WTF Story Thread?


I alerted a neighbour who talks with everyone in the neighbourhood so hopefully word has gotten around to be on the lookout. Haven't talked to the neighbour in question since yesterday but will keep an eye out. And yes I am stalking Voyce.


Turns out the person who left the letter and photos is an old lady in the neighbourhood who was concerned about the guy's cats for some reason. The police found her very quickly after tracking down a cat that was somehow involved.


NeoGaf Donator
Since your always so concerned about stalking Numbers I have to admit I took this picture the other day of you.



<Gold Donor>
Was not sure if this should go here or in screenshots or get it's own thread ...


A white American woman who had a black baby claims she fell pregnant whilst watching a porn movie in 3D. According to reports, the childs father , who is white was serving in the military in Iraq when she became pregnant.

His wife Jennifer told him the child was conceived whilst watching a porn movie in 3D.
?I see it as suspicious. The films in 3-D are very real. With today?s technology, anything is possible ?he said.

Jennifer claimed she went to watch a porn film with her friends in New York and doesn?t usually watch porn movies and that she went to watch it to experience the effects in 3D. Jennifer says the child looks like the black actor in the movie. ?A month after watching the movie, I started feeling dizzy and the results were positive.? she said.

Jennifer admits her marriage could be in trouble. ?Even though my husband believed in me, my marriage could be at risk. But he knows I?m faithful? she said.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Considering it was a chick....I'm more inclined to ask Fedor if he knows her.

Or perhaps gathers her ingredients at the casting couch.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I went running today and some lady was doing yard work, had her cocker spaniel off it's leash sitting in her yard with her. When I was a kid I was playing with some friends and their little cocker spaniel came running out and bit me really hard, so I've been afraid of stray dogs and shit ever since. Well this lady's dog comes charging at me across the street, I don't know what it was but instead of running away I just turned and kicked that thing so fucking hard in the face it did a 360 and walked away, the lady was yelling something but I had my earbuds in, just stared at her for like 5 seconds and then kept on with my run.

That shit was scary.