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    Fall 2016 Gaming Calendar

    Pretty solid visualization of the upcoming gaming season:OpenCritic - The top critics in gaming. All in one place. Thought you guys might find this useful (especially when planning which week to take off work...)
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    Dark Souls 3

    Reviews just came in:OpenCritic - The top critics in gaming. All in one place.
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    XCOM 2

    Reviews are pretty stellar:OpenCritic - The top critics in gaming. All in one place.
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    Blade and Soul - Kung Fu Korea - Action MMO

    Wow... So uhh, I just picked this up this past weekend, and wow, it's pretty exceptional. Though I echo the gold question: I'm 32 and barely have 1 gold. Any tips for efficient $$$ while leveling?
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    The Witness

    Reviews for this game are pretty solid:OpenCritic - The top critics in gaming. All in one place. I'm pretty hyped!
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    Fallout 4

    If anyone's interested, OpenCritic has a countdown timer to reviews:Countdown timer on OpenCritic. Embargo lifts on Nov 9th at 5am PST.
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    Halo 5 : Guardians

    Thought I'd do a shameless self-plug here... Media page and reviews here:OpenCritic - The top critics in gaming. All in one place.
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    Heroic emp actually bugged out for me (I think?) Was really disappointing, actually... He dropped Abom, I'd already burned my silences, so I killed it expecting to die. I had a full board with Kel'Thuzud and lethal next turn.Emp used his 30 damage hero power on KT instead of me.And I won in a...
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    Do you think that MMORPG gameplay mechanics/systems are "timeless"? WoW iterated on several mechanics of MMORPGs to appeal to a different audience, but would MMORPGs still be around if they hadn't? I can't think of many game systems or mechanics that are still as comparatively awesome today as...
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    Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)

    First time Battlefield gamer - is there any tutorial or anything on piloting aircraft / helicopters?
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    Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)

    Echo'ing the drivers here - they dramatically reduced input lag and graphic stuttering for me.
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    Grand Theft Auto V

    You're asking the wrong question. Why is Sean so butthurt over GTA5's online portion that'swritten on the boxhe purchased and he reasonably expected to be available on October 1st?
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    Grand Theft Auto V

    What? That's silly. If you're seriously falling back on "well the EULA gives them this power," you're on the losing side of the argument. Regardless of what the EULA empowers these companies to do, consumers will still be upset. WoW could shut down all its servers tomorrow and not issue any...
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    Grand Theft Auto V

    This analogy totally fails in other genres, so why is it acceptable in GTA? I mean, if I buy any FPS game (CoD, BF4, Halo) and the multiplayer opens buggy 2 weeks later, am I allowed to be upset? Anyways, this doesn't matter -you're looking at things through a different lense, and that's...
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    Your best raid or mass pvp experience across the genre?

    PvE - 25man Heroic Lich King. I made a guild in January from scratch with 3-4 old friends who wanted to raid on a lighter schedule of 3 nights/wk. We went from using PuGs to barely down Marrowgar to getting the US #55 Heroic Lich King kill. All without every breaking out of our 10 hour raid...
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    Grand Theft Auto V

    Got it. So what you're saying is that GTAO is 38 MB downloaded, andnoneof it is on my disc? I'll admit that GTAO is at least a little bit more gray as the genre has traditionally been single player. But at the same time, it does feel alittlerushed. At first, I thought the GTAO delay was there...
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I think it's actually pretty easy to speculate that the next WoW expansion is Q2 2014, so you're looking at 8-10 months between raids. It's basically a "given" that BlizzCon is going to feature the next WoW expansion. They don't have any other surprises left up their sleeve (though it has...
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I'd say that Cata's heroics wereslightlytoo hard, if only because there was no way to gear up for them. It was a loop of "to get geared enough to do heroics effectively, do more heroics." They needed some real 85 normal-modes if they wanted to keep them that difficult, or at least some way of...
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Cata was easily the worst expansion. - RBGs were a huge fucking letdown. - Guild leveling was a huge letdown. - Prime runes were terrible. - Heroics were totally mismanaged (first slightly too hard, then way too easy). - Arenas died when they removed rating requirements and didn't offer any...
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    That's not the only mention - Ra-den's death quote had previously raised a lot of questions to the tune of "wtf was he talking about???" It makes a lot of sense now. And I don't think it has to be limited to Underwater, either. Bringing zones like the Undermine (Goblin capital city), or just...
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Eh, deleting my original post because there's no point in arguing with someone so dense... MMOs are in decline because people are naturally quitting as they go through life, and the next generation of gamers don't enjoy them. I think the next "big" MMORPG will be one that keeps the immersive...
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    You're picking out specific examples rather than refuting the larger point. Here it is, very succinctly: 1) As is normal with any game (or genre), as people grow older, they stop playing. Any number of reasons can cause it (marriage, graduation, new job, having kids, or just boredom). Nothing...
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    No, that's not what I'm saying at all. I loved EQ leveling. Finishing my Singing Shortsword (Bard Epic) has been one of the highlights of my gaming career. But that was 12 years ago. Gaming has changed dramatically. The fact that we're now 14 years past EQ and 7 past WoW and still using the...
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I agree completely, Dumar, but I'm unconvinced that the two have to be mutually exclusive. The core combat loop needs to be interesting and entertaining. One way to do that is to take the Dark Souls approach, where every mob presents a different challenge. In WoW, almost every mob in the world...
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Okay, well, if that's the sentence you're going to stick to, let me rephrase it slightly... The next generation of gamers wants games that are intrinsically fun - games that are based in mechanics that consistently offer opportunities for mastery or expression. MMOs no longer fill that...
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I think you guys are way off in why WoW is declining... Nothing Blizzard is doing is causing WoW to burn up - it's a change in the larger market. Look at the games that are big hits now with kids. They're games like League of Legends, Call of Duty, Dungeon Fighter Online (very big in China)...
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    League Of Legends

    I'd recommend starting out by just hitting up the free-to-play rotation. 10 champions are free every week, and they're usually fairly well split among the roles (a few adc, a few mid, a few junglers, etc.) - try them out there. If you find one you really like and want to play more, save up to...