Yesterday was my dog's 4th birthday.


Tranny Chaser
A dog eating food is an instinct. The dog waited until he told him to eat.

Training conquered an instinct. I can put food on my dogs face and tell him to leave it and he won't touch it. My puppy has been waiting to eat her food until I say 'okay' from 10 weeks old.

Am I getting trolled? Is this shmuck real?
You're directing its behavior in a certain direction. The dog is still hungry and it'll eat the treat eventually regardless of your instructions. Hunger being the instinct in this case. You directing it to not eat the treat for some amount of time is not eliminating instincts. Nice try, numb nuts.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
A dog eating food is an instinct. The dog waited until he told him to eat.

Training conquered an instinct. I can put food on my dogs face and tell him to leave it and he won't touch it. My puppy has been waiting to eat her food until I say 'okay' from 10 weeks old.

Am I getting trolled? Is this shmuck real?
As a cyclist, I've been attacked, lunged at, threatened by, and even bitten by people's dogs. All of the owners assured me they were not mean, had never bitten, were never like that and they just didn't understand it. But those dogs were put in an unfamiliar situation. To them a bike is enormous, fast moving, tons of moving parts, very confusing and apparently threatening. They react.

I like dogs, have owned plenty. Not scared of them and have nothing against pits. I'm just saying, any animal is potentially unpredictable no matter the training. I personally don't hold the breed that much differently than any similar sized dog as long as the owner is responsible, but I can see how others would, especially around children.

But maybe you're right. Maybe he socialized his dog with week old infants just out of the hospital. I'm sure he may have plenty of friends and neighbors who would respond well to "hey, can my dog sleep on the couch with your little baby? I want to make sure he's used to infants so he doesn't accidentally bite my new kid's face off in nine months....just training you know?!?!"
It's now time for me to take my Rottweiler out for the night to pee. Hopefully he can resist the urge to attack the nearest living thing and I can control his superhuman strength and aggression.

Goodnight hipsters.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ok your post made me watch the video. First of all, your dog seems pretty well trained. So kudos on that, and I'm sure despite my posts that your child was perfectly safe. Whatever.

On the other hand, though you clearly have the dog trained to eat when you allow it, that son of a bitch had no interest in anything but tearing into his bowls as soon as he was given the go ahead. Zero interest. Only eating instincts and behavior conditioning going on leading up to the feast. Which speaks to Izo's points I'd say.

I've tasted Frosty Paws dog ice cream a long time ago and decided it might have been the closest taste experience I've had to eating shit. Which means dogs probably love the hell out of it.

In closing: you sang happy birthday to your fucking dog, so you obviously aren't terribly stable mentally and should have your child taken away on general principle.


Tranny Chaser
You idiots trying to argue dog behavior is like me trying to explain astrophysics to someone.

Hint: I don't know anything about astrophysics.
Slippery slope argument. The mental capacity of anyone here has nothing to do with your lack of the same. Get it?

I move for this motion to pass:

Also let's get this thread where it belongs:


Life's a Dream
Five to six months old is one thing but the day you brought her home from the hospital you are setting her up in a pic like that? Seems like you have something to prove with the whole pitbulls/dangerous/children thing there.
Sorry, I've been out at a family BBQ all day today.
Regarding that picture, we wanted Baku (the Pitbull) to become associated with our daughter RIGHT AWAY. He's a part of the family. She came home as a bigger part then he ever was, so he needed to understand that. He has the capability (though not the intention) of hurting her very seriously. We wanted him to see that she is not a toy that we're keeping away. She's here to stay so get used to her.

From that point on he accepted her.


Buzzfeed Editor
I used to raise pits and train them to be helper dogs for disabled people before I joined the Navy. I'm no Cesar Millan or anything, I haven't even owned a dog in 10 years, but yeah, i definitely wouldn't have a problem letting any dog that I would actually own be around my newborn . I'd give them some time to adjust and be curious, I wouldn't just come home from the hospital and throw them in the kennel together. I mean, you know your dog better than anyone so if you were comfortable then whatever. It is important to note that there have been cases of perfectly obedient dogs just wigging the fuck out and killing infants. Every story like that I have ever heard always begins with "the parent left the infant alone with the dog..." so there's that.


Tranny Chaser
...It is important to note that there have been cases of perfectly obedient dogs just wigging the fuck out and killing infants. Every story like that I have ever heard always begins with "the parent left the infant alone with the dog..." so there's that.
Slippery slope much? Hearsay much? How is this not utter bs, chaos?


Buzzfeed Editor
Slippery slope much? Hearsay much? How is this not utter bs, chaos?
Yes, that is exactly what it is. I am aware of some isolated incidents and in those incidents perfectly obedient dogs went apeshit in one situation or another, and in those situations the dog was left alone with the infant. Did you think I was trying to state some empirical rule? I am conveying my experience to a bro, who is not a faggot like you and may not overanalyze every word of my post through his very specific lens of interpretation. Don't be a faggot, be a bro.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Sorry, I've been out at a family BBQ all day today.
Regarding that picture, we wanted Baku (the Pitbull) to become associated with our daughter RIGHT AWAY. He's a part of the family. She came home as a bigger part then he ever was, so he needed to understand that. He has the capability (though not the intention) of hurting her very seriously. We wanted him to see that she is not a toy that we're keeping away. She's here to stay so get used to her.

From that point on he accepted her.
Ok i didnt watch the video, but did you seriously sing happy birthday to your dog?

You crossed the line bro.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ok i didnt watch the video, but did you seriously sing happy birthday to your dog?

You crossed the line bro.
Watch it, you don't need to watch long its right at the start.

Yes, that is exactly what it is. I am aware of some isolated incidents and in those incidents perfectly obedient dogs went apeshit in one situation or another, and in those situations the dog was left alone with the infant. Did you think I was trying to state some empirical rule? I am conveying my experience to a bro, who is not a faggot like you and may not overanalyze every word of my post through his very specific lens of interpretation. Don't be a faggot, be a bro.
So you admit that even well trained dogs can be unpredictable and that's not a great mix with a defenseless infant?


Tranny Chaser
Sorry, I've been out at a family BBQ all day today.
Regarding that picture, we wanted Baku (the Pitbull) to become associated with our daughter RIGHT AWAY. He's a part of the family. She came home as a bigger part then he ever was, so he needed to understand that. He has the capability (though not the intention) of hurting her very seriously. We wanted him to see that she is not a toy that we're keeping away. She's here to stay so get used to her.

From that point on he accepted her.
Dogs don't try to defend their position in the pack? Dogs don't have instincts? How on earth do you know of 'the intention' of a dog? Are you a dog whisperer now? This is precisely the mentality of dog owners I loathe - attaching human rationale and intent to a dog with a brain the size of a golf ball. Get a fucking grip

In retrospect, perhaps you do possess the mental capacity of a dog and as such can consider it your equal with regards to instinct and cognitive capacity. Alas, I'd have hoped for more. I hope child services visits you real soon.


Buzzfeed Editor
So you admit that even well trained dogs can be unpredictable and that's not a great mix with a defenseless infant?
That's exactly what I though I said. Perhaps I should have been more clear. But if you own a dog you're going to have to condition it to the new order with the kid one way or another. Either that or get rid of it.