World War Z


<Bronze Donator>
Sad thing to me is I really want nothing to do with supporting this film but I know I'm just going to end up seeing it. Mass budget zombie film? You can pretty much sign me up for that regardless.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Good thoughtless movie that will fix your zombie cravings until a far better form of entertainment(Walking Dead) is back on the air. Isn't it sad to see a huge expensive movie do just about everything worse than a small original budget TV series from AMC?
Holy shit, this is worse than Walking Dead? That's pretty awful.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Holy shit, this is worse than Walking Dead? That's pretty awful.
I'm pretty sure he is basing that exclusively on the PG-13 thing, which again is not really that big a deal if the focus of the movie isn't actually on survivers running away from zombies or shooting them in the face.


Toe Sucker
this movie should be entirely based on Tomonaga Ijiro and Kondo Tatsumi.
Ya fucked up brad pitt.
ya fucked up.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
this movie should be entirely based on Tomonaga Ijiro and Kondo Tatsumi.
Ya fucked up brad pitt.
ya fucked up.
Yeah, if they based the movie around a skinny Japanese nerd with a sword it would probably make more than the crazy bank it will haul in starring BRAD PITT...


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, if they based the movie around a skinny Japanese nerd with a sword it would probably make more than the crazy bank it will haul in starring BRAD PITT...
Seeing as this movie has almost no chance at breaking even a story about a skinny Japanese nerd with a sword would, probably, easily be able to gross more in the end. This movie is a studio killer. Almost a $400 million production budget, most likely an equal amount spent on advertising and distribution to try to give it the best possible chance at recouping costs. This movie probably needs to take in over 1 billion in box office to break even.
I think if you look at the movie as a separate entity and not in comparison to the book, it may hold up. I am more concerned that they had to re shoot the ending along with other parts of the film. That generally spells disaster.


Toe Sucker
Yeah, if they based the movie around a skinny Japanese nerd with a sword it would probably make more than the crazy bank it will haul in starring BRAD PITT...
I don't even really care for the younger guy. It was the old blind man that was a real badass.


<Gold Donor>
Did it seriously end up near 400mil? Last reliable reports I saw said ~200(from an original budget of 125).
I saw $170 million initial with $200 million in re-shoots. I heard that they basically re-shot most of the movie after the last director and writer changes


Gunnar Durden
Seeing as this movie has almost no chance at breaking even a story about a skinny Japanese nerd with a sword would, probably, easily be able to gross more in the end. This movie is a studio killer. Almost a $400 million production budget, most likely an equal amount spent on advertising and distribution to try to give it the best possible chance at recouping costs. This movie probably needs to take in over 1 billion in box office to break even.
Lol come on, what a joke. Brad Pitt could shit in a zombies mouth for 2 hours and it will make 400 million worldwide. This move is easily going to make 800 million. Brad Pitt. Zombies. Summer blockbuster. Butt hurt book nerds aren't going to ruin that.

And even if the budget is 400 million which is complete crap, it's not going to suddenly cost more to distribute and market this film. People who make more money than either of us are still going to take it in on this movie.

By gawk it's a studio killer.


Gunnar Durden
The only reviewers who gave negative reviews were book readers. Everyone else has loved it. News flash butt hurt book lovers....the book sold barely over a million copies. You don't matter.

Millions will see and like this movie despite your rage. I understand you had different plans for the movie based on a book, but it didn't happen.


<Gold Donor>
I suppose we will see but all signs point to this being a "John Carter".

If we go in with the assumption that the $370 million is accurate then we can, up front, total 370 + 370/2 for production and release costs before taking into account that if they are dumping a huge chunk into running a production schedule that bleeds into their re-shoots then they are trying to get the movie out and into theaters as quickly as possible which makes sense from an accounting perspective. So, historically, we end up with a situation where the studio is either going to augment the 70/30 split with theaters in order to entice them to show this on more screens during the day or give a much larger percentage to them to show a bunch of future crap movies while maintaining the 70/30 split for WWZ. Either way they have just increased the distribution costs for their movie beyond the norms of internet math.

Assuming straight forward numbers and bad internet maths we'd get ($370mil + $370mil/2) / .7 = 792857142.8571429 as the flat box office take required to break even on a movie where no distribution deal was in place

Going with $200mil ($170 initial production costs and $30mil re-shoots) ($200mil + $200mil/2) / .7 = 428571428.5714286, over double the box office of Pitts highest grossing movie to date just to break even (without distribution deal)

Even taking inflation into account this movie needs to gross more than $200mil more than Mr. and Mrs. Smith to break even

I guess all that I can say is that I hope that you are right sir. Without people like Pitt and whomever greenlit this taking chances like WWZ we are going to be stuck with the same regurgitated plots and the perpetual sequel machine that we are now seeing in the video game industry. Logically I'm seeing, best case scenario, that the exec that ok'd funding for this as well as Plan B Entertainment are out of the picture after this loses $200mil. Worst case, Paramount becomes a non-entity after taking a $600mil loss. Either way, we've effectively seen the studio lose its ability to make movies similar to this in the future.

An end note, I understand that this is not the book. This is definitely one of those books that cannot be transferred over to film (without the mini-series aspect that others in this thread have already brought up). This is very much a Robbins, Vonnegut, Dostoevsky or Burroughs type story (and I am not equating Brooks to those other authors, Brooks is a pretty shit author considering writing style and subject, he just hit upon a fad that was just kicking into gear when he wrote his zombie books). Things are disjointed and we get to make most of our connections through the limitations of prose. It is interesting to see where they are trying to take the story, although with Lindelof involved I think that even that is going to be a cluster-fuck, and it makes more sense for the medium rather than convoluting everything trying to incorporate all of the individual chapters.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I havent read the book and the trailers look interesting enough to go watch it. I dont care about PG13 if the premise is decent, not everything has to be fluffed up with torn off body parts. I dont like putting a successful book title as the movie title and then not following the book, a clear cash grab if anything, but its not gonna make me not watch the movie out of principle. There are ALOT more movies out there I wouldnt watch out of principle before it comes to this. And truth be told I'm not surprised by a cash grab from the movie industry...


<Prior Amod>
I suppose we will see but all signs point to this being a "John Carter".
Aside from the positive reviews you mean?

Walking Dead has secured a whole new group of rabid zombie lovers and has also done so even though it's an awful show.

This movie won't have issues making money. At all.


A Mod Real Quick
Walking Dead brought zombies to the masses. As we all know, the masses are mentally retarded. Therefore, this movie was made for the mentally retarded.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Did it seriously end up near 400mil? Last reliable reports I saw said ~200(from an original budget of 125).
They probably forgot to add what they paid Pitt.

And what is this about Walking dead adding more people to love the zombies?

walking dead is hardly about zombies.