World of Warcraft: Current Year


Potato del Grande
Remember in Vanilla when you spent months manually flying out to some godforsaken corner of the world because your class set shoulders were there and hadn't dropped yet?

Then you did that long skill and money gated questline to upgrade it even though you already had better raid loot. What was it you had to do... 10 minute Stratholme clear?

They need way less items and versions of items and more variety of what items do, all earned over longer periods of time and not shat out of retard easy world quests.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Raid trinkets sucking dick and balls is another lesson learned thing. They admitted Ghuun gear was fucking ultra garbage for the effort but they just didn’t care. Ion is a failure.


anyways, I just got this from a WQ emissary

  • 1Mother of God
  • 1Worf
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FoH nuclear response team
I have been itching to play some game again, I am 1/2 tempted to log into this shit but if anyone has any recommendation of a better MMO I am open. I am going to go ham on classic but Blizzard so fucking dogshit slow in getting it together.

Return of Reckoning is live nukka.


Got something right about marriage
If by high key you mean 18+, yeah I guess it’s harder than Mythic raider. Anything under that is easier just from the fact you only need 5 good players to do it. M+ has ruined the feeling of gear progression in the game. I can be full heroic ilevel gear in every slot except 3 the day a new season begins, not counting WF/TF. They need to separate the two somewhat from a gear perspective. Maybe M+ sets and raid sets, so some slots go between but your BiS comes from the content you do.

M+ sets would be nice but M+ has not ruined gear progression. Their loot philosophy, WF/TF, lack of ingenuity when it comes to gear stats and effects, and complete reset each tier has ruined loot progression. Heroic ilvl gear is not very powerful and you'll still want to Mythic raid if you want to push high keys.

The first few bosses in every Mythic raid tier are always puggable. Most mythic guilds are filled with people who refuse to do simple things like download weakauras, turn on chat bubbles, or generally understand fights and can't do better than a green parse. And those same guilds are still 6/9 Mythic and are filled with people that fail +12s regularly. Those people get carried by the 8 or so good players and that's possible until the later bosses, or in cases like Uldir or ToS, until you hit the stupidly overtuned roadblock boss (Fetid Devourer, MIstress). You'll still be able to kill the first 4-5 bosses in those scenarios with minimal effort. BoD is the first raid tier in a very long time that has a steady difficulty curve until the final boss. Which is much more appropriate than the last 4-5 raid tiers we have gotten.

Raiding isn't harder from a gameplay perspective, it's harder from an administrative perspective. And that's dumb as hell. This isn't World of Office Space. It's why raiding generally is not fun unless you're in a guild full of people who play exactly like you do, however that may be. Which basically never happens unless you're ultra hardcore and join a top 50 world guild.

And then we sit here and bicker with each other about who's right and who's wrong while we ignore the Elephant in the room, which is that the development of WoW hasn't relied on player feedback or player satisfaction in years. They don't give a shit about the raiders, they don't give a shit about the M+ers, they don't give a shit about the casuals. They only care about keeping you logged in chasing the carrot, except the carrot used to be tasty. Now it's a shit sandwich. Gear acquisition is currently set up to mask the fact that there is fuck all to do in this game. "Well might as well do this menial, bullshit task for a chance at a TF!". And gear ilvl revolves around raiding to keep raiding relevant, instead of making raiding interesting and/or fun.
  • 1Solidarity
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The thing is, you ordered a McDeluxe meal with extras (Mythic raid), and the guy coming ordered a basic burger and... got a McDeluxe with supersized soda (Emissary titanforge).

And so, you're "why did I spend so much and the guy whipped a dollar bill and got more than me?"
I'm currently 4 of 9 mythic. Probably be 5 of 9 tonight. My buddy who doesn't raid with us got a 425 the other day. Didn't bother me in the least. I guess I just don't get it. There are lots of problems with gear in legion and BFA. The biggest being ilvl upgrades being huge downgrades. Titanforging does not seem to be a problem to me but I guess I'm just not a jealous type of person.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
293,024 Interview with Ion Hazzikostas on Patch 8.2 also interviewed Ion today on the upcoming Rise of Azshara patch.

  • Classic
    • There is nothing new to share on Classic and it's still releasing in the summer.
  • Patch 8.2 Features
    • There are no new Allied Races in Patch 8.2. The team will add more where it makes sense, and entirely new races (non allied races) are still better added in expansions rather than content updates.
    • Mechagon is smaller than Nazjatar, but still has a lot of content. It is slightly larger than the Timeless Isle.
  • Story in Rise of Azshara
    • Azshara has plans and has a role to play in the faction conflict. There are events that the players will not expect.
    • We have just come off of a major battle between the factions, and so the faction conflict will continue for the foreseeable future.
  • Classes
    • The team wants to see more class representation in Mythic + and the MDI and will consider this when adding affixes in the future.
    • There are no plans to add a fourth spec option to existing classes in the near future. Another spec would add a lot more complications to someone learning the game.
    • In the future the team wants to make the existing specs more distinct from each other, with noticeable strengths and weaknesses.
  • Miscellaneous
    • There could be more bot AI brawls in the future as seen with Comp Stomp.
    • It would be hard to imagine a WoW 2.0 not in Azeroth, however, the team can change the world drastically such as adding the sword in Silithus.
  • Development
    • Ion admits that one of the flaws of BfA's start was the fact that all the new features did not blend together in a cohesive manner. For example, the Order Halls of Legion were directly tied into the story and your Artifact Weapon, whereas this is not the case in the latest expansion.
    • The team continues to read and value player feedback. They read almost everything, but also realize that not all players are on social media.
    • Players often feel like silence means that the team is not listening. This is not the case. They actively discuss a lot of the topics presented on the forums, but don't want to announce changes until they are certain it is the right direction and considers the wider audiences. A good example of this is the problems of Warforging/Titanforging. The team actively discusses it, but want to find a satisfying solution for all audiences.
    • They are reluctant to implement systems for leveling used in Guild Wars because leveling up and character progression/strength is a core experience for RPGs.
    • They definitely want to get to a place where every level up means something again.

  • The team continues to read and value player feedback. They read almost everything, but also realize that not all players are on social media.
No shit faggots twitter isn't a place to get player feedback you scumbag cunts.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I'm currently 4 of 9 mythic. Probably be 5 of 9 tonight. My buddy who doesn't raid with us got a 425 the other day. Didn't bother me in the least. I guess I just don't get it. There are lots of problems with gear in legion and BFA. The biggest being ilvl upgrades being huge downgrades. Titanforging does not seem to be a problem to me but I guess I'm just not a jealous type of person.

I cant tell if you are deliberately being a cunt or if you actually believe the shit you type. Either way Lore already beat you to the job of tongue bathing Ions asshole so you can calm down with that shit. If you really think it's just 1000's of players being jealous not only are you blinded by your Blizzard fanboyism you are stupid as shit too. The problem is it destroys any effort/risk/reward paradigm. There is no rhyme or reason to shit proccing +50 ilvl in this game and in some cases you are the one getting the item that turns out to be dogshit anyways so you aren't jealous of yourself you shortsighted American Inventor, you just realize how awful the whole system is and how pointless all the effort you put in is.
  • 1Worf
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All of these interviews are good looks into the thought process of future patches of shit we already know is happening, I hope they keep talking about it and being more clear.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
I can't recommend anyone coming back to WoW at this point. I still play, but only to half-ass level alts for a little gold farming. The game itself is stale and way too easy. I can have a fresh 120 decked out with just WQs in short time.

Until Sekiro came out, I was dicking around in Everquest on Selos and had to admit it was pretty fun considering they sped up the leveling experience for the time-locked progression servers. The immersion in that game is a pretty big deal early on. The game looks low budget but it has a lot of content. You don't realize just how much WoW has become a drive-thru experience until you play the other MMOs out there. I had my dark elf rogue in this one town, and while most everyone didn't hate me, some random ranger elf chick NPC from a faction that hates mine came by and kicked my ass right on the docks. You would never have to worry about silly shit like that in WoW.

The reason I mention it though is not to encourage people to play EQ, but maybe to look for an MMO you have little or no experience with that's not garbage, and try it raw. That effort to learn and actually build a character is what WoW really lacks nowadays.

Hell, if anyone wants to stumble around in something new, lets do it.
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Trump's Staff
You should all try FF14. I hate weeb shit and it was still okay. I'm not super into MMOs anymore but the bit I played it was clear the game is far and away better than modern WoW.
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Canuckistani Terrorist
Speaking of FF14, how easy is it to transfer over an account to someone else? I'm not gonna play again, got an account with all live xpacs and the bike mount for all characters, never subscribed yet, just used up free time. Let it go for some krono or some Isk, nothing crazy.

If this is considered an ad feel free to delete, just throwing it out there cheap since I've seen several people mention starting FF14, just isn't for me.


Molten Core Raider
I cant tell if you are deliberately being a cunt or if you actually believe the shit you type. Either way Lore already beat you to the job of tongue bathing Ions asshole so you can calm down with that shit. If you really think it's just 1000's of players being jealous not only are you blinded by your Blizzard fanboyism you are stupid as shit too. The problem is it destroys any effort/risk/reward paradigm. There is no rhyme or reason to shit proccing +50 ilvl in this game and in some cases you are the one getting the item that turns out to be dogshit anyways so you aren't jealous of yourself you shortsighted American Inventor, you just realize how awful the whole system is and how pointless all the effort you put in is.

It's for people who don't have any interest in organizing for raiding and just want some remote chance for an upgrade on shit they can queue up for or do solo in an emissary quest.

EQ had the big social community thing down. The WoW community is designed to be, and is, absolute shit on a fundamental level, why would some casual who only cares about queueable, anti-social, content care if blizz is sending out hitler-bots to holocaust the raiders literally or figuratively?

I can't see myself joining a raiding guild just to take logs of myself playing, so I can use those logs to apply to the actual guild I wanted to be in, so their resident 16 year old autistic faggot can count how often I click xyz buttons in a 10 min fight. Most of my old RL friends cant even organize their schedules enough to get a consistent M+ group going.

Too bad FF14 is too cat-fucker homo of a weeb fest in it's aesthetic.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
It's for people who don't have any interest in organizing for raiding and just want some remote chance for an upgrade on shit they can queue up for or do solo in an emissary quest.

EQ had the big social community thing down. The WoW community is designed to be, and is, absolute shit on a fundamental level, why would some casual who only cares about queueable, anti-social, content care if blizz is sending out hitler-bots to holocaust the raiders literally or figuratively?

I can't see myself joining a raiding guild just to take logs of myself playing, so I can use those logs to apply to the actual guild I wanted to be in, so their resident 16 year old autistic faggot can count how often I click xyz buttons in a 10 min fight. Most of my old RL friends cant even organize their schedules enough to get a consistent M+ group going.

Too bad FF14 is too cat-fucker homo of a weeb fest in it's aesthetic.

What does any of this have to do with fucked up gear progression? If you are so much of an anti social fuckwad stick to Skyrim.
  • 1Solidarity
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