Recent content by Kilivek_foh

  1. K

    Seriously just fix fucking site already

    Peace out. You can find me at our locale as... Dumar
  2. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I liked this post. Wanna get some wings and play EQ later, bro?
  3. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Nope, engineer by education, consulting by career. I really am an architect!
  4. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Oh absolutely not. This is far from mental masturbation. If you"re concerned about real mental health of an individual as it pertainsto realityandnot conformity, you should be out gathering textbooks I"ll suggest you read, especially as a supposed psychologist, not posting advice on strategies...
  5. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Want to know why it"s depressing? Because people are so alienated from their own lives, from your own humanity, that even getting a glimpse of it greatly upsets people. It"s like the fascination people have driving by a terrible car accident; it puts people a little closer to life and death...
  6. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I really don"t know why you think this. I"m only trying to offer as wide and as truthful a perspective as possible, nothing to do with jacking anything. These are the kinda things you should be thinking about when it comes to your relationships, not how to manipulate them.
  7. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Just saw this, but please refer to my previous novel-ish post for a more thorough response. I understand them very well, thank you. And you"re missing the entire point -what if the community itself is sick? Pathological. My brain goes faster than my fingers on occasion. Feel free, because so...
  8. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    It"s interesting how words like having become associated with things like getting sick and being in a relationship. It"s an area of research I"d like to get into. Speaking of, I have to go to work! Do you have a problem with that? The word love is the same way. That word is used so many...
  9. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Well, I"m trying to help you not be affected by womenz drama. My therapy isn"t working?
  10. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Sorry for the equally long post, but I trust this one is as worth it for everyone. Earthfell explained very well - thanks and it was insightful. But no, I haven"t yet read Bakhtin. I"ll add only a few things. If you haven"t read the literature directly, this topic is very difficult to...
  11. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    If you"re studying to be a clinical psychologist, I can give you some advice and literature to read that will help you. Because your profession, especially as it is currently, has fallen very much behind with regards to true psychic needs. The prime indicator of mental health isnotadjustment...
  12. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    And then we get to it, to thepathology of normalcy. Is being normal, being adjusted to a society that is mentally sick a healthy state of mind for the individual? Why don"t you read another how-to guide on how to behave in yet another social setting. That way you can be an even better robot...
  13. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

  14. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    The responses show a lack of awareness of the problem. You look at it like modifying your behavior, modifying yourself, to achieve a certain outcome results in abetter individualbecause of that positive outcome. It"s not the case. The outcome isn"t important; the "you" is. What society wants...