I'm tanking on my brewmaster, it's been really fun so far, but I tried and don't like Serenity, I use Chi Explosion because I don't have to keep slamming my head on the desk deciding if I have to purify or not, it's still superior gameplay in terms of fun imo because it's not another fucking cooldown and I geto to do a shitton of extra dps (and threat).
A few things concern me: in some hard pulls (where there is always the idiot breaking my paralysis, because... stupid), I have everything up, Guard, self healing, long duration Shuffle, elusive brew, I avoid large hits and purify quite often (too often with chi explosion) still the healer can't keep up properly: they were either healing me *or* the group, certainly not everyone. This happened with priests, paladins, shamans, monks, only druids were fine but struggling with mana, too many WGs I guess.
When I play with good self healers (e.g.: feral, retri) everything is fine, but yeah, healers have it really bad, so happy I chose to stop mistweaving post 6.0 patch.
Pugs are pugs, so I deal with it, but so far nobody is complaining about small mistakes, which makes the thing there is a sliver of hope for human kind. My friends should all 100 this week, I hope to start running dungeons with them on a more regular basis from the weekend.
About BM stats, I can't find some jewelry pieces with bonus armor, like trinkets, I have it on rings and neck so far, I'm sticking with mastery because purifying so often with ChiEx makes it a very good stat, armor pieces with mastery/versatility every time I find them, which is not very often. Any idea where to grab good tanking trinkets?