World of Warcraft: Current Year

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
when i was spamming HoV a few weeks ago (teeming and something else affixes) 3 out of 5 pugs i would join at a 13 or higher couldn't get past the pull after hymdall at the top of the stairs, 1 couldn't get past hymdall. PUGs dont know how to not stand in stuff, or boss mechanics, its just the way it works. The amount of bad players is astounding, how do you die in raid finder on Fallen Avatar before the ground breaks? it should literally be impossible. i joined a Raid finder KJ and noticed they had max determination stacks, noped right out of that one.

I think the issue is people just dont care, they want to be carried, go to LFR i think the min ilevel is 870? and people pull 250-300k dps, that isn't gear that's just people who dont know how to play their class.


A Mod Real Quick
Crone if you catch me on I can run some with you, just my availability sometimes is garbage.

I don't even think you'd need to heal me in a 5


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
This should be a good gear week with the extra rewards from doing Mythics. Will have to knock out the regular mythic of all of them!


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I usually get invited to whatever group I sign up for now but at the beginning of any reset/tier I'll usually make my own groups through group finder to make sure I make a decent group.

I did that when I played a Tank or a Healer. Its usually fairly easy to make a group at that point. But you better be one social butterfly mf if you're a DPS. That or have a clique thats solid af. Though Booze is right, running that shit over and over and over is repetitive as shit. I was at the point where I was only having fun when the RNG was fucking me in Mythic's.

I still wish I would have played something else this expansion besides buying into the Spriest Powerhouse phenomenon at release. I can deal with being behind a bit, but it fucks with my psyche knowing that even at my best, Ill me average DPS once Im at the top ranks.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
My god, if you could be a bear with ironfur while specced Balance you'd probably still tank better than a warrior at this point.
  • 1Worf
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Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
127 wipes on mistress so far (thats more than we had on Mythic Gul'dan) - best pull is ~10%. you can get royally fucked on RNG in the last phase if you get tornados+wave+hydra with the wave and tornado locations being completely random. the DPS check is also super tight, dropped your fish early, guess you wipe.


A Mod Real Quick
I've pretty much given up the idea of mythic at this point , already banging my dick into a wall enough as it is


Yep. Was a Mythic raiding guild in WoD, but not enough people stuck around in Legion due to RNG/Difficult Catch Up mechanics (The catch up for AP has gotten better - it is still hot AIDs for Legendaries, however). Combine that with my Medium-Low Server population dipping down to Low and... we are cutting our third raid night and just doing Normal (alts)/Heroic (Almost down to a 3 hour clear).

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
They are going to need to drastically increase legendary drop rates soon if they expect anyone to play any alts whatsoever. I have an above average play time, and i just got my last legendary last night for my spec, luckily i front loaded all my good legendary's and the last one was just a sephuz but had this been one of the "class balancing" legendary's i cant imagine the salt i would have. the Sephuz actually dropped from a chest on the brokenshore of all places.

At this point in the expansion if you are leveling an alt its extremely unlikely you are going to be able to get a targeted legendary in the near term, you may get lucky but its GG if you only want a specific one. I wouldn't be opposed to "do 10 emissary's and get a legendary" at this point , its a time gate but we know blizzard loves those. Something that would guarantee a drop instead of doing what most people are doing and clearing old content and praying they get lucky. Maybe have the new argus currency buy tokens that turn into legos, price them exceptionally high or cap the currency gained per day so you will be able to get 1-2 lego's before Argus raid opens. its painful at the moment for anyone that wants to switch mains between raid tiers and cant spend 12 hours a day running mythics. I dont know how many times ive seen people reroll to dps classes (warriors) and get aggramar's and mannoroths bracers as their first 2, my Blood Dk got cloak (taking magic damage heals you) and aggramar's as my first two..great.


A Mod Real Quick
Yeah I lucked out on monk. Got the trinket first day being 110, and after like 2 months got the tunic. My other legendaries have been good ones too - helmet, healing belt, etc.

Even my first WW legendary was the belt

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
its not so bad for a tank as most of our legendary items are nice to have but for dps its killer, we've sat mages before who didn't have ring, or fire mages who didn't have belt (i'll caveat and say we have like 4-5 mages). a few specs just dont have other options than the 2 bis.

Warlocks seem to be in a good spot since they have a lot of viable legendaries and none are "i need this to compete" at least for destro/affliction - but they do still have 2-3 completely dead legendary's that do nothing.

looking at logs almost every dps class has 2 that are practically mandatory if you want to compete or be taken seriously from a mythic raid perspective.

even a mini quest at 110 that lets you pick 1 legendary and then have the others drop randomly would go a long way to helping the problem, you wouldn't be guaranteed your 2 bis but you'd at least be halfway there. you can even time gate it for 2 weeks "clear all the bosses in ToS on LFR for 2 weeks" or something. just anything that would allow alts/rerolls a step in the right direction to getting a character ready for mythic.


A Mod Real Quick
My warlock is about to hit 110 (thanks to invasions. Seriously 106-109 in an hour last night) and I'm dreading the legendary system because it's my first dps class.