World of Warcraft: Current Year


A Mod Real Quick
yea it goes out quite a bit, but you prioritize it for a few specific knockbacks. the 2nd tank add in phase 2 is the one we usually use movement abilities (blink, goblin boots, disengage) because right after you all get pulled into the tank dispell a bursting dreadflame goes off and it can 1 shot people on mythic. if you use it there usually you'll have it up by the end of the fight to cheese an obelisk knockback as well (the fight generally takes ~11-12minutes for most guilds) we lust on the pull and had our lust up when he was at 15% for time reference.

yea i agree, some of the fights are just not done well in tomb. ive raided from vanilla through icc in wotlk, and then casual until late wod and the worst bosses ive ever dealt with are mistress and KJ (both equally terrible, and for different reasons)
I originally loved tomb but it's very lackluster and they went way too heavy handed with soaks n shit. It's where my mythic dream died.


Overlapping random mechanics that can 1 shot you or wipe the entire raid is pretty fucking retarded and hopefully not something they do going forward.


<WoW Guild Officer>
yea it goes out quite a bit, but you prioritize it for a few specific knockbacks. the 2nd tank add in phase 2 is the one we usually use movement abilities (blink, goblin boots, disengage) because right after you all get pulled into the tank dispell a bursting dreadflame goes off and it can 1 shot people on mythic. if you use it there usually you'll have it up by the end of the fight to cheese an obelisk knockback as well (the fight generally takes ~11-12minutes for most guilds) we lust on the pull and had our lust up when he was at 15% for time reference.

yea i agree, some of the fights are just not done well in tomb. ive raided from vanilla through icc in wotlk, and then casual until late wod and the worst bosses ive ever dealt with are mistress and KJ (both equally terrible, and for different reasons)
Ahh ok that makes sense thanks. I did something similar to you only I quit right before ulduuar and came back for legion. (Damn bliz promising not to make sweeping changes and to try avoid nerfing stuff lol)

I'm dumb btw rocket jumps 1.5 min cd. Don't know where 5 mins came from


Silver Knight of the Realm
I mean with our re-clears we still wipe to Mistress, especially last night we wiped a few times. Mistress is just an annoying fight, especially with the rise of overall raid ilvl and damage, most of the buffer fish are just wasted.

We also seem to still wipe sometimes to people wanting to touch opposite colors on Maiden and Avatar people just wanting to leak beams and then tell everyone afterward they're leaking so no one can cover the soak. The new soak debuff nerf was nice as we just have everyone going to 7-8 stacks now.

I think everyone is just fatigued from Tomb at this point and just want to put enough minimal effort in required to get through some of these mythic fights and I don't blame them. Tomorrow we just have KJ left and I just hope with only needing the one big soak, we just one shot it and I can be done for this week.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
Im really hoping that they stepped it up for Antorus and there is actually a progression in difficulty instead of easy bosses surrounded by dick punch bosses followed by easy bosses.

The soaks on almost every boss is a big part of it, but i cant really put my finger on the exact reason tomb feels so lackluster. the design and architecture is fine (is better than the early antorus areas at least) the bosses are varied it just feels blah.

it may also be the fact that i am very loot motivated, i play to get shiny toys because i like big numbers (my BrM sims for 1million dps atm which is dumb for a tank to be able to do) and the loot from mythic encounters this raid is barely an upgrade. for instance i have a 915 ring with a socket from heroic, a 935 ring exactly the same drops in mythic with no socket, the difference in the two is about 400 sta (nobody cares) and 4 crit, yep 4. and about 120 vers. i killed the boss that dropped the heroic ring the day tomb was released, the mythic one took several weeks of banging my head against. so for me to upgrade my ring i need the ring to drop at 930 and also roll a socket, so now im banking on a loot drop + a random war/titanforge. Monk is 944 bag and around 939 equipped, my rogue who has never stepped foot into mythic and has cleared heroic once is 935....something is off in this equation.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Im really hoping that they stepped it up for Antorus and there is actually a progression in difficulty instead of easy bosses surrounded by dick punch bosses followed by easy bosses.

The soaks on almost every boss is a big part of it, but i cant really put my finger on the exact reason tomb feels so lackluster. the design and architecture is fine (is better than the early antorus areas at least) the bosses are varied it just feels blah.

I think Zhou is right about part of it being alot if people are just bored of tos and frying out on raiding in general. I haven't done mythic passed the first boss so feel free to correct me but tomb really feels like a continuation of NH. Both zones there wasn't alot of random abilities but when the abilities overlapped there was such a small margin for error that the slightest fuck up would wipe the raid and over gearing it didn't change that. I personally love the overlapping abilities even if theyre randomly targeting people bc it makes you communicate and plan ahead but when they're tuned so tightly that 1 fuck up and the raids dead it's hard to want to repeat that boss.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
Yea thats pretty accurate, most bosses have a shitty ability that ends the raid.

Goroth - if you dont soak a meteor its a wipe

DI - probably the only one that doesn't

Harjatan - just a dps check, if you go to 4 icy phases the raid is usually dead

sisters - its completely possible to screw the entire raid randomly if you refresh the raid dot

host - this fight is pretty enjoyable, no complaints here except its a little boring for tanks

mistress - fuck this fight, it was shit because of waves+tornados+hydra shot overlap, now its shit because you push it so fast that the core element of mythic - buffer fish, aren't even used. its entirely possible now to push it fast enough that you have a completely new set of shit ability overlaps (we had 340+ wipes on her)

maiden - insta wipe if you get close to someone else with a different color

avatar - i actually enjoyed this fight, if it was the only fight with soaks it would be given a pass. probably one of my top 5 favorite fights this expansion

KJ - combines all the shittiness of all the other bosses. dont dps hard enough, wipe, dont soak arma's wipe, dont dispell at exactly the right time (you have about a 1 second window) wipe, dont heal the adds fast enough, wipe, dont cheese shadow phase with a DK with mass grip and get more than 2 singularities in shadow wipe.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Antorus, the Burning Throne Release Schedule
November 29: Normal and Heroic difficulties
December 6: Mythic difficulty and Raid Finder wing 1
December 20: Raid Finder wing 2
January 3: Raid Finder wing 3
January 16: Raid Finder wing 4
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Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
So, I was finally bored enough to try out pet battles. I've never been part of the whole Pokemon craze, so this has been something that has eluded me in the past. I've read a couple of guides on how to play, but no where have I found out why.

I'd like to ask those of you who do take part in it, what are your goals? To collect all types of pets? Three of each type? Three rare of each type and level them all to 25? Win all the battle masters?

I'm genuinely curious as to what to aim for in this.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Because it's fun. The collection aspect is a big part for me personally. I also like building different teams and seeing how they fare in pet battles against other teams. You can be pretty creative and strategic in how you build your teams with the different pet types, buffs, and attacks.

I feel the same way about raiding. You raid and get loot so you and get loot? What's the point? People do it because they enjoy it. Same as pet battles, or collecting achievements, or transmogs, or pvp, or whatever.
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Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Cool! Do you find it's enough to get one rare of each type, or do you go for all three slots?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I only bother trying for 1 rare of each. Some people try to get 3 rares of differing breeds, but I don't really give a shit about breeds. That's way more effort and time than I'm willing to spend.

When capturing new pets, I generally don't actively hunt for a rare unless it's well known for being great on a battle team. For most, I just capture the first one I see, whether it's grey, green, or white, and later on I'll use an upgrade stone if I find it has a useful skill for battling.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Part of me wishes they never changed classic zones with Cata and just added flying and new zones. Would love to level up in classic zones with the new level agnostic approach (up to 60).

Only downside to classic is Lakeshire becomes the most boring fucking questing zone in the game again, instead of the awesome John J Keeshan quests ;p

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Battle Pet breeds are only important for a few pets. S/S Snakes that have Blinding Poison, H/H pets that Explode/Self-Destruct (based off of the pets Hit Points), or a P/P and S/S Zandalari raptors.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Speed ones in a mouse is important too, but not much else beyond that.


what Suineg set it to
If you're just collecting, sure. But these battle pets literally are still good years later. Get the min/max ones for the pets you will actually use (Kun'Lai Runt, etc.).
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Molten Core Raider
Just join us. We clear EN in 20 minutes lol

It's the artifact xmog quest. Required to unlock the 4 appearances line, even if you have the others.

I'm EU :)

EU as well. Going to try monday/tuesday maybe join a leg/xmog farm run.

Tried affliction warlock mage tower thing last night, didn't end too well. There's one op legendary that basically is required. And I don't have it. I have only switched from demo two days ago and all the five legendaries I have are demo. Fuhk.