World of Warcraft: Current Year


Got something right about marriage
No it's still there. Sounds like maybe you're bugged?
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Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
I can't wait to get the same relic 3 times from the exact same chest
Seems relevant:

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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I am secretly hoping in a way that the live game see's a massive massive dip in subs. Fucking abysmal figures, and then somehow Classic blows expectations out of the fucking water. Only because I want Blizzard to stop and think hmm maybe we should move away from 21431434 game modes and RNG on RNG on RNG and get back to an older style RPG elements.

Of course knowing Blizzard they would see that Trend and just go holy shit guys retro gaming is where it's at and do something totally fucking retarded instead.
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In their defense, absolutely nothing is changing about the way loot works. Just you might get 2 extra pieces. Which is still annoying lol


Avatar of War Slayer
So, you can log onto the new beta pvp (arena) only server and see the M+, PvP, and first raid azerite bonuses. The Uldir raid bonuses are just as shit as the leveling up ones. One can only hope these are temporary, but I somehow doubt it.

Maybe it will be like legion, and the first real 'tier' raid, is the second raid released. Maybe then we will see actual interesting bonuses, to rival the set bonuses we lost.
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Got something right about marriage
Well, Emerald Nightmare had interesting fights, not sure how Highmaul was, but yea they usually release an easy raid for the first tier and then ramp it up from there. That goes all the way back to Naxx in WoTLK.


Got something right about marriage
I decided to switch my DHs to Vengeance for the first time since they were introduced so I could do the mage tower appearance. Goddamn this spec is fun. Shoulda been playing a Vengeance DH the entire time.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Well, Emerald Nightmare had interesting fights, not sure how Highmaul was, but yea they usually release an easy raid for the first tier and then ramp it up from there. That goes all the way back to Naxx in WoTLK.
Highmaul was fucking garbage. I really didn't mind the questing in WOD and the story lines that went with it, actually rather enjoyed it and for my first time leveled up two toons, but once you hit that first raid you're like wtf... The first, what, three fights are in the initial arena, and then three bosses you can fight in any order that are all very uninspired, all of which are optional, and the final boss fight was basically a target switch encounter. Bladefist was really the only one that had interesting story or history, and he was a dps with adds fight, and the first boss so the easiest... Blackrock and Hellfire were admittedly pretty good raids, but only three raids for an entire expansion was exceptionally light.

Legion bosses were leaps and bounds more interesting in both technicality and difficulty, in all of the raids. Cenarius, Xavius, Helya, Gul'dan, Kil'jaeden, and even Argus were all very involved, challenging fights, with a ton of history, lore, and associated quests. That's what Legion did exceptionally well. I thought the Lich King was basically the end of Warcraft, but Legion actually was. BFA is gonna be that unnecessary sequel, or 11th season.


Molten Core Raider
Of course knowing Blizzard they would see that Trend and just go holy shit guys retro gaming is where it's at and do something totally fucking retarded instead.

Sounds like it's time for a new Lost Vikings game boys!
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Trakanon Raider
In their defense, absolutely nothing is changing about the way loot works. Just you might get 2 extra pieces. Which is still annoying lol

Pretty sure blizzard likes the depression side of the endorphin/depression gambling paradigm. Eight weeks of single item cache will kill my soul more then the one week where I get three. Especially cause we will all know that one guy who pulls two or three pieces at like a 40 percent clip. This will be of course the same guy who got bis legos in legion by drop number four on three different characters.

Edit: I can agree with you on most of those fights. But KJ was gigantic piece of shit from both a design standpoint and a tuning standpoint.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
The only thing wrong with KJ (and most of TOS) was the soak mechanic ensuring absolute failure, tied to rng. That's bad design.
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Trakanon Raider
The only thing wrong with KJ (and most of TOS) was the soak mechanic ensuring absolute failure, tied to rng. That's bad design.

That and his flight intermission artificially increasing fight length along with pillar rng. The fight as a whole was just subpar. Then again the whole zone was shit for mythic so the last boss being a dud wasn't unexpected. I'm sure this is rose colored glasses talking, but his original fight was much better from a story standpoint and as an actual fight.

Edit: I think the biggest thing I hated about kj was how he completely brought back raid stacking when the majority of this expansion avoided it (aside from soak rogues).


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
The only thing wrong with KJ (and most of TOS) was the soak mechanic ensuring absolute failure, tied to rng. That's bad design.

Anything where one person can complete wipe a raid is shit design. What would of made KJ infinity more enjoyable for people is if they would of designed the soak mechanic where instead of a massive fuck you dot going out for missing one, instead the would of been much lighter but ramp up and stack. So missing 1 fissure applies a minor effect while missing multiple ramps it up. Now all of a sudden it still sucks to miss one or two but it's much more forgiving. Missing many still results in a wipe.
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