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  1. O


    I hate her face. Love the show though!
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    Stranger Things

    Finally watched the rest today. Really great show. I liked all the references from Star Wars to Lovecraft. I couldn't stand Chunk at first, but he got better as the episodes played out to where I think he was my favorite. I wonder if Barb's parents are pissed that the whole town forgot...
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    Stranger Things

    I just don't know what to say to you. Just go sit down over there or something. On a serious note, I discovered this just now. I had to research it after ten minutes or so of watching cause the recreation of a Spielberg 80s film was so on point. Good show! Seriously though Khane...I...
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    Lol stay with us here. Good episode. That town is major fucked up, but I'm almost 100% certain I'd enjoy watching Civil War reenactors assault a well-defended church as well. I mean, he shot that guy's dick off and everything! It's lawn chair and Miller time, baby. She should have fed...
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    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Not to mention that the dragon can be seen in the background flying away to its next Uber pickup instead of taking care of that fleet after a few swipes.
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    Person of Interest

    Why has media and popular culture begun to use "ASI" instead of just "AI?" Sad apples Poi is kabut. Good show
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    Renewed/Cancelled Shows

    I wish they would cancel NBC.
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    Meaning they'll have to be God and the Devil?
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    The whole scene between Lucifer and God having couples therapy, while amusing, flushed how well the two actors who played Lucifer had done. You could feel his hatred and evil when he was on screen. Then that sit down. I still enjoyed it and the show, but it just feels like they phoned in...
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    "Hey, let's film the final battle involving God in the alley behind our set."
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    Fantastic episode. I assume Guck will somehow sacrifice himself at the end. Although....Didn't they kill Death or something? I can't remember.
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    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    lol. Tur-bull episode.
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    Your guilty pleasure movies

    Battleship. I don't care, I love this movie and watch it whenever it's on (not too often).
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    Doctor Strange (2016)

    I know (knew) nothing of this story line. I pushed play on the trailer thinking "this has to be where the Marvel shark jumps." Boy was I wrong. Minus the whole comic book aspect, the movie looks completely fantastic. Although I think Johnny Lee Miller would have made a better...
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    Marvel's Daredevil

    The other Netflix Marvel shows need to hire the fight choreographer from DD. If they're the same, they need to rethink their approach for the other shows.
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    10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

    All these other theories. Bunk. Cthulu. Gotta be Lord Cthulu. Anyway, whoever linked Exam...Not bad, I liked.
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    Stephen King's The Dark Tower

    Jeffrey Dean Morgan is Roland. This is madness. Although Idris is pretty badass. I can live with it I suppose.
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    The Walking Dead

    Why patch just one eye if you're clearing buildings in the daylight. Patch them both! You'll have super night vision!
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    Marvel's Jessica Jones

    "Weak bad guy." Well, ok I guess, but d'onofrio brought a better villain than Tenant. Imo.
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    The 100

    The 100: Game of Thrones edition.
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    Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

    For the massive, brain-bleeding concussion that he'll have after the first hit to the face.
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    Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

    Yeah, they really should have kept the helmet on him the whole time. He took it off and instantly became a whiny little bitch.
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    Well, the banshee episode is pretty much the end of this show. Terrible.
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    Warhammer RTS: "Battlefleet Gothic: Armada"

    I really liked the Space Marine game. Was that published in same fashion? I think I'll reload tonight and play again...
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    Marvel's Jessica Jones

    I don't think you read what I actually said. Superman is as silly. Anyway, mehish show.
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    The Metal Thread

    Absolution and Cirice fucking rock. I think people like them because they have catchy songs and are interesting to watch perform.
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    WarCraft (2016)

    They'd have to clean up the script a bit obviously, but I think a gritty war movie set in that universe could be interesting if it were taken seriously and budgeted properly (which is why one will never be made).
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    Marvel's Jessica Jones

    Actually I thought the action scenes in Superman (last one) were silly, and the whole premise of Superman kinda boring overall. I think the original source material hampers his character. Might be why I liked Daredevil and Batman so much: they're more grounded. But in this case, I'm just...
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    Just look how goofy that guy looks, even giving the finger. Glad to see you agree with me!
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    Star Citizen Online - The search for more money

    So is this game coming or not? I haven't followed the drama much recently.
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    WarCraft (2016)

    Finally started playing the last Starcraft. Confuses me why they'd choose Warcraft over Starcraft to movie treatment. Such great source material.
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    Marvel's Jessica Jones

    I can't take shows seriously where a 90-pound anything has super strength and can forklift bad guys. That and the story was kinda lame. Netflix knows how to showcase some interesting villains though. Two of them now where I could relate to the bad guy. His parents WERE shitheads.
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    I love my Elementary. Johnny Lee Miller is the Sherlock gold standard, in my opinion. But damn, writers, get back to some over-arching plots. There are enough procedural shows out there already, sheez.
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    Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

    I don't think that's how it works? You can't siphon off the energy from the fusion reaction inside the core of star by hoovering up hydrogen from its surface. BUT IF YOU would be advanced enough that you wouldn't do such a stupid thing. Again, many easier ways to destroy...
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    Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

    JJ Abrams has proven he's not all that boned up on his science. He's more into the Fi part. On the life and pristine Alpine forests part: I assumed the base somehow was mobile, so maybe it parks in a system, eats its star, then moves? Totally stupid weapon though, especially considering...
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    Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

    Seem to recall a scene showing a plasma trail from the star to the base, so I think the intent WAS that it siphoned off the star. Which is really stupid. Is it just using hydrogen or helium? Easier ways to get that. And if they can literally eat a star, pretty sure there would be better ways...
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    Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

    Is there a link to the dream sequence by chance? That was my bathroom break time.
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    Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

    One thing I wondered: why does a faction that can dismantle stars at whim need to engage in war with rebels? Just go create new systems. Plenty of real estate out there.
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    Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

    I so hoped Snoke would have been Jar Jar. And cool, until he became a spoiled kid with daddy issues. How far we have fallen.
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    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    I would play such a game. Good work. "Bankruption"