28mm Miniature Tabletop Wargaming Thread


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That looks like the same load-out that they used to come with. The kick in the pants was the single ML per box, when everyone was running 4. I think I ended up spending close to $90 on ML's for my 3 squads.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I've noticed that i'm getting a lot more in a box than I used to. Bought a Devastator box and built a Sergeant plus 4 marines. You get 2 Lascannons, 2 heavy Bolters, 2 plasma Cannons and a Multimelta. Still expensive but its nice you get some bits with it also.
Shame that what you actually want, is 4 missile launchers.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Yeah, I dont know how they are going to fix Genestealers since 6th is the shooty edition. I seriously want to have that feeling of dread again when I see 20+ Genestealers running across the board. Some of my most memorable games have been against Tyranids.
Same way they've "fixed" everything. Make them cheaper. And maybe units larger than 12.


El Presidente
Cheaper is certainly the easiest way. Also something like letting them run and assault in the same turn would be a good start. At this point the only horde type nids worth getting are Termagants and Gargs.

Phoenix Prime_sl


Hey Slurdig check those models out. I thinks its precisely what youd be looking for. WW2 futuristic German soldiers. I personally cant wait for the Heavy assault minis to come out. Damn perfect for a custom Space Marine Legion I want to build.

If I had copius amounts of money to throw away I would probably buy the full chapter bundle they are offering just to see how many pallets it would take to deliver it. 47 rhinos would take up alot of room just by itself allready.

Black Sun Wizard

Silver Knight of the Realm
Anyone going to Adepticon this year?

If you never heard of it, it's a larger gaming convention with only games. Brings in round-about 1000~1250 people however the number grows every year. Located close to Chicago (Lombard, Illinois to be exact) and as long as you're not playing anything, free to come in and look around.

AdeptiCon 2014 :: April 3rd-6th, 2014

In other related 28mm news, new Tyranids! Yay?


Riddle me this...
Adepticon is on my things to go to when i graduate. Im a Marine player mostly so Im excited about playing against Nids. Cant wait to dakka dakka a bunch of gaunts.


Riddle me this...
Anyone into Warmachine/Hordes? I noticed a bunch of people playing this at my local store. Bought a battle box (Cygnar) and plan on playing my first game this Thrusday. Just skimming the rules it seems easy but deep (like my mom! zing myself /cry). The fluff is pretty cool and they have theme lists, kinda weird to have a game reward you for playing fluffy.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I was huge into warmahordes a couple of years ago, played multiple times a week and did tournies. I love the fluff and the models. You are very correct that the game is really easy to learn and play but very hard to master. It is much more of a chess like thinking game than 40k at least in my opinion. Alot of times it comes down to movement and synergy. Another nice thing is that each caster opens up a whole new play style even if your troops and jacks are the same. So you can change things up for minimal money. But damn the colossals are awesome if you want to spend bank. Also played cygnar mainly and loved my shooty electic army. Not sure if it is still true but when i played, Trolls steamrolled everything.

Cecil Harvey_sl

I play Warmachine/Hordes with a small group of friends pretty much weekly. I play Circle Orboros, my brother plays Cygnar, we have Khador,Trolls,Cryx in the circle of friends. Its a lot of fun, but has a pretty steep learning curve.


I play Warmahordes pretty competitively. It's got probably the tightest rules set of any game currently available and the balance is about as good as it gets. If you are looking to get in to the serious side of it I highly suggest watching the videos over on endgamegaming.net as you can see some really high level play. Be careful on the official forums. There are a lot of bads out there who think they are good and give absolutely terrible advice.

Black Sun Wizard

Silver Knight of the Realm
Hormachines combines the strategy of chess with the combo's of Magic The Gathering. Being someone that sucks at both of those games, I tend to lose a lot but still have fun in the process. 9 out of 10 games come down to the wire in the last round so they are always exciting.

Can be a cheap game but can also be very expensive.

And personally, I prefer Hordes over Warmachine. Hordes is just so brutal.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It might only be my region but the warmahordes player group also seemed much older and more mature. They were way more helpful and welcoking than the 40k groups in the area. They were excited for new people and would spend time teaching and even sometimes kick in old models to newbs.


Riddle me this...
Yeah thats another reason I've gotten into Warmahordes, the people playing were explaining the game to me while I was watching. I had (at the time) no models, I think I asked one question, something along the effects of "Who is who" and the next thing I know I've been standing there for an hour while they explain the game. It was weird, I'm so used to the 40k players treating every game like it a tournament. I went ahead and split a 2 player box for horde also, now I have the start of a Cygnar army and Circle. Going to learn warmachine first then worry about Horde.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Sounds like the way to go. I found warmchine amd the way focus worked more intuitive than fury but learning warmaxhine first helped translate all the other rules over.


Riddle me this...
So just got done playing 3 games. Went with the Cygnar (Styker, Charger, Ironclad, Lancer) battle box and proxied the Black 13th.

Won the first one against Legion of Everblight - Caster Assassination
Lost the 2nd against Cryx - His caster (Lord Asphyxious) beat down my caster
Lost the 3rd against Cyriss - Caster got sniped

All and all I had fun, really loving the Black 13th and Charger. Will have to do some research on different casters but I can already tell I'm really going to like this game. I gotta remember to use the Arc node the lancer has.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Buddy of mine at work and another person we looking for a side hobby once a week / once every two weeks. Table top strategy a la Warhammer 40k.

We went out and split a WH40k: Dark Vengeance set but reading some of these other articles and seeing the fucking prices at Games Workshop....I'm reconsidering.

As someone who has never played any of these games...any suggestions as to what I should roll with? WH40K? Warhordes?

And these plastic figures...jesus @ their prices. Anyone selling an army for cheap?


Riddle me this...
Do Kill teams. Its easy and fast. You pretty just have a squad of guys you paint up and fight it out between the two of you. Zone Mortalis also. The rules for kills teams are free, pretty sure there is a PDF floating around somewhere. Forge World normally has them.
You also go Warmachine/Hordes, just split the 2 player battle box, slap the models together with some glue and you guys can start playing right there. The battle boxes from Warmachine/horde are pretty balanced.