Worth going all Apple?


For me it's a question of what can I do on a Mac that I can't on a PC? Formyuses, I can't think of any one thing.

To add to the conversation, I have traditionally built all my PCs but, honestly, I'm at a point where I don't care about overclocking anymore so I'd almost say to hell with it and buy a DELL or HP. But cost wise? (And this applies to Apple big time), it's still more cost effective to just build my own. I can build a much nicer machine than any canned system (obviously I'm speaking of desktop units). If Ireallywanted to run OS/X then I could simply piece together the appropriate components and build one of those OS/X86 "Hackintosh" or whatever they're called. I have never needed tech support so couldn't care less about the loss of that.


Confirmed Male
Bro I bought my last printer and scanner from the thrift store. I had to clean the printer head by soaking it in water and had to buy an adjustable power supply for the scanner (as well as solder wiring to the scanner's pcb because the power input port is proprietary). Luckily they both worked with 7!
Did you put 2x4's on it?

Aychamo BanBan

they can't, they're all out of ideas. they haven't made any significant improvements in the iPhone since they released the 4. Apple was shit when they fired Jobs, now he's dead and they're shit again.

the next step forward in smart phones is having them dock and be used as a PC. Android/Ubuntu is already well on their way with this.
The only thing unrealistic about Apple was other people's expectations of them. Look at the # of years between the inventions of the iPod, the iPhone, and the iPad. Many years between lots of those, and yet people still expect them to invent new stuff weekly. People expect them to invent a time machine and make it a thousand times better each year, but it just doesn't happen. They already make a rather fantastic hardware package, and we've shown in this thread that you can't build an equally advanced hardware/software platform for the equivalent money. You always have to compromise on the best features (for example, settling for USB3 instead of Thunderbolt... or using a shitty trackpad instead of an awesome one with multitouch, or a screen with literally 1/4 the number of pixels, etc.)


Trump's Staff
Two questions: What is a ton? And with what OS have you had driver conflicts with? I must say in my going on 6 years of managing a growing PC environment, driver conflicts are EXTREMELY rare (to almost non existent). Just curious.
To be honest it's been too long for me to give any specifics, but I used to custom build my PC's back in the day too and I feel like I always had video card issues. I know most of my problems were when I was using Vista which was a piece of shit. Windows 7 and 8 honestly have had zero problems in my experience, but shortly after 7's release I started leaning toward OS X.

I enjoy using both Windows and OS X. If you're knowledgable in both then there's nothing you can do in one that you can't do in the other. I generally prefer the aesthetic of OS X but my #1 reason for preferring it, at least on my laptop, is strictly due to trackpad gestures. It's an area where Windows honestly can't keep up, though I don't know if it's because of a lack of demand, lack of manufacturer support, or both. Working for long periods of time on a non-Apple laptop usually fucking sucks because of the mouse controls and I can understand why people hate them, but I can work all day on my MBP and not give a single fuck.


The Big Mod
Bro I bought my last printer and scanner from the thrift store. I had to clean the printer head by soaking it in water and had to buy an adjustable power supply for the scanner (as well as solder wiring to the scanner's pcb because the power input port is proprietary). Luckily they both worked with 7!
wtf are you so cheap?

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Groan... "we have shown in this thread" translates to "I have convinced myself in this thread" that there are no similar hardware options in PC for the same price. We HAVE shown you extremely similar PC options for less money, but then you point out Mac proprietary features like a thunderbolt port and say "well fuck that PC is just as fast, has as much memory, has the same queer aluminum case- but it doesn't have a thunderbolt port so it's not as good". It's like you asking me to spec out something as good as your 328 for less, and I come back with an A4, and you respond that it sucks because it doesn't have iDrive like your 328 does. If all that glitzy shit like aluminum case, retina display, and all that jazz is so important, look at a Samsung Series 9.

As for Apple, their stock is down 10% today, 35% off their high of 700. You are right in the fact that people (particularly investors) are fickle and have come to expect a new gadget from them almost yearly. However, the fact that they have not innovated anything new and have simply augmented or modified existing products since Jobs' death is worrying. They need to demonstrate they still have the Juice even with Jobs gone, and that has yet to be proven. They are also supposedly losing their "cool" factor amongst teens. Now that Apple almost represents the establishment, supposedly the new "cool" thing to have is a Galaxy phone and MS Surface. Apple risks becoming Microsoft all over again.

The only thing unrealistic about Apple was other people's expectations of them. Look at the # of years between the inventions of the iPod, the iPhone, and the iPad. Many years between lots of those, and yet people still expect them to invent new stuff weekly. People expect them to invent a time machine and make it a thousand times better each year, but it just doesn't happen. They already make a rather fantastic hardware package, and we've shown in this thread that you can't build an equally advanced hardware/software platform for the equivalent money. You always have to compromise on the best features (for example, settling for USB3 instead of Thunderbolt... or using a shitty trackpad instead of an awesome one with multitouch, or a screen with literally 1/4 the number of pixels, etc.)


The Surface is the new 'cool' thing to have? That might be the funniest thing said in this thread so far. Well done.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande

Aychamo BanBan

The Surface is the new 'cool' thing to have? That might be the funniest thing said in this thread so far. Well done.
I pair my Surface with my Zune. Has anyone actually bought a Surface? (I think I actually read that Microsoft sells 1 surface for every 10 iPads that Apple sells.)


You guys go and get dumb or something? Do I need to use a troll tag?

If you must know, I have worked in IT for more than 25 years. My Microsoft and Cisco transcripts are quite nice, thank you very much. I work for a large entertainment company, and their policy, like every IT job I've ever had, is to leave the computers on at all times. Wake on LAN may be nice, but we don't use it.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
You guys go and get dumb or something? Do I need to use a troll tag?

If you must know, I have worked in IT for more than 25 years. My Microsoft and Cisco transcripts are quite nice, thank you very much. I work for a large entertainment company, and their policy, like every IT job I've ever had, is to leave the computers on at all times. Wake on LAN may be nice, but we don't use it.
Fuck that you IT people stay the hell away from my PC with your updates. And I need root access to test my software plz.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You guys go and get dumb or something? Do I need to use a troll tag?

If you must know, I have worked in IT for more than 25 years. My Microsoft and Cisco transcripts are quite nice, thank you very much. I work for a large entertainment company, and their policy, like every IT job I've ever had, is to leave the computers on at all times. Wake on LAN may be nice, but we don't use it.
you better scan and email that proof to Tuco and then add it to your signature otherwise we may never know if you're telling the truth or not

Aychamo BanBan

Groan... "we have shown in this thread" translates to "I have convinced myself in this thread" that there are no similar hardware options in PC for the same price. We HAVE shown you extremely similar PC options for less money, but then you point out Mac proprietary features like a thunderbolt port and say "well fuck that PC is just as fast, has as much memory, has the same queer aluminum case- but it doesn't have a thunderbolt port so it's not as good". It's like you asking me to spec out something as good as your 328 for less, and I come back with an A4, and you respond that it sucks because it doesn't have iDrive like your 328 does. If all that glitzy shit like aluminum case, retina display, and all that jazz is so important, look at a Samsung Series 9.
Obviously we'll agree to disagree, but I simply don't think you can discount tremendous technology like Thunderbolt (twice as fast as USB3), a retina display (4 times the pixels.. if you've never seen a retina display, it's quite spectacular), multi touch track pads, etc. And the whole thing just working all together (sure there's problems, nothings perfect.) Then combine it all into a beautiful unibody computer (that the competitors are obviously copying), etc. It really is a hard package to beat. There may be a small premium, but I'm pretty confident that no true equivalent was found to be any cheaper. (Can you really say a computer is equivalent when its ports are half the speed, the display sucks dick, and your primary interaction (touchpad) with the computer sucks dick?)... and you're running Windows? (haha, ok that last one was a troll.)

I obviously accept that you don't think the better technology is worth paying more for. I do. Agree to disagree?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Obviously we'll agree to disagree, but I simply don't think you can discount tremendous technology like Thunderbolt (twice as fast as USB3), a retina display (4 times the pixels.. if you've never seen a retina display, it's quite spectacular), multi touch track pads, etc. And the whole thing just working all together (sure there's problems, nothings perfect.) Then combine it all into a beautiful unibody computer (that the competitors are obviously copying), etc. It really is a hard package to beat. There may be a small premium, but I'm pretty confident that no true equivalent was found to be any cheaper. (Can you really say a computer is equivalent when its ports are half the speed, the display sucks dick, and your primary interaction (touchpad) with the computer sucks dick?)... and you're running Windows? (haha, ok that last one was a troll.)

I obviously accept that you don't think the better technology is worth paying more for. I do. Agree to disagree?
thunderbolt gonna be useless(outside of very niche applications) for a very long time.