World of Warcraft: Current Year


Vyemm Raider
So my 550 combat rogue out damages my 568 surv hunter.

It'll all get fixed though. In 7.0, when things shuffle around again. Just like 4.0, and 5.0


Confused why anyone would hate the MoP period,
There's a lot of valid reasons to hate MoP. If you can't see them, that's on you.

its probably the best period the game has experienced.
Not by any objective measures, that's for sure. MoP saw the biggest loss of subs in the game's history, as well as the longest period of time with no new content. It also had two of the biggest and most complained-about flaws ever to tarnish the game: a hefty mandatory daily quest grind, and laughably easy 5-man content. All the solo content was absolute trash and widely criticized for being completely bereft of challenge and substance. It also had by far the least canonical setting of any in all of WoW, and many hate Pandaria, so much so that Blizzard just abandoned the continent for the expansion's third raid tier. In addition to this, the class balance has been some of the worst since the early years, with disc priests and destro locks being so vastly superior to everyone else in their respective roles that Blizzard literally gave up trying to balance it and just left it like that for over a year.

Maybe you liked it, but it pretty much stands as the expansion that most people were dissatisfied with. MoP was developed by the B-team while the A-team worked on Titan. They came back for WoD when Titan got flushed out, and it seems that the talent at Blizzard saw fit to change damn near everything going into the next expansion because they know second-rate garbage design when they see it. Many are delighted to see WoW going back to its roots a little after the shallow, low-quality B-team product that was MoP.


I dropped out during MoP, even after I started playing again I didn't really get invested, I just moved my favorite classes (most of them) to 90 and left again.

It looks like Warlords is going to have a different vibe and honestly I'm super stoked about the little shit like bag sorting and map/quest integration. My "community" has all pretty much moved on, so there isn't that to return to anymore which is a significant loss in a social game, the server merge helps alleviate that loss a little by giving me a new pool of people to associate with at least.


Golden Knight of the Realm
There's a lot of valid reasons to hate MoP. If you can't see them, that's on you.

Not by any objective measures, that's for sure. MoP saw the biggest loss of subs in the game's history, as well as the longest period of time with no new content. It also had two of the biggest and most complained-about flaws ever to tarnish the game: a hefty mandatory daily quest grind, and laughably easy 5-man content. All the solo content was absolute trash and widely criticized for being completely bereft of challenge and substance. It also had by far the least canonical setting of any in all of WoW, and many hate Pandaria, so much so that Blizzard just abandoned the continent for the expansion's third raid tier. In addition to this, the class balance has been some of the worst since the early years, with disc priests and destro locks being so vastly superior to everyone else in their respective roles that Blizzard literally gave up trying to balance it and just left it like that for over a year.

Maybe you liked it, but it pretty much stands as the expansion that most people were dissatisfied with. MoP was developed by the B-team while the A-team worked on Titan. They came back for WoD when Titan got flushed out, and it seems that the talent at Blizzard saw fit to change damn near everything going into the next expansion because they know second-rate garbage design when they see it. Many are delighted to see WoW going back to its roots a little after the shallow, low-quality B-team product that was MoP.
Siege of Ogrimmar was the planned final raid before the expansion was even released, the continent wasn't abandoned. I'm sorry you didn't like Pandaria, but plenty of the folks I play with loved it and are sad to be leaving.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure "least canonical setting" just got surpassed by default when they decided to go the whole "alternate timeline setting where Grom kills Mannoroth before they drink the blood and never had a son". Warcraft at its roots!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Lucked out and got my last 3 titan runestones in wing 1 of SoO (yeah Sha is guaranteed but I still feel lucky).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Actually a little worried by the dominant warrior showing on that DPS list. I'm afraid now that warriors will be nerfed to shit and that's the one class I have left that I want to play.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I wouldn't worry about Warrior getting nerfed until after they're sure everyone's purchased the expansion.


Trakanon Raider
Is Ordos proper fucked? I tried out two different pugs and the fire aoe was one shotting a good portion of the raid. We doing it wrong? I'll be honest I don't know the "intended" strategy because its always been stand still and roll face...


Lord Nagafen Raider
Actually a little worried by the dominant warrior showing on that DPS list. I'm afraid now that warriors will be nerfed to shit and that's the one class I have left that I want to play.
You're worried about level 90 DPS when the stat squish is centered around level 100?


<Silver Donator>
Is Ordos proper fucked? I tried out two different pugs and the fire aoe was one shotting a good portion of the raid. We doing it wrong? I'll be honest I don't know the "intended" strategy because its always been stand still and roll face...
not sarcasm: you need to play the mechanics properly (again) now. Tanks need to move him around all over the place, ranges need to counter the blowup etc. Also I saw that healers really need to learn that their smartheals are gone. Folks stood there and spammed their one famous AE heal in the conditioned 5.4.x manner.


Lord Nagafen Raider
For those of you in beta how are casters going to fare in PvP in the expansion with out the casting while moving spells?
They die spectacularly well. Melee cleaves, everywhere (warrior is retarded).

There's a lot of valid reasons to hate MoP. If you can't see them, that's on you.

Not by any objective measures, that's for sure. MoP saw the biggest loss of subs in the game's history, as well as the longest period of time with no new content. It also had two of the biggest and most complained-about flaws ever to tarnish the game: a hefty mandatory daily quest grind, and laughably easy 5-man content. All the solo content was absolute trash and widely criticized for being completely bereft of challenge and substance. It also had by far the least canonical setting of any in all of WoW, and many hate Pandaria, so much so that Blizzard just abandoned the continent for the expansion's third raid tier. In addition to this, the class balance has been some of the worst since the early years, with disc priests and destro locks being so vastly superior to everyone else in their respective roles that Blizzard literally gave up trying to balance it and just left it like that for over a year.

Maybe you liked it, but it pretty much stands as the expansion that most people were dissatisfied with. MoP was developed by the B-team while the A-team worked on Titan. They came back for WoD when Titan got flushed out, and it seems that the talent at Blizzard saw fit to change damn near everything going into the next expansion because they know second-rate garbage design when they see it. Many are delighted to see WoW going back to its roots a little after the shallow, low-quality B-team product that was MoP.
I played MoP at release and left shortly after, I came back for 5.4 because while I loved the settings, I absolutely hated and despised the "do your dailies every single day" game that they raised to a new level of stupidity and the fact 5 men dungeons were not only easy, but also boring, with several stupid mechanics that were simply unfun.
Pandaria is very beautiful, zones like the Valley of the Four Winds are really well crafted, the whole chinese kung fu vibe sounded right with me, but gameplay decisions, together with unsufferable pugs in LFR drove me away.

My desire to cap all my characters ready for WoD and friends nagging me constantly, brought me back in 5.4 and I had a ton of fun in levelling and gearing up a little bit my small army.
In WoD I want to see if I can get into normal raiding once again, this casual shit is killing me inside.


MoP saw the biggest loss of subs in the game's history
True but irrelevant. The game's old, people are gonna leave, even if MoP was the best expansion yet. Vanilla saw the biggest gain in sub numbers, that doesn't necessarily make it the best era in the game's history.

a hefty mandatory daily quest grind,
The reputations were A) Absolutely NOT mandatory in the slightest, when they have been in past expansions (for shoulder enchants, formulas, etc). And B) Easier and quicker to get to exalted than reputations in past expansions. The only difference in MoP was there were more options available at launch, and people (stupid ones) get confused and enraged when offered too many choices.

and laughably easy 5-man content.
Wotlk heroics were easier. And Challenge modes are harder than Cata heroics. The one disappointment I had with 5-mans was that they didn't add any new ones throughout the expansion.

All the solo content was absolute trash and widely criticized for being completely bereft of challenge and substance.
They were a bit lacking in terms of amount of challenging solo content, although there are the proving grounds and warlock fire quests. It makes me sad that they had discussed putting in epic class questlines for all classes, and scrapped it in favor of Townlong Steppes.

As far as're just making shit up to be angry at this point. MoP has EASILY the most fun and creative quests and storytelling in WoW. The problem is simply that Pandas aren't as interesting as other classic Warcraft themes. That's a valid point, but don't pretend the quest design and writing are pure shit when it's the setting you're upset about.

MoP wasn't my favorite expansion, and in fact may be my least (close competition with Cata). But at it's core it is still very much World of Warcraft. If you enjoyed the first 8 years of WoW and were looking for more of the same, there was absolutely nothing in MoP to get angry about. Chances are you just got tired of playing and had to rationalize your decision to quit by pretending the expansion was worse than it actually was.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Video left out the new bank slot unless I missed that thing the whole time I was back playing. The reagent slot for 100 gold. I LOVE that slot and it freed a lot of space for my character along with the new toy bank.


Trakanon Raider
I haven't played since Cata in terms of really investing time and energy so I would hate to think what it would take to get up to snuff. Sounds like the expansion would even further confuse me but it looks pretty good honestly. What else is out there to play? One thing EQ always had going for is back in the days of its first few expansions is you had the time already invested and it is hard to leave behind all the investment and friends who were in the same situation.

You think it would too steep of a curve (both learning and gearing up) if someone were to reroll for the expansion?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I haven't played since Cata in terms of really investing time and energy so I would hate to think what it would take to get up to snuff. Sounds like the expansion would even further confuse me but it looks pretty good honestly. What else is out there to play? One thing EQ always had going for is back in the days of its first few expansions is you had the time already invested and it is hard to leave behind all the investment and friends who were in the same situation.

You think it would too steep of a curve (both learning and gearing up) if someone were to reroll for the expansion?
I can't imagine what would be prohibitive, learning-wise, that would make coming back un-fun. You have the advantage of not having to unlearn rotations and cool downs if you start fresh.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I haven't played since Cata in terms of really investing time and energy so I would hate to think what it would take to get up to snuff. Sounds like the expansion would even further confuse me but it looks pretty good honestly. What else is out there to play? One thing EQ always had going for is back in the days of its first few expansions is you had the time already invested and it is hard to leave behind all the investment and friends who were in the same situation.

You think it would too steep of a curve (both learning and gearing up) if someone were to reroll for the expansion?
In a couple of hours you can setup every thing you need to setup, up to and including your character appearance, your banks, your bags, vendoring shit, freeing space, and fixing the UI mods. Learning how to play a certain spec is extremely easy, the details and fine tuning come with a bit of practice, but the basic priority system is approachable in about 5 minutes, 6 if the class is more complex.
Professions are a different beast, they can require large amounts of gold or time, but with garrisons a lot of stuff is changing soon and perks for having certain professions are gone for good, so you can even ignore them and wait for garrisons to be introduced.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Now's the time to hop back in. Especially if you have the boost. You can get the title and pet and get the story line part started.

Also I'm torn between toy bank and reagent bank as best-new-change. My bank space tripled. I do have some "toys" that were already known, but my guess is that the quest rewards were flagged to be "autogiven". Also the mount page showing which faction a mount is owned by is pretty nice, because I kept looking for some "new" mounts from an old character and couldn't find them (derp, wrong faction). Now at least I know.

There's so many little tweaks to the UI that completely removed some small-mod I had added (not just from 6.0 changes) that make it so much easier to play. Numbers on CDs, "Random favorite mount", bag sort, etc.

Did UBRS launch? How'd it go? I did the achievement part last night for the pet and title and promptly passed out.