World of Warcraft: Current Year


Molten Core Raider
Correct me if Im wrong, but are you saying you couldnt be bothered to just spend a few hours in Timeless Isle and just queue your ass up for SoO-LFR? You make your friend sound like he has some huge amount of dedication to make it that far. LFR is already a leper colony, nothing new there. So...?
A lot of folks have multiple alts. I have one of every class. I seriously cba jumping through hoops on all of them to just go do the catch up grind again. I'm out for good. (I'm presuming this is about the 'prove yourself' jumping through hoops to be able to play your class/build on LFR as that's the gist I was getting. If not I apologize. At this point with WoW I can't even be bothered to read through 2 or 3 pages to make sure I'm getting the right end of the stick).


Vyemm Raider
Not sure what that has to do with anything. WOW is a fine game, but let's not pretend the majority of the content could be done on a smart phone on the shitter if only it had better controls.
Let's not pretend that there's isn't a bot program for nearly every MMO ever made that could play the game for you completely unattended.

But yes, they let the leveling content get way too easy - it used to be getting adds either killed you, or at least made you waste time healing. Now you can't even find enough mobs piled up together to even hurt you. But every MMO has this problem.

The thing is, not many people even give a shit. It's like buying Call of Duty for the five hour campaign and never touching multiplayer. You level once and then who cares? We're here for the raids or the PVP.


2 Minutes Hate
Let's not pretend that there's isn't a bot program for nearly every MMO ever made that could play the game for you completely unattended.

But yes, they let the leveling content get way too easy - it used to be getting adds either killed you, or at least made you waste time healing. Now you can't even find enough mobs piled up together to even hurt you. But every MMO has this problem.

The thing is, not many people even give a shit. It's like buying Call of Duty for the five hour campaign and never touching multiplayer. You level once and then who cares? We're here for the raids or the PVP.
Why do you keep talking about other MMOs? I don't even think this is a bad thing. My point is it seems Blizzard wants or thinks the game needs to be this challenging and interesting game like Dark Souls or whatever hipster cool indie game is popular now. WOW isn't that game anymore and like I said, it's a step above Candy Crush as a form of entertainment. The players don't want this involved, challenging and interesting game that Blizzard thinks it should create. The vast number of subscribers want an easy game they can press a few buttons and get shiny loot. I don't think they can fuck with that too much. This is Qhue's point (I think).


Molten Core Raider
Uh, their model is to make hard and interesting content then turn down the difficulty for the base. It's what they've done for years and it works fine. They'll probably backpedal on the LFR tier loot thing though.


Trakanon Raider
I plan to buy WoD for the leveling and garrison etc. The first month or two of an expansion when you level, do new dungeons, work on new reps, etc are in my opinion the best parts about MMO's. Suggesting to remove that and just auto log into farm mode of raids and nothing else, which is in my opinion the worst phase of MMO content cycles, is a terrible idea.


Trakanon Raider
Why do you keep talking about other MMOs? I don't even think this is a bad thing. My point is it seems Blizzard wants or thinks the game needs to be this challenging and interesting game like Dark Souls or whatever hipster cool indie game is popular now. WOW isn't that game anymore and like I said, it's a step above Candy Crush as a form of entertainment. The players don't want this involved, challenging and interesting game that Blizzard thinks it should create. The vast number of subscribers want an easy game they can press a few buttons and get shiny loot. I don't think they can fuck with that too much. This is Qhue's point (I think).
Why do you think they want to make things more challenging for the casual player base? You really aren't making much sense. LFR gets tuned for flex and drop rates go up. I'm missing the part where they did Dark Souls hipster indie shit?

Did anyone actually read this?Dev Watercooler: Raiding Azeroth Part 3-Warlords of Draenor - World of Warcraft. Because the rationale is actually really sound on why they are removing tier from LFR. I'll include it for the lazy:

Raid Finder still has an important place within the new Warlords raid structure. Many players cannot or simply do not want to commit to a fixed group. And no matter how convenient we make organized raiding through Group Finder, it?ll never be something you can jump in and do for 45 minutes during your downtime on a busy day, the way you might do a Raid Finder wing.

However, we?ve also learned other lessons from our experience with Raid Finder over the past two and a half years. Raiding a single zone with a guild or group of friends can stay engaging for months, and one of the core reasons for that is the pacing of progression through a zone. A raid group might start out learning a new boss or two each week; that pace slows as the raid reaches the later bosses near the end of a zone, and more time each week is spent re-clearing ?farm content? to gear up further. This keeps the experience varied, and even if you don?t get the specific loot you were hoping for in a given week, you?re seeing your friends and guildmates progress and get stronger, and you?re feeling the impact of those upgrades as you kill bosses faster and faster.
Raid Finder offers none of that. Your ninth clear of the Underhold section of Siege of Orgrimmar is likely no faster than your second (and might even be slower); you aren?t experiencing anything new or different. So how can we make Raid Finder a more compelling and enjoyable experience? A decent first step is to make it significantly more generous than it has been in the past, nearly doubling the rate of reward to better match the overall pacing of the content.

Our intent is for Raid Finder to allow players to experience our raid content, see the conclusion of major storylines, and witness the epic environments that our artists create without needing to commit to an organized raid group. We?d like to focus on that purity of purpose, and minimize the elements that have made guild raiders feel like they needed to do Raid Finder each week as part of their core progression. Accordingly, while loot will be awarded more frequently, Raid Finder in Warlords will have different loot tables than the Normal, Heroic, or Mythic versions of the raids, along with different item art. The gear will fall in between dungeon loot and Normal mode raid loot in terms of power, as it does today, but without the set bonuses and specific trinkets that tend to make raiders feel like they need to run Raid Finder alongside their weekly guild raids today.

After a player gets quickly geared up through Raid Finder and starts thinking about venturing into Normal mode for better rewards, their Raid Finder loot and combat experience should prepare them to take that next step?and Group Finder will make the process easier than ever before.


The Scientific Shitlord
Wow, whoever came up with that plan was full on retarded. Now instead of LFR having any use whatsoever people are just going to skip it because the loot is pointless. Having the same gear with different ilevels was actually one of the best ideas they had in Cata. If their goal was to make people stop feeling like they have to do lfr on top of regular groups, just up the fucking drop rate for normal+. That's not rocket science. The idiotic RNG games they play with normal+ should DIAF as it stands. Divide loot into slots and have bosses drop X tokens for Y and Z slots per kill. Reduce the time people have to waste getting done per tier. If your content is good enough they'll be back on alts soon enough.


I have a 10 man raid team starting up on azuremyst horde side. Could use a couple dps and possibly a bomb resto Druid or priest. We are going for a 2 day schedule with heroic SoO. Cimo#1218 bnet would love to get some more hands in there. We are going to start norms in 2 weeks. Most of us are 11/14h if not better some are 14/14h


Trakanon Raider
LFR should have been a tier behind, so in T1 of an expansion it should be an alternative to heroic group dungeons, in t2 it should be an alternative to normal mode raids of the previous tier and so on. The mistake was making the faceroll easy LFR make the previous tier entirely obsolete, its inefficient to do that.

If I was in charge at blizz, timeless isle style mechanics would randomly create a PoI somewhere on the world map that people could go to and kill stuff to get tokens using phasing, and LFR would catch you up to the previous tier and help you get geared for the current tier, not let you entirely skip the previous tier, the best path would be to do timeless content, then lFR + previous tier to gear up fastest, not for lfr to just let you skip the entire game.


Toe Sucker
LFR should have been a tier behind, so in T1 of an expansion it should be an alternative to heroic group dungeons, in t2 it should be an alternative to normal mode raids of the previous tier and so on. The mistake was making the faceroll easy LFR make the previous tier entirely obsolete, its inefficient to do that.
This is absolutely horrible.

Normally you would have to sequentially do each LFR tier, at least once or a few times in order to get the ilevel for the next wing/tier. This was negated with that awful island, which i really hope they don't mimic again for that reason. It only makes sense at the very end of an expansion to do something like that anyway.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
This was negated with that awful island, which i really hope they don't mimic again for that reason.
Apparently, the new "timeless isle" (Frostfire Ridge) was datamined to the same number of rare spawns, and a lot more treasure.


EQOA Refugee
Wow is on sale thru Blizzard's website until the 6th for $10 for all the expansions they cata and another $10 for MoP if you wanna get it cheap.


Tranny Chaser
Their stated rationale is very sound from the perspective of raiders feeling like they need to do LFR. It is complete insanity from a business standpoint of trying to engage the maximum number of paying customers. That statement indicates that they KNOW what role LFR has in the lives of their customer base (pick up raiding without malarky) and then they proceed to veer completely off course in making it into Leper Loot Pinata (LLP).

Want a really solid measure of this strategy? Do a Venn diagram of LFR players who do Challenge Mode dungeon runs and see how that intersection is populated. Then remove any players from that intersection that also participate in weekly Normal/Heroic mode raiding and see what is left behind.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Remembering the WoW thread(s) on FoH prior to expansions and the copious amounts of chatter that went on there talking about all types of rumours and shit, and seeing how little is discussed now makes me wonder what that says about the state of the game and its subscriber base. Is this x-pac just not building hopes and expectations (and hype) in people like prior x-pacs did?


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Is this x-pac just not building hopes and expectations (and hype) in people like prior x-pacs did?
At the moment, the X-pac looks like "more of the same". Same levelling process, same "no flying until max" limits, same "dungeons, then heroics", same Timeless Isle-type zone, same amount of raid tiers (just renamed), same PVP, no new races, no new classes. Just "let's see how different but same we can make Outland".

The only real innovation in term of core gameplay appears to be the Garrison (which, basically, is taking what could be a classical strategy webgame, and putting it into WoW). For this here crowd, it's probably not exactly what they waited for.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, one thing that surprises me is still no new "hero" classes. Is it just me or did anyone else get the impression when BC was launched with Death Knights that the implication was that this was just the first of many new Hero classes that would be implemented?


Trakanon Raider
Adding classes is a high cost decision for them. It means permanently increasing art reqs, balancing 3 more specs and increasing the complexity of already complex balance. In addition to the one off cost of designing the class to begin with.

Imo they went the wrong way with it, it should have been a stylistic branching from a base class rather than an entirely separate class, so becoming a DK morphs those pally abilities slightly to make them darker, like taking the original BE dark pally to the next level.


Tranny Chaser
Their "everyone gets an Heirloom Weapon!" note from the 6.0 patch news is a blatant cash grab to pull in subscribers to re-up at 6.0 rather than wait for WoD. It will also be a good test if people are willing or able to make the jump from LFR to Group Finder normal since it's about as big a carrot as could possibly be offered.


Molten Core Raider
"Blatant cash grab" is now a blanket statement that covers anything an MMO developer does to try to gain more subscribers.