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  1. P

    Critically acclaimed shows of the last 20 years that you haven't watched

    Last time I checked what was probably a few years ago it was available on netflix instant, but couldn't make it past 15 minutes, it was really really bad and I liked the show a lot.
  2. P

    Southland season 5

    Then yeah I guess that's it. Was hoping TNT would limp it along just to have a critically highly rated show in their line up, but if that's true it's done. One random thing that's been bugging me about this show, they had the episode with the dead baby and finally the mother tells the true...
  3. P

    Southland season 5

    Damn, I like how they have managed to move every character into the moral grey area. Hopefully this isn't the last season cause I thought it was their best yet and they have plenty of fodder for a new season. Show has always had good acting but I thought Cuddlitz (sp?) did an amazing job, and...
  4. P


    Anyone watching this? I kill some time on their youtube channel and for now at least, the new episodes are available for free on HBO's homepage. They make some good documentary's overall especially the one's when Shane Smith is involved. With all the sabre rattling going on in North Korea...
  5. P

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    "Your analogy is bad, equivocation fallacy. There is a vast difference in education level between you, a mechanic and a physician. Peer review. It's there for a reason. You're not a peer in any professional medical sense" Actually I was responding as a medic/ff with a 4 yr diploma so you...
  6. P

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    Dude, you don't need to be a doctor to judge the competency/incompetency of a doctor. Same as even if you don't know shit about cars you can still spot a bad mechanic as soon as they pop the hood. Edit to respond to my neg: I'm sure you could wreck my ass with your medical knowledge, but...
  7. P


    Great end to the series! I was wondering how they were going to handle everyone's eventual deaths and make it fit with the series overall theme that Gannicus and Spartacus are basically unstoppable and they handled it perfectly. While season 2 was definitely shaky, and season 1 was pure...
  8. P

    Southland season 5

    Fuck that was a messed up episode, the fact that they aren't too afraid to kill off/write major charters out of the show does a good job of adding to tension. The one problem I have with the show is the endless number of foot chases, do cops in LA not carry tasers? When I worked as a FF we got...
  9. P


    Haha I thought the same thing about the bleachers and then just put it up to who the fuck cares. I love this show and as sad as I will be to see it go they seem to be setting it up for one hell of a finale.
  10. P

    North Korea goes full retard

    Then why not practice with real applicable technology rather than 40 year old hardware? The last thing any country wants is a war with the money pit that would be the North. I refuse to believe as backwards as North Korea is that they have no clue what would happen if they started a war with a...
  11. P

    North Korea goes full retard

    The bombers are there as part of the military exercises we do every once in awhile with the south, it's not like they are there in response to all the norths crying as of late. Planning/live strategy practice for a hostile nuclear armed north is not what I would call warmongering. The...
  12. P

    The Americans

    Haven't seen homeland so can't compare them, but the show is definitely not dialogue heavy/slow moving. So far no episode has seemed like place holder/filler and there's a good amount of action built in. It's surprisingly light on politics as well given the shows subject matter. If your on...
  13. P


    I think a lot of it has to do with other characters sharing equal screen time so he in effect takes a step back, at the same time complete 180 from season two. I didn't like him at all and now he really does seem to own the role aside from the fight scenes. Maybe it's just fond memories of...
  14. P

    The Walking Dead

    To anyone who has read the comics is Andrea the same as in the TV show? I know tv/the walking dead in particular sucks at writing female characters, but I don't think there is ever someone as badly written/unsympathetic that I just want to die and be out of the picture and would make the show...
  15. P

    The Americans

    Yeah, this is fast becoming one of my favorite shows and I really can't even put my finger on why exactly but the action/story moves well from episode to episode without getting bogged down in filler so far. Doesn't hurt that Keri Russel has aged very very well though I'm sure. The fact that...
  16. P

    The Walking Dead

    I'm surprised so many people are calling this a good episode, the whole we have no ammo thing yet we can get into a huge firefight with the governor twice thing was already stupid. Then they just stumble into Morgan who suddenly turned into a doomsday prepper and easily curable mental problems...
  17. P

    North Korea

    Another reason why North Korea is best Korea,4926324.story
  18. P

    Boy... that escalated quickly

    Haha couldn't have said it better myself. It's a fucking Chuy's from my one experience there you could've quietly re-seated yourself with no problems whatsoever and not ruined your five dollar a plate day out. Honestly the whole standing up to everyone seems like a made up shoulda coulda...
  19. P

    Southland season 5

    Yeah it just started up last night, pretty solid episode. Takes place six months after the last season.
  20. P

    Southland season 5

    Yeah, it definitely has it's share of cliches but somehow they don't seem quite as contrived as other shows. And even with the cliches the writers do a good job of throwing in the occasional "oh shit" moment like Nate's death or the dead girl up in the wheel well. It and the wire are def. very...
  21. P

    Southland season 5

    Anyone else looking forward to this? Not the best show on tv, but good story arcs/semi believable characters. Seems to fly under the radar for the most part, but thankfully like the best roaches has escaped cancellation many a time.
  22. P

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    People who spend half an hour trying to pick their movies from redbox when there's one fucking kiosk People that load up the hip sled at the gym and don't rack their shit People who roll their cart down the supermarket at 1 mph with no way to get around and stop in the middle of the aisle...
  23. P

    2013 NFL Playoffs

    This except replace Willis with Gore (no disrespect to Willis). Gore has carried that team through some absolute worthless seasons, come back from decent injuries and deserves more respect than he gets. As a long time niners fan would love to see him get a ring/monster game while he's still on...
  24. P

    Should you tip the waitress and how much thread

    When I'm at a packed bar I always tip big on the first drink, if i don't have to wait to get a second and they pour it strong i'll keep it going. If I have to wait in line for a second I go back down to a dollar. This isn't restaurant related, but what do you guys usually tip for cab rides?
  25. P

    The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread

    So he's paying a junkie 100 bucks a pop, thinks she cares about him more than her pimp, is free with photos and no one yet has jumped in with the idea of getting him to post a tits shot saying "hi rerolled, i only cum with johnny49".....sad days internet
  26. P

    The Netflix Thread

    Iron sky was awesome, the part with north korea made me laugh my ass off. Was curious and looked up the budget, pretty amazing they could make a movie with decent effects for 8million euros. other ones: Monsters Good the bad and the weird Submarine The station agent (my bad, was on...
  27. P

    The Grand Tour (from the guys in Top Gear)

    I always thought that was a joke/excuse to get out of doing some hard laps with them, may have to watch again though been ages since i've seen it. As far as insurance goes, most of the newer stuff they drive are all media cars probably, so no more chance of they doing any harm than all the other...
  28. P

    The Movie Soundtracks Thread

    The proposition
  29. P

    The Office

    So now even the shit pile that was the steve harvey show gets a remake?? Maybe they're going with the idea no one saw it the first time