Recent content by Shiftyx

  1. Shiftyx

    Get a free Kyle Rittenhouse at Culver's

    The judge seems to be giving the jury every chance to come back with an acquittal before he rules it a mistrial. He has, on multiple occasions, implied he can/will take actions followed by a shrugged, "but, we'll see how it plays out" ... or maybe I'm still coming down off thar Audit Thread hopium
  2. Shiftyx

    Ladysmith Black Mambazo School of Music

    Aanyone wanna let him know how they came to be Jamaican?
  3. Shiftyx

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Logged in around 4:40-4:45 CST to become derp #15k-something in Q. Still sitting at 5515 out, but managed to get almost halfway through a season of The Wire /shrug
  4. Shiftyx

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Real talk - When are we gonna get some decent channel structure up in the Discord? "Group #1" "Group #2" and "Raid" aren't likely to be enough when Classic goes live. Some suggested additions: "Stuck in Q Over9000!?@!" (for those that clearly won't be playing any time soon, and need to figure...
  5. Shiftyx

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    BfA is increasingly a time-sync with seasonal store items that seemingly get more design focus than class armor or tier sets (both of which dont really exist any more). So...
  6. Shiftyx

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Trading actual in-game experience for a server name you will - at most - glance over in passing, is stupid.
  7. Shiftyx

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Right. Enter the argument for choosing a Medium-Full realm: less likelihood of lost game time due to queues/crashes early on and a healthy but not over-saturated realm long-term Imagine pushing any kind of decent rank, or attempting any of the world bosses on a realm of 10k, or higher... nothx
  8. Shiftyx

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    If this is the case, I see little threat of becoming a "dead realm" on any server at Medium population and up. In fact, if that kind of scaling is true, it sets Full realms up to be an absolute cluster-fuck.
  9. Shiftyx

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Blaumeux might be a butter face, but could fit that mold. More scantily clad than those two in game, with some kinky dialog to boot
  10. Shiftyx

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Beta and stress-test seemed to show them to be one of, if not THE, fastest to 12 (fastest out of starting zones) because of the strength of earth shock
  11. Shiftyx

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Threat has nothing to do with it. "GoA" = Grace of Air, the agility buff totem that - along with Strength of Earth - would help mitigate the loss of Blessing of Kings/Might. You have a reduced likelyhood of being in a group (totems are group only, not raid-wide) where the shaman is putting down...
  12. Shiftyx

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Won't be as viable on Horde side - a lack of blessings and reduced likelihood of being provided GoA totem are pretty big hits to potential dps.
  13. Shiftyx

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    I prefer the idea of a low pop server for pvp. You have less competition / more control in the ranking grind, and i believe they already said BGs will be cross-server.
  14. Shiftyx

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Ha, Blizz getting their Craigslist "Missed Connections" on Kinda cool tho Blizzard Creates Tool To Help Old World Of Warcraft Buddies Find Each Other
  15. Shiftyx

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Claiming level 60 in under 3.5 days /played with optimized group. Pretty legit if even relatively accurate. (not so much referencing the guide - I'm sure its useful - but the concept of dungeon leveling as a preferred path to 60)