World of Warcraft: Current Year


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Still love the details in this game sometimes. I got this staff:

It's a rotten egg on a stick. Even has animated flies buzzing around it.



Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm tanking on my brewmaster, it's been really fun so far, but I tried and don't like Serenity, I use Chi Explosion because I don't have to keep slamming my head on the desk deciding if I have to purify or not, it's still superior gameplay in terms of fun imo because it's not another fucking cooldown and I geto to do a shitton of extra dps (and threat).

A few things concern me: in some hard pulls (where there is always the idiot breaking my paralysis, because... stupid), I have everything up, Guard, self healing, long duration Shuffle, elusive brew, I avoid large hits and purify quite often (too often with chi explosion) still the healer can't keep up properly: they were either healing me *or* the group, certainly not everyone. This happened with priests, paladins, shamans, monks, only druids were fine but struggling with mana, too many WGs I guess.
When I play with good self healers (e.g.: feral, retri) everything is fine, but yeah, healers have it really bad, so happy I chose to stop mistweaving post 6.0 patch.

Pugs are pugs, so I deal with it, but so far nobody is complaining about small mistakes, which makes the thing there is a sliver of hope for human kind. My friends should all 100 this week, I hope to start running dungeons with them on a more regular basis from the weekend.

About BM stats, I can't find some jewelry pieces with bonus armor, like trinkets, I have it on rings and neck so far, I'm sticking with mastery because purifying so often with ChiEx makes it a very good stat, armor pieces with mastery/versatility every time I find them, which is not very often. Any idea where to grab good tanking trinkets?


i know when I heal on my druid I am having to keep all hots up and occasionally use my defensive cooldown on the tank to smooth things out on trash pulls and that usually burns up my mana, I did however run with a group that without saying anything and not knowing each other just decided to cc everything they could and I pretty much didn't have to try on anything but bosses that entire run.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm tanking on my brewmaster, it's been really fun so far, but I tried and don't like Serenity, I use Chi Explosion because I don't have to keep slamming my head on the desk deciding if I have to purify or not, it's still superior gameplay in terms of fun imo because it's not another fucking cooldown and I geto to do a shitton of extra dps (and threat).

A few things concern me: in some hard pulls (where there is always the idiot breaking my paralysis, because... stupid), I have everything up, Guard, self healing, long duration Shuffle, elusive brew, I avoid large hits and purify quite often (too often with chi explosion) still the healer can't keep up properly: they were either healing me *or* the group, certainly not everyone. This happened with priests, paladins, shamans, monks, only druids were fine but struggling with mana, too many WGs I guess.
When I play with good self healers (e.g.: feral, retri) everything is fine, but yeah, healers have it really bad, so happy I chose to stop mistweaving post 6.0 patch.

Pugs are pugs, so I deal with it, but so far nobody is complaining about small mistakes, which makes the thing there is a sliver of hope for human kind. My friends should all 100 this week, I hope to start running dungeons with them on a more regular basis from the weekend.

About BM stats, I can't find some jewelry pieces with bonus armor, like trinkets, I have it on rings and neck so far, I'm sticking with mastery because purifying so often with ChiEx makes it a very good stat, armor pieces with mastery/versatility every time I find them, which is not very often. Any idea where to grab good tanking trinkets?
I've been trying to specific queue for the dungeons that drop trinkets (just need 1 more, should show what drops where in the dungeon log or journal w/e) they are one of the few pieces that actually have a set boss they drop from I believe. If tanking trinkets mirror DPS trinkets there should be a few to choose from.


Tranny Chaser
The Garrison Campaign was a pleasant surprise. Like having Patch.X content only at launch. The illusion of things happening is very good at getting me to login and stay logged in.

I only this AM realized that First Aid now makes healing pots instead of bandages. There is no excuse for people to be wandering around without potions now as they use goddamn fish.


A nice asshole.
I still don't get level 100 620ish I-level monks, I am so energy starved 30 seconds into combat I end up auto attacking 2-3 times before I put out another finisher. This is due to the fact I went from fuck ton of haste(energy regen) to a fuck ton of multistrike/mastery. Just not feeling it, but going to stick with it, i'm sure once I get some more haste I will be back in it.


It's old school rules.

If the tank dies, it's the healer's fault.

If the healer dies, it's the tank's fault.

If the DPS dies, it's the DPS' fault.

Well, it isn't quite that bad, but FFS, turn on voice chat. And read the dungeon notes. As a Hunter, I can de-fuck 90% of pulls so that the healer can relax a bit. But ya have to work with me here. There is nothing that gives me the ability to read minds.

And ffs, people, carry around three stacks of ToCMs at least. USE THEM BEFORE ENTERING A DUNGEON because it's fun for all of us while you read tool tips for ten minutes.


Vyemm Raider
Got my first twat group. Two dps from the same guild who bitched about every single fucking pull and everything the tank did, then ninja pulled a boss while the tank was doing whatever and kept trying to vote kick him. So I finally brought up the vote to kick them and two poor dps got pulled into a group on the last boss after an hour in queue. Sorry bros.

Oh, and they were both below the tank in damage and together maybe equaled one of me.

And speaking of... fuck goddamn 50-70 minute queues. Ugh. I actually tried to time cooking dinner around it and just missed it.

Rapidly become an expert on the three dungeons that (supposedly, ahem) drop my best weapon and trinkets, heh.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So, do the dungeons drop random gear for your class? In my first dungeon, I got an agility cloak and the tank had a cloak with intellect on it. Is that by design? I know you can get drops with random, non-class specific stats on them from named guys but via a dungeon seems to be off.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It looks like dungeons have a pool of loot per boss that is shared (4 or 5 different gloves for your class with different secondary stats, Cloaks, etc.) and then it appears trinkets and weapons are specific to certain bosses - for instance Hunter bow drops off of worm boss in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds, and a good trinket drops from the 3rd boss in Auchindon. I believe trinkets and weapons are the only uniques, everything else has the chance to drop from a pool (one boss might drop necks, belts, or legs so you have a shot to get one of those 3 items, and if you do it has a chance to roll from a set of about 5).


meh the raids are going to roll out and they have unique loot and after that I'm never touching heroics again so whatever.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I love the music in this expension. I actually lowered all the other sound effects and cranked up the music. The score fits really well. Props to the artists.


Update on the barn status, primal spirit drop rates were increased on harvestable nodes just yesterday, expect blood prices to fall as a result.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Barn is still a must-have imo, primal spirit buff or not. You can't beat the combination of getting both blood and the best feasts at the same time.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I swear they nerfed flasks. I've been using Draenic Stamina flasks for the past few days while running heroics and they were 2h duration, but I logged in today and they were only 1h duration. Same for the greater varieties.


Golden Squire
Started fresh on Hyjal with the RR guild with 10k after transferring a pet over. Just hit 100k from herbs, mining, and Savage Blood.


<Bronze Donator>
How much are bloods selling for right now? I nabbed 5 that were up for 2k a couple days ago hoping I could flip them for around 9 (where I had sold my first couple) but I think price has dropped from that.