World of Warcraft: Current Year


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I fucking hate Nelth's. Those bastard scorpions/rock thrower dudes just make shit retarded as a melee dps.


Molten Core Raider
Killed mythic Cenarius and Xavius last night. Cenarius fight sucks and xavius is so easy compared to everything else...Its basically the heroic fight with a little more corruption.

Then went on to Mythic Odyn. That fight is fun as hell. Chaotic as fuck and punishes you for mistakes but if you do your shit right its fine. Made it to phase 3 about 4 outta the 10 pulls we did but still working on getting a good strategy for our brands.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
generally for the brands every time we swap between sections on the floor we have 5 people assigned to drop markers then everyone runs to those when they are marked (even the tanks dragging Odyn along)

875 phantasmal echo and 870 grotesque statuette

those are both not great, the phantasmal echo triggers too easily as the internal cooldown is too long to actually be helpful with the exception on fights that you can make sure it doesn't trigger until you need it I use it on mythic guarm as effectively a cooldown i use during the first flashing fangs so i dont have to get a barkskin or BoS, the static haste is good but i dont think it does enough for survivability. the grotesque statue is good on single target fights due to the way the procs work (it is effectively useless on 1 of the tanks if 2 tanks have it) it is pretty terrible when used on add fights. if you can maintain 25%+ haste without the echo swap it out for the str/mast if you cant swap the grotesque statue out for the 890 str/mastery you'll get a lot more usefulness out of it.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Most of what we do is single target fights. Even on add fights, the hard-hitting stuff makes use of the statuette. I don't use it, so no issue with both tanks having one (I use Raven Eidolon and Darkmoon: Immortality).

Yes, Phantasmal Echo is less than ideal.

Noodle, you should grab a Darkmoon: Immortality deck when you can. The Faire is on right now so there is renewed interest in the cards. They're going cheaper than usual. The Raven Eidolon is basically a sta/mastery stick because the on-use ability is garbage, but it's a huge amount of extra HP and the mastery is good too.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Check out the warrior Discord. There are a couple of spreadsheets that evaluate pretty much every tanking trinket in the game. Don't bother with the Gnomeregan Auto-Blocker, it's nerfed as of 7.1.5.


Got something right about marriage
Most of what we do is single target fights. Even on add fights, the hard-hitting stuff makes use of the statuette.

The damage reduction is split among all in range mobs. So if you have 5 things hitting you, and you only have one proc, it's splitting that one procs DR among all adds evenly. That's what makes it a pretty terrible trinket on any fight with mutliple adds.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
The damage reduction is split among all in range mobs. So if you have 5 things hitting you, and you only have one proc, it's splitting that one procs DR among all adds evenly. That's what makes it a pretty terrible trinket on any fight with mutliple adds.

Yep, the statue splits its procs between everything hitting you and since its PPM lots of adds dont actually increase its proc chance it just spreads them out onto everything so instead of 1 mob with 5 stacks you have 5 mobs with 1 stack each (not always evenly split). a simple fix is reduce its effectiveness and make it a buff that goes on the tank not a buff on the mob hitting the tank.

Darkmoon card is legit on a few fights but i dont think its the end all be all trinket that the warrior discord splooges over every time trinkets are brought up (same with autoblocker). once you are in the 7k Armor range DR makes the armor less effective than if you are lower, you can compare it for yourself by looking at the damage reduction you get from heavy hide buff at your current armor value vs what you would get if you were higher when it proc'd.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Guys, we aren't doing Mythic. Darkmoon card is still in "ridiculously good" territory for us. I'm at ~6800 armor native so that trinket pushes me over 7k -- with its average proc plus neck proc, I'm at ~11k armor and that's over 60% damage reduction. Physical only, of course.

It might just be me, but it seems that every fight in EN H has a single target component in it for a tank using the statuette, except for some of Xavius (some of p1, and p3). Il'gynoth has the Horror, and tentacles that hit like trucks (single tanked, but I guess the Eye is constantly hitting the tank with spit?). Spider adds are typically only on one tank, so that's usually me and not Noodle (since I don't use the statuette, I don't care about multiple things hitting me). Nythendra is single. Ursoc is single. Dragons are switched but for all intents and purposes, only hitting one tank at a time (unless the flying one counts?). Cenarius adds only hit the offtank (that's me).

Either I'm way off base here, in which case please correct me, or the trinket really isn't all that bad for what we're doing. If merely the presence of more than one mob is enough to make the trinket useless, then sure, get rid of it. Otherwise, it's fine.


Molten Core Raider
Ya that's what we tried. Only got 1 chance that way and a few still screwed up. But we did pretty good for the few pulls we had.

That fight is just controlled chaos. I hope the Nighthold fights are as fun.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Having just gotten all of the main artifact stuff unlocked and capped Artifact knowledge I am glad this is coming now so I can have more fun plinking with alts by decking out their artifact knowledge easier.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I wonder why they waited so long to announce that 7.1.5 will be released next Tuesday? It's not like it's a surprise to anyone that they aren't releasing it the same day as NH.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I wonder why they waited so long to announce that 7.1.5 will be released next Tuesday? It's not like it's a surprise to anyone that they aren't releasing it the same day as NH.

This is blizzard. They won't release a firm date unless they are convinced 100% they will make that date. This typically is why you don't get confirmation something is going to happen until right before it does. Honestly this announcement is a bit more lead time then they often provide.


Molten Core Raider
I wonder why they waited so long to announce that 7.1.5 will be released next Tuesday? It's not like it's a surprise to anyone that they aren't releasing it the same day as NH.
They always announce the Friday before the patch


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I guess I've got a terrible memory then. I thought I remembered a two week lead time for all patches.


Got something right about marriage
Anyone got a link to the official patch notes? Everything I see is from November 15th