 520 or so. ( 90 mage / alliance / stormrage )


So how does one actually get a garrosh kill in normal or flex? I can't join a normal until i have a mind bottling 550+ GS zomg. and people with flex want retarded high GS too...Im like 520 or so. ( 90 mage / alliance / stormrage )
You make your own run or you find people who are not so pants-on-head retarded that they require massive GSs to overwhelm the content.
Keep in mind, however, that even the 'in-game' grouping mechanic suggests something along the lines of 535+ for Flex Downfall.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Keep in mind, however, that even the 'in-game' grouping mechanic suggests something along the lines of 535+ for Flex Downfall.
Which isnt that unreasonable. 528 gear from SoO. You have two craftables at 553. You Legendary Cloak at 600+8. Then you have Flex 1 and 2 gear thats 540. All of that which I listed is just time intensive. None of the instances or quests are really that difficult. Your biggest problem with Flex 3 and 4 is that DPS have to start at least knowing their basic rotation.


The Scientific Shitlord
Been back 3.5 weeks and my hunter is pretty close to done with LFR at 534. If I can double down on my Titan Runestones I might be able to stomach 1 and 2, but it's rough. 550 isn't too far off. Full set of flex gear upgraded and legendary cloak would get you there. I also have my mage at 530, monk at 520, and warlock who just hit 90 over the weekend at 501. To avoid burnout I am focusing specifically on lfrs with the t16 pieces my toons don't have, or getting them through it all for the first time.

For starting LFR you should be around 50k as a dps. As your gear fills out you will start breaking 100k pretty quickly. Focus on weapons first and foremost. Burn your weekly tokens on celestials and ordos first, raids second unless you're in a group already on normal/heroic.


<WoW Guild Officer>
For starting LFR you should be around 50k as a dps. As your gear fills out you will start breaking 100k pretty quickly. Focus on weapons first and foremost. Burn your weekly tokens on celestials and ordos first, raids second unless you're in a group already on normal/heroic.
How do you do Ordos if you are just starting LFR?


<WoW Guild Officer>
If any of your guys has a cloak all your guys can do Ordos.
Yeah, I get that (because getting the cloak on multiple characters seems just painful). I was more looking at the recommendations as someone coming back. They wouldn't have the cloak, so they aren't going to be able to do Ordos.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Secrets took me three weeks. I got 10a the first week, then 3 the next. The biggest pile of bull shit is that if you want to get it done in a timely manner - youre raiding TOT lfr, tot normal+, soo lfr, soo flex+. Then for runes youre running half of each of those raid zones for an even lower drop rate. Eye gouging.


Vyemm Raider
Ive been back about 4 months and nearing 570 ilvl - it took me 4 weeks for secrets because the "quest" in general is aids and the idea of continuous cockblocks to form a quest is beyond stupid.


Trakanon Raider
If you did the quest from the beginning of the expansion you basically got 1 reward each patch culminating with the legendary cloak in 5.4 so it wasn't exactly a continuous cockblock then. At this point though, I don't see why they don't just make it another account unlock and allow alts to purchase it, or at the very least greatly condense the quest for those who have done it once.