Recent content by Dynalisia

  1. D


    It's a matter of layers. A dog riding in a car knows that it's something that moves around and makes him end up in different places. A human driving it knows how to control it; put it to best use and how to avoid it becoming dangerous. A mechanic knows how the car actually works and can make...
  2. D

    Charlie's Angels (2019)

    Clearly this movie needs a gritty reboot.
  3. D

    Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

    Agreed, that kind of artistic wankery is also what got us the fucking recent starwars bullshit.
  4. D

    Mass Effect: Andromeda - Autism reaches outer space

    He's talking about controlling your character and the gunplay. I agree that this is better in Andromeda than the other games, which is no surprise considering it is the one thing the Frostbite engine was made for. It is smooth and responsive and has a solid feel to it. I also agree with goishen...
  5. D

    NVidia GeForce RTX 30x0 cards

    A 144hz would almost be worth it just for the smooth as fuck animations in windows in my opinion.
  6. D

    What did you just read?

    These are great suggestions, but are (as far as I can see) books that are directly focused on explaining their topic. What I'm looking for are novels in which the character(s) experience(s) things that leads them to learn about a particular topic, and where the topic is a...
  7. D

    What did you just read?

    Guys, I need your help. Recently I read The Phoenix Project because I'm stepping into a more management role in IT and I was blown away with how well practical technical teachings packaged into the shape of a novel worked for me. Looking back, this seems completely obvious, but never mind that...
  8. D

    No Man's Sky

    Did they ever get around to doing something smarter with the amount of mutations you can make to a planet? Used to be that there was a set limit, so if you made a lot of terrain edits, for example by building a base in a mountain, it would eventually start cancelling earlier edits. That...
  9. D

    The Witcher

    Completely lost here. All I can make of it is that since Anya Chalotra is of Indian descent, she smells bad per definition?
  10. D

    Thor: Love and Thunder (2021)

    The name isn't gay, it's rock. Like Guns n' Roses. The Thor franchise has gotten and will keep a (quasi) 80's styling, which gives it a nice and fresh vibe among most of the current fare. Based on what I've seen of him up till now, I've faith that Waititi will take the existing and succesful...
  11. D

    The Witcher

    I'd like to cash in on my neckbeard allotment and point out that humans are not native to the world of the Witcher and actually came over through portals. As such, it is essentially possible that the races from the humans' original world got mixed on the Witcher world. Now, the event that made...
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    The Mandalorian

    See, the posts by Chukzombi and Fucker illustrate exactly how the makers of this kind of show can't do everything right to all people. If you put some new stuff in, some neckbeard will come out and say "This is impossible, a Bowamba salesman in the Beruga sector would almost definitely use a...
  13. D

    No Man's Sky

    The real money is in crafting. If you can set up a farm for a tier 3 component like a cryo pump or circuit board, you're pretty much set. If you up your game to making tier 2 (quantum processor etc.) or tier 1 (stasis device, fusion ignitor) modules, you're going to be swimming in billions...
  14. D

    Witcher 3

    The thing that got me with the ending-defining moments was that the "right" picks just really seemed to be CDPR's opinion of good parenting or being a good friend. Most of them are also highly ambiguous in how they actually would lead to the development of certain behaviour in characters that...
  15. D


    Played this last sunday. Loads of fun. It's basically D&D without dice and the open endedness that roleplaying and playing with a DM gives. This makes it excellent for playing with people who don't have the time or inclination to get deeply invested in role playing games but like the cooperative...