2021 NFL Offseason: QB Carousel Imminent -- Retirement Boogaloo


Molten Core Raider
Among current head coaches you probably couldn't put together much of a list of guys who have been more successful. The fact that most of his success was at the beginning of his career though and the fact that he's had a franchise QB his whole career sort of counts against him though.
Head coach and QB success are so inter-linked, especially for a defensive coach. Thats why most organizations are hiring offensive coaches as HC over defensive coaches; the thought being they can scheme their way out of an average QB. But Tomlin? That dude doesn't mess with the offense, so he's indirectly affecting his own win percentage because of that.

Should the Steelers have stuck with Tomlin? I dunno, he's always felt like a great defensive coach, but the success of that team is shouldered by Ben and that offense, and they've stunk for a while
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Still a Music Elitist
Pretty spot on. Alot of those bad seasons were due to injuries. Tomlin is still a smart guy and good coach that gets results. Also playing in that weak ass division probably helps.

I don't think any other division regularly sends three teams to the playoffs almost every year like the AFCN. Three teams just made playoffs this past season. There was a streak in 2011-2015 or something when the Bengals, Steelers, and Ravens all made playoffs. AFCN is consistently one of the stronger divisions in the sport.

I'm sure many fans aren't happy Tomlin is sticking around. I thought for sure losing to the Bengals on primetime like they did this past season would have gotten him fired. That's just embarrassing.
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El Presidente
I don't think any other division regularly sends three teams to the playoffs almost every year like the AFCN. Three teams just made playoffs this past season. There was a streak in 2011-2015 or something when the Bengals, Steelers, and Ravens all made playoffs. AFCN is consistently one of the stronger divisions in the sport.

I'm sure many fans aren't happy Tomlin is sticking around. I thought for sure losing to the Bengals on primetime like they did this past season would have gotten him fired. That's just embarrassing.
Yeah if you look at the last 15-20 years AFCN and NFCS have clearly been the 2 best divisions for most of it. NFCW has been up there recently though.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
kicking the can down the road on replacing Ben will be their long term undoing
Whoa whoa they signed Dwayne Haskins!

Honestly thought they would of gone for Darnold though. Low cost to acquire and have him behind Ben for a year would of been a smart move.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
kicking the can down the road on replacing Ben will be their long term undoing

This. It's funny, this past year with them going 11-0 everyone knew they were waiting to fold. The year before that, though? Going 8-8 with Rudolph and whoever the other guy was taking snaps for them all year was a masterclass of coaching. Crazy thing is they should have known after that season that not having Ben's replacement yet was going to burn them eventually but still here we are.
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New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Maybe the Steelers front office is smart enough to realize that there is only 1 Super Bowl winner every year, and just because you don't win every year doesn't mean you go search for a new head coach. There is absolutely something to keeping some semblance of consistency in place when you are at least being competitive year after year. Look at Andy Reid on the Eagles, sure they never got the win in the Super Bowl but they were mostly good while he was there. Eventually they all decided it was best to move on, and it seemed to work out for both the Eagles and Reid (well at least short term for the Eagles).

The constant turnover of coaches in the NFL rarely works out for a team. Yes, there are times when you should absolutely cut your losses and move on (hello Chip Kelly), but this thought process of getting rid of a coach just because he hasn't won the Super Bowl yet is kinda dumb.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Tomlin wouldn’t cut it in the NFC bEast. That is why we had to get a stud like McCarthy.
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Tomlin wouldn’t cut it in the NFC bEast. That is why we had to get a stud like McCarthy.
  • 3Worf
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Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Felt like he was in the league for so much lnger than he was. Such a talented guy who could just never stay healthy. Wish him the best in retirement.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
My sister is epileptic. Since she got her meds worked out, it's not a big deal but it was quite a process getting to that point. Every time she would have a seizure, they would take her driver's license for 6 months which really messes up your life. On the other hand, she did have one while driving once and crashed into a cell phone store and then she was handcuffed and taken to the police station since the officer assumed she was DUI.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Well there goes his draft stock.

He was already sliding because of his decision making and supposed inability to go through reads, but now with this? Im not saying I think he should slide, or its a big deal, but Im sure its going to have SOME impact on how teams view his value.

Epilepsy does suck though. It is tough because like Brutul said, it can fuck up your life as having a seizure is out of ones control and can strike at the worse times.

Imagine Fields having a seizure on the field during a drop back in a high leverage moment?

edit: I hope this doesnt change Shanahans decision.....Im not sure if he was going to take Fields in the first place, but if he does end up taking mac Jones and come to find out they were just worried about Justin? Uhg.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Haskins 2.0 @ Merrith

Im starting to think Shanahan is going to play himself by taking Mac Jones. Its looking like he is being too smart for even himself, where he wants to take Lance and be ahead of the game, taking the Mahomes type QB in a spot where most wouldnt, but is going to end up double thinking it and going for the "safer" pick in the "sure thing" Jones.

Im hoping they do take Lance. If they take Jones Shanahan and his dad will be remembered as failures with the 49ers. Unless Jones turns out to be good and takes them to the big dance, which I doubt.
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