World of Warcraft: Current Year


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
People have always sucked shit at all levels of this game.. I figured it was just so people could bust out their old legendaries and shit.. which I guess is fun enough in timewalking.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I never knew gearing for time walking was a thing.Why bother? All time walking is super easy if you know the boss mechanics. I love how you can tell who didnt play during the time walking era cause they die to mechanics that people who played back then understand.


Not even just boss mechanics, but people that think you can chainpull like 4 packs. Holy shit it enrages me as a healer cause there's nothing I can do about it, the tanks are always fucking awful (and always a dk for some reason)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You guys have some bad luck! Every time walking group I've been in has been great! Get my quest item for the 500 badges, and typically call it good. Or do the 5 to finish the quests.


Trakanon Raider
I never knew gearing for time walking was a thing.Why bother? All time walking is super easy if you know the boss mechanics. I love how you can tell who didnt play during the time walking era cause they die to mechanics that people who played back then understand.

It's just a time consideration. You can really do some absurd things quickly if you have a full group decked out in TW specific gear. Yeah, they're not hard but if you're able to pull multiple groups vs not the time adds up. Granted the mount drop rate is pants and the currency items are so-so with some cool toys in there. But shit goes a ton faster when your whole group is doing ~4k+ dps
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not even just boss mechanics, but people that think you can chainpull like 4 packs. Holy shit it enrages me as a healer cause there's nothing I can do about it, the tanks are always fucking awful (and always a dk for some reason)

All I know leveling my DK as tank for quick queues, was always a hunter pulling extra shit, especially once they got barrage.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Well that's just a hunter, they do that everywhere.

Exactly they are known as huntards for a reason and they are the sister fucking inbreds of the world... Of Warcraft.

I think I pull random shit and become dumber when I play mine.


Murder Apologist
So did anyone play healers much on beta? I haven't played in years, but feeling kinda bummed with how neutered healers are feeling. When I heal for 30k into 880k bear health, I feel I might cry a little...

Does it get better at 110 with artifacts or is that just what they are going for now - healers playing more of a support role than the gods of keeping everyone alive like they were in classic through wotlk.

Yeah I'm up to ilevel 858 on beta but I've only done up to mythic6, and honestly I was carried. Mostly i've done Mythic 4/5.

I can see where there must be some problems with pre-artifact healing, it's prolly more with gear than anything else. I joined beta with my disc priest who I hadn't played in a year at 715ish ilevel and I had serious trouble until I retooled his gear for haste/mastery (then crit/haste for holy). Depending on what healer you're playing your stat priorities could be RADICALLY different before and after 7.0 and if you're tricked out in HFC gear, there may not be many opportunities to do anything about it.

That said, YES mythic+ is pretty rough on healers. You know it's because the DPS or the tanks aren't avoiding all the avoidable damage that they can, but the blame ultimately falls on you. So while I can prolly do mythic 3 as disc, it's totally implausible since I'd just end up spamming shadowmend and not really playing disc at all. With holy----and I imagine with other throughput healers---it's way more straightforward.

Raidwise it's a lot more even, there's room for disc and other healer playstyles from what I've seen, but I've only done Nighthold up to Augur on heroic.


xzi said:
Is it worth it to still bring legendaries?

If you have them it is. The stats are tuned down, but the procs are still better than the other options you usually have. Some of the Deathwing weapons are fun as well in TW dungeons, as their procs work.


Murder Apologist
Exactly they are known as huntards for a reason and they are the sister fucking inbreds of the world... Of Warcraft.

I think I pull random shit and become dumber when I play mine.

Dude I swear every fucking hunter in Beta decided to play a DH tank. I've seen one or two that were worth shit, but the rest were just utter glue-sniffing retards.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Legion Developer Interviews
Some other sites interviewed the developers about Demon Hunters and got a few answers that haven't been covered in other interviews.

  • There are still parts of the Dark Whispers event that players didn't figure out during the time it was active on beta.
  • When you turn into a Dreadlord you get 6,666% additional health and raid boss power level abilities.
  • Vengeance is probably a mid-tier tank when it comes to complexity. They have a lot utility in Mythic+ dungeons which makes them a little more complex, but a little less complex in raid tanking.

  • Legion invasion events will scale from Level 10 to 100.
  • Garrison building tech saved the day and allowed for the invasions to spawn in large buildings and really take over the zones.
  • The team didn't spend enough time in Warlords or make use of the assets and story there well.
  • Legion is going to be a longer expansion with more patches so that the story is told well
  • The Warlords quests that just required you to fill a bar with no story weren't great.
  • The last two expansions together have taught the team where they need to spend their time and effort in terms of evolving WoW.
  • Not doing Demon Hunters until now means that their mobility and other things that weren't possible with Burning Crusade tech could be realized well.

Yeah it's going to be totally different this time baby. I promise I won't hit ya. I won't even lose my temper and get man. I can change.

Fuck you bliz, we're totally going to have more patches and faster content and we promise we wont cut stuff, and the story is better and we have learned.

Heard it before faggots, show us instead of telling us for once.
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Murder Apologist
There was a time when the devs said they were soooo happy with Timeless Isle on MoP that they would use those ideas and metrics for the whole continent of WoD. They kinda did that with Tanaan but nowhere else in the whole expansion.

Legion is pretty close tho. I have a lot of problems with it, but it's definitely the closest thing to WoW's philosophy of "World as Toy" as anything they've done since WOTLK.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Not hard for that. WoD was the worst expansion the game has had.
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