

Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
If it happens then there is no God.

But NOBODY is trying though so until then I guess I get to live in a fog of delusion since NOBODY will try it.
Science can only judge that which is part of the natural universe, that which is observable. That which is supernatural is by the fact that it is above or outside nature, outside the realm of science to quantify. So, even though I'm an atheist, I really don't see any biological processes or simulated biological processes as an inherent justification for the assertion that no god exists.

Now, science can be used to show that aspects of religious dogma are incorrect, things like the world is flat, the sun revolves around it, humans and everything on the planet were popped out of thin air 6000 years ago as they exist in their current forms, etc.

None of this means there can't be a god. Its just not possible remotely for science to judge that, as god is outside of, or above, nature, if it exists and is worthy of being called a god at all.


Musty Nester
Make not a trial of the Lord your God, a_skeleton_03. This is part of what he was talking about. Don't hinge the entirety of your good faith on a bad assumption. We are Jon Snow. We know nothing.

I'd be amazed if someone hasn't already been trying to clone a human in seclusion with at least partial successes. All it would take is one Mengelev and one lab somewhere in eastern europe or the orient. It's less of an ethical problem for them. And you can see it's not an insurmountable ethical problem for us. And the problem is more ethical than technical.

Throw down the old law tablets!


Ssraeszha Raider
Really? Your belief in god hinges on whether or not we can clone a human? That's all we have to do?

And all along I thought a_skeleton_03 had faith. That his belief in god wasn't just the product of failed attempts at rational, logical thinking. The people I know who believe in god can feel it in their bones. They would never abandon that belief over something like human cloning. I guess a_skeleton_03 not only fails at thinking, he fails at faith.

If you only believed in god for what you considered to be rational reasons, you're kinda fuckin' dumb because the evidence was never on your side. The only argument youhadwas faith.

Maybe god intended for human cloning to occur to test your loyalty?!?


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Holy shit that would be awesome. If only the Shroud of Turin were real, then we could get a sample of Jesus' blood, PCR the shit out of it, then make a baby Jesus clone.


Holy shit that would be awesome. If only the Shroud of Turin were real, then we could get a sample of Jesus' blood, PCR the shit out of it, then make a baby Jesus clone.
I am in Trier right now where the "Holy Tunic" supposedly worn by Jesus when he died is located. Want me to borrow it for you?


Tranny Chaser
These guys sure do take fashion seriously.


Avatar of War Slayer
why the hell would anyone think a clone would be legally the same person or anything retarded like that?

a Siamese twin is 2 people, even when they aren't fully separated. so would clones be siblings.
Individually is devised from biology and experience.


Musty Nester
Because if I cloned myself female she would be my sex slave.

She would also be powerful fucking ugly and considering her other options in life content with her lot.


Mr. Abortion Clinic chauffeur,

Have you ever been in such bad traffic that a baby popped out and you had to abort it in the front seat of your car?


Musty Nester
I love the fact that someone made a stamp for that.

I guess it wouldn't be too hard to carve one if you knew how to whittle. The mirror action on the letters would fuck me up though.

Send me your stamp, suin!


Musty Nester
It is pretty damn stable though. For 9997 out of 10000 that pill will do what it's supposed to without killing you.

As much as I do hate big pharma and think they're evil, evil, evil men -- I don't think Bayer holds any real responsibility for those 3:10000 deaths. They provide a product in good faith. Sometimes it's no ones fault and we just need more endocrine research.

They'll pay to settle though. And fuck 'em. They're evil and they can afford it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It is pretty damn stable though. For 9997 out of 10000 that pill will do what it's supposed to without killing you.

As much as I do hate big pharma and think they're evil, evil, evil men -- I don't think Bayer holds any real responsibility for those 3:10000 deaths. They provide a product in good faith. Sometimes it's no ones fault and we just need more endocrine research.

They'll pay to settle though. And fuck 'em. They're evil and they can afford it.
This is a well known possible serious side effect for bc pills in general, nothing breaking news here.
People who have any family history or personal history of clotting disorders should be careful, and if you are on the pill, you should be especially prudent if you are fat/sedentary, or recently been immobile for a long period. Don't ignore that questionably swollen leg after a long drive or plane ride, if you're on the pill. Don't let yourself get dehydrated. If you get diagnosed with some other chronic inflammatory disorder (lupus, crohn's, etc), or cancer, make sure you question your doctor about the safety of being on the pill because the chance of clotting gets exponentially higher.


Interesting quote from the above article, "There is no credible research to support a "post-abortion syndrome," as a report published by the American Psychological Association in 2008 made clear."


Interesting quote from the above article, "There is no credible research to support a "post-abortion syndrome," as a report published by the American Psychological Association in 2008 made clear."
Yeah it is. I think the most interesting part is they don't deny it they just say no credible research has been done. If I am reading that right it means neither side on the issue is doing proper research to support or refute it. Why isn't the 'left' doing some research to refute it? I know what's going on in the 'right' they are just crappy at any kind of research but the 'left' should have had this locked down by now.