Answer the question above you, no matter what it is


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
The greatest radio personality and political pundit of our time versus a shitty remake of a shitty movie that's already been remade 18 times? El Rushbo all day.

Of all the things you've ever done, which one would your mom be the most ashamed of you for if she were to find out. If you had no strong mother figure, substitute someone appropriate.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I made something up to get one of my brothers to walk in on my parents having sex. That or BJ from a stripper.

Your entire family, including significant other and any kids as well as parents and relatives, all convert to mormonism. What do you do?


I wonder why I could not stop them.

On the topic: how would you go about creating your own religion? Would you start from scratch and back your wild claims somehow, make some modification to an existing religion and add new revelations to it or what?


Vyemm Raider
I'd Joseph smith that shit. Copy some old shit that people have already followed and put a nice new ribbon on it. Btw in this new religion all wives and gfs must bookend daily (good morning and goodnight bj's)

Why do Americans think there elected representatives are horrible yet vote the same asshats back in?


Because they're all horrible, we just aim for the lesser of the two evils only to find out we are always wrong. There is no lesser evil when it comes to politicians. They are the scum of the earth.

You have a choice, you can either be abandoned on a 4 sq mi island, the island has trees and wildlife ( nothing dangerous) with an assortment of tools, or you can be locked into a room with no windows, a really nice computer, chair, and desk, with every game ever released to date installed on it. You would be given bread and water 3 times a day in this room. No internet either. Which would you choose? The island or the room?

No hope of human contact ever in either scenario.


Vyemm Raider
Because they're all horrible, we just aim for the lesser of the two evils only to find out we are always wrong. There is no lesser evil when it comes to politicians. They are the scum of the earth.

You have a choice, you can either be abandoned on a 4 sq mi island, the island has trees and wildlife ( nothing dangerous) with an assortment of tools, or you can be locked into a room with no windows, a really nice computer, chair, and desk, with every game ever released to date installed on it. You would be given bread and water 3 times a day in this room. No internet either. Which would you choose? The island or the room?

No hope of human contact ever in either scenario.
Is there a Toilet in the Room ?
Presumably so, but even if not, just go in the corner bro.

Tough call... Island, I suppose. I like sun and freedom too much to choose entertainment, but there is definitely some appeal there.

Bros, I haven't bothered checking. Have we banned McPickle Deluxe yet?
No clue, nor do I know how to check.

Weirdest place you jerked off at?


Silver Knight of the Realm
I don't chew tobacco.

Who is the best all-around QB playing in the NFL right now?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Paytown manning.

What would you do for a klondike bar?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Not much, I wouldn't even walk to the freezer for one. I mean, it would have to be a hot, sunny day and then maybe, just maybe if someone walked up to me and said hey, want a free klondike bar, I might say, yeah that sounds pretty good right now.

What are your thoughts on NFL commissioner Roger Goodell claiming $30,000,000 on just his taxes last year?


Vyemm Raider
he made that much but does not pay taxes on it:
In 2010, the registered NFL nonprofit alone received $184 million from its 32 member teams. It holds over $1 billion in assets. Together with its subsidiaries and teams -- many of which are for-profit, taxed entities -- the NFL generates an estimated $9 billion annually. Each of its teams are among the top 50 most expensive sports teams in the world, ranking alongside the world's famous soccer teams. Almost half of professional football teams are valued at over $1 billion..

League commissioners and officials benefit from the nonprofit status of their organizations. Roger Goodell, commissioner of the NFL, reported $11.6 million in salary and perks in 2010 alone. Goodell's salary will reportedly reach $20 million in 2019. Steve Bornstein, the executive vice president of media, made $12.2 million in 2010. Former NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue earned $8.5 million from the league in 2010. The league paid five other officials a total of $19.2 million in just one year. In comparison, the next highest salary of a traditional nonprofit CEO is $3.4 million.

More importantly...Would you bang his wife ?


Trakanon Raider
I would wrap my dick in hundos and shove my cock straight into that bitch's mouth

Is this a good entry point? Should I have used twenties instead?


Riddle me this...
Nah bro you good, she looks classy.

Will there ever be a NFL team based in London?


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't believe so, the logistics is just illogical. Every other team in their division would immediately be at a bigger disadvantage, I don't see team owners allowing this.

I never understood, why London? Wouldn't it be more logical to make an expansion team in Canada or even Mexico before all the way out in London?


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Dollar bills (or pounds sterling? in this case). London has an asston of money that Canada and Mexico can't match. It also brings more prestige.

On a completely unrelated note, why hasn't mankind developed a better battery to this point?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Dollar bills (or pounds sterling? in this case). London has an asston of money that Canada and Mexico can't match. It also brings more prestige.

On a completely unrelated note, why hasn't mankind developed a better battery to this point?
A: What do you mean by "better"? I'm pretty sure we have continually improved battery technology since they were created and we continue to do so.

Q: Do you eat pickled things and, if so, what is your favorite pickled item to eat? Hint: eggs is the correct answer, followed by beets.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Pickled Cucumbers, second to that is Pickled Cabbage.

Q: If you were a woodchuck, how much wood would you chuck?