World of Warcraft: Current Year


Silver Knight of the Realm
I don't remember it from LFR, but I'm pretty sure I was probably sleepwalking through it.

I've never had my interest in a game ebb and flow so widely as it does with WoW. I've played other MMO's, some obviously of lesser quality that I realize are shit while I'm playing them, for so much longer than I ever have with WoW. I'll get all gung ho, re-sub, play for a few weeks, then the temptation to log in just vanishes. While I am really looking forward to WoD and some of the changes that it will bring, I'm not sure if I can even stick it out until then.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I think LFR is essential in a game that gave up on meaningful non-raid content. However, there needs to be better tools to deal with antisocial people. Maybe some kind of account wide reputation system. Only you can see your reputation. If you have a good rep you get shorter queues and higher drop rates, if you have a shitty rep you get longer queues and lower drop rates. So if you keep being an asshat for too long you will suffer and if you're nice and helpful you will benefit eventually.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I dunno, Blizzard seems to be able to say 'yep we put this in but as is, it sucks, we'll change it entirely/take it out'. Even if 'sucks' is just code for 'market research and focus groups have shown this feature has a negative influence customer retention and PR'. Do they see a problem with LFR or is it just us jaded oldtimers that dislike it? I'm 87 now but listening to you guys here paints a picture of quitting once I hit the LFR stage. And with the structured itemlevel progression they have going, it seems pretty unavoidable to do LFR (or get carried / buy you way to raid loot).


Silver Knight of the Realm
I don't particularly dislike LFR, but I'm not in any hurry to go looking for a regular, structured raid guild and get back to a multi night a week schedule. I mean, I've basically done all the MoP content in LFR going in without knowing anything about any of the fights and just adapting or having people so over the ilvl expectation, we just beat encounters by brute force.

When I came back this time, I was already 90, but my gear was shit so I started with Timeless Isle. I had two terrible 463 weapons, and those were my biggest roadblocks. I was gemmed/reforged correctly, but my dps was dog shit because of my weapons. I finally got one out of ToT and respec'd from Fury to Arms warrior, but haven't had much luck with weapon drops out of Siege of Orgrimmar.

In all of those raids, I've had 1 time where people complained after a fight about how poorly it went (Iron Juggernaut), and even then, no one was kicked, they left on their own. However, we waited, got more people, then killed the last 2 bosses in that wing. So I'm not sure if it's just luck of the draw or what, but I have noticed a wide disparity in top/bottom dps in LFR. Guess I have gotten lucky where my groups haven't been as vocal about it as some others have.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I was only saying that I would change some of the mechanics that are different between Normal and LFR. Despite what these guys are saying, I think LFR is a brilliant for someone like me. It gave me the ability to raid at any time of the day, any day of the week. That right there is probably the sole reason that I like it so much. Raid schedules and working around each others work times is just a pain in the ass sometimes. Im sure several people can relate to this.

I guess what Im looking for is a little more challenge out of LFR and a little more longevity. Outside of faction, Im not going to get any upgrades from LFR and wish there was still a progression path that didnt require me reading General Chat or hopping on a work schedule with my Guild. >>> Adding a set of Heroic Dungeons at this point that require iLvL 520 and drop 538 with recipes that are 553 would be a step in the right direction. Even if its just a couple dungeons.

edit: Oh, and you do get some of the cut scenes in LFR. Just not all of them.


Trakanon Raider
My entire point is that I think most people think LFR is fun because it lets you see raid content without a schedule and it lets you enjoy the cool new raid graphics without said schedule too. My main question was whether people actually enjoy progressing through faceroll content with an anonymous 25m zerg. Cause you could make a version of the raid that allowed you to see it and get some gear without the whole circus of 25 retards and that would prolly be more fun and allow blizz more options of letting people self select difficulty if it wasnt a big zerg.

Blizz is fucked with LFR, they can't make it harder without letting people kick whoever they want easily and if they do that they will have asshats kicking people that shouldn't be kicked all the time just cause they expect more than they should.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Do they see a problem with LFR or is it just us jaded oldtimers that dislike it? I'm 87 now but listening to you guys here paints a picture of quitting once I hit the LFR stage. And with the structured itemlevel progression they have going, it seems pretty unavoidable to do LFR (or get carried / buy you way to raid loot).
Well, even if they do see a problem they are not going to leave a couple of million players with nothing to do by removing it. Maybe in some future expansion if they can come up with viable alternatives.

Personally, I don't dislike LFRs as such. But the inability to punish people that intentionally fuck up LFRs is a bit annoying. I might have been unlucky, but I have seen it happen quite a few times.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Creslin, like it was pointed in dozen of posts before, the power of LFR is raiding at anytime you want. You could have multi lvl difficulty for your guild, if youre the only one online at the time or cant follow their schedule, youre fucked. No matter what the difficulty lvl is, if you cant group with your guild or take the tmie to form one, youre fucked.

Again, you even have flex raids nowdays. The only complaining i can get on with is the lack of content for 5 man. That shit is dead. Am lvling a toon and the dungeon option you have in TBC is mind boggling. Am not talkin about gearing option, but the content is massive.

and to the guy worrying about his futur lfr experience, dont freak out. Am having a really smooth time in mine. The assholes are pretty rare and if theyre so blatant, the group will usually just kick em.


Silver Knight of the Realm
So I'm not sure if it's just luck of the draw or what, but I have noticed a wide disparity in top/bottom dps in LFR.
The difference between someone that barely breaks ilvl 496 with a crap weapon and poor skills and someone with normal or heroic level gear is enormous. I don't think the difference in power within the same tier has ever been even remotely this big in WoW before.


Trakanon Raider
the gap between timeless and heroic soc is like the difference between someone in deadmines gear and someone in BWL gear. Literally.


Heirloom weapons are auto-awarded to people, so there could have been 9 other 2h users and it was still yours if you were awarded it. Congratulations, though!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So much hate for the personal-loot heirlooms. Stabbing this fucker in the head for months and I'm up to two heirlooms. Deathknight in the raid has like 10.


So much hate for the personal-loot heirlooms. Stabbing this fucker in the head for months and I'm up to two heirlooms. Deathknight in the raid has like 10.

I looted the Heirloom 2h caster staff (Which I at least had a use for on an alt), then TWO Heirloom Healing Shields and the Caster Off-Hand.


<Silver Donator>
Fuck yall, never missed a beat on killing him every week in normal and flex, have 1 heirloom to my name that I have no use for. I have alt mouths to feed damn it.


Vyemm Raider
I tried out flex because, hey, you can kick fails right? So 3 wipes to spoils (timer) and I'm like yeah, we should really stop blaming tanks and start kicking the underperforming dps. Only the lowest dps was the 60k dps faggot who was leading the raid and blaming everyone else while doing half the damage he should be doing with his gear.

I got 4 bosses done in 5 hours of Flex.