Age of Wushu/Wulin - US Open Beta


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I played this a little yesterday and I was pretty impressed. The graphics are top notch and the gameplay seems fun so far. I basically just made it through the beginners guide and picked my school (Shaolin).
Has anyone done any grouping in this game? It wasn't immediately obvious to me if there are traditional groups with each person filling a role or if everyone is just a melee martial arts badass and you all beat stuff down together?

One thing that definitely bothered me a bit was how much they're trying to get me to pay for stuff. I mean it's littered like everywhere within the game, the menus. Shit even the exit dialog asks you twice to buy VIP or whatever.
There are instances (dungeons) like Twilight Village where people party up: I found this snippet on the forums:

Usually people standing unpartied near an instance are people who want to do that instance. By pressing 'O', you can open up a window that shows unpartied people within the area as well as parties that are being formed. From here you can invite unpartied people to start your own party or you can apply to join a party that is currently being formed.

This window also serves as a party management tool, here you can set up a raid party (a raid is a party that consists of multiple 6-man parties all together) as well as assign assistants who, for the most part, act as sub-party leaders (they are able to invite more party members as well as create their own arrays, etc).
There are also the escort missions that you can do with your guild: protect a caravan or some, with the possibility of getting attacked by players. I have not done these, all I know is that you must be in a Guild before you can get these missions.

There is also talk of Guilds owning territory so I think a lot of gameplay is based on Guilds wars and such.

About the roles, when you read up about the different schools and their martial skillsets, there is some talk about certain sets(and thus schools) being more fit for tanking, while others offer good defense and crowdcontrol. But I think this is more about the 1v1 situation and not about grouproles. So no healing others, just yourself, and also crowdcontrol is more about stunning/knocking down your direct opponent, not so much keep a group of mobs/players mesmerized with a spell. But I could be completely wrong here, only have read the skillsets of 1 or 2 schools.

Edit: about the "pay" popups: I bought the 20 dollar deluxe pack and have not seen any of these popups at all, so at least if you are a VIP (there's 2 months of sub in that pack) your UI is free of that shit. Sounds really annoying though.


Joined a guild last night called Demigodz, seem active and abundant. Leader is Divinesoul, can tell him I sent you if you're interested in joining. Interested to get into some of the GvG and school vs school stuff now.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Joined a guild last night called Demigodz, seem active and abundant. Leader is Divinesoul, can tell him I sent you if you're interested in joining. Interested to get into some of the GvG and school vs school stuff now.
Yes, I have seen them around a lot, they seem very active. They have a large recruiting thread on the US forums also, in the Guildsection. I realize now though that there is going to be a Euro-server too (Age of Wulin), handled by gpotato. Since it is not clear when the Euro-server releases I may stick with the US server after all and then I will definately check out Demigodz.

I did my first spy-mission yesterday, been a long time since I had my heart pounding when playing a MMO. I am not really a PvP adept though, so I am easily exited when it comes to that.



Age of Wushu delays launch to 'spring 2013'

Time to put on your lemon faces, folks, because this news is going to make you pucker up: Snail Games has announced that Age of Wushu is delaying its launch. The release, which was originally scheduled for February 1st, has now been moved to a more nebulous "spring 2013."

The studio says that the delay is the result of testing: "Based on player feedback and data from the second closed beta, we have decided to revise the launch timing to spring 2013. This will allow us to better address community feedback and continue to update the game. When a more precise update on the release timing is available, we will share that information."


<Gold Donor>
Prepare to stay confused as fuck. There are a ridiculous number of things to do in this game, it gets really overwhelming. I joined a rather large guild (Invictus) and the castle sieges have been really fun so far, just crazy chaotic PvP. The big market in Cengdu is a pretty cool thing to check out for an MMO. The entire city is basically a huge, open air, player run market. The big sellers bid on a bunch of stalls lining the main road in and then everybody else sets up stalls in this big courtyard area. Every day gigantic street fights break out there near the bank. The game has amazing graphics and the combat feels very fluid, a few xyz axis problems with some attacks but the combat and flying skills are all very responsive. Well worth the 19.99 for beta VIP. Not sure how long it will stay interesting but for now it's entertaining and feels like a good mix of concepts to be thrown into an online game.


Molten Core Raider
I'm definitely intrigued. Slowly understanding the concepts/mechanics. My one gripe thus far is the localization is bad and sometimes actively misleading. That's whats making me hold back from showing my other friends. There were rumors floating around on the message board about a large patch to upgrade the UI -- that will go a long way as well. Was definitely impressed that they delayed launch; that was an EXCELLENT business decision. If they can clean up the UI and localization flaws then they will definitely make an impact in the US scene. There are a significant amount of people looking for an open world open pvp sandbox game, and they'll persuade their carebear friends to come along for the ride.

Do you have any general newbie advice to share? I'm cultivating nothing but my inner school main skill right now -- heard to do that to at least the low 20s before any specific skills. Someone advised me to finish up my storyline quest before messing around with other things.


<Gold Donor>
That seems like the best path while learning the smaller nuances of the game but make sure it's only your school inners that you're cultivating, the starter skills that it gives you are pretty much never used again. I've also been farming and cooking then selling steamed bread in the starter towns to make silver (that was a weird thing to get into, the NPC vendor currency and the player currency, got too into making player silver and didn't have enough cash for cooking materials or traveling after a while). Head to Yanyu Villa and run the Salt Gang instance for some good starter XP. There are usually people waiting around LFG but look me up in game if you can't find anyone (Heriotze), went nuts leveling tradeskills and my cultivation pool is constantly low now as a result. We're doing a castle siege at 8:30 MST(AZ) tonight if you, or anybody else, wanted to check it out.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You with 5 posts are making a big assumption on a game that til now I was not even looking at. Honest question or rather just a word really. Shill??


Chuck Norris, GTFO.



Tried it with a few friends last night. Everything is just so convoluted.... I can understand a game with so many features (?) would need the first chunk of the game one big tutorial, but it got old fast.