Answer the question above you, no matter what it is


Golden Knight of the Realm
Nope. I can't say I've ever disliked any movie so much that I walked out of the theater. In fact, I can only think of one movie that I absolutely could not stand finishing even when I only watched it on DVD. I'm generally a very easy-to-please person, I guess.

What is the single biggest problem facing America today?
Stupid American Pride. Maybe we aren't that great.

What was the one movie that McCheese couldn't even watch on DVD?


Molten Core Raider
Stupid American Pride. Maybe we aren't that great.

What was the one movie that McCheese couldn't even watch on DVD?
Something with Meryl Streep in it.

If someone asked you to be part of a medical study that would in which you took pills that made an errection impossible would you do it for $500 a month. Under contract that lasts 1 year.


Something with Meryl Streep in it.

If someone asked you to be part of a medical study that would in which you took pills that made an errection impossible would you do it for $500 a month. Under contract that lasts 1 year.
$500, no. $2500 yeah. I can please chicks in other ways. Plus I question any pill being able to take away morning wood. I've drunken myself into mad whiskey dick then woken up with a dick that could open doors for me.

If you could have a girl with flawless tits, to your personal taste, or a girl with the best music taste you've ever known, with all the info and history of said music, what would you choose? No one night whore business, either, girlfriend material.


Golden Knight of the Realm
$500, no. $2500 yeah. I can please chicks in other ways. Plus I question any pill being able to take away morning wood. I've drunken myself into mad whiskey dick then woken up with a dick that could open doors for me.

If you could have a girl with flawless tits, to your personal taste, or a girl with the best music taste you've ever known, with all the info and history of said music, what would you choose? No one night whore business, either, girlfriend material.
Tits or GTFO. I can compromise when it comes to music. You can't deal with sad funbags.

Have you ever been part of a pyramid scheme successfully?


Well I am part Jewish, so yeah.

You ever shit your pants in public as an adult?
Never fully on in public. Happened to me at a house party I was throwing. Knew it was about to happen, drunk as fuck, so shot towards my bathroom. Halfway down the hall, detonated. Was in and out of the shower in 5 minutes, clothes in the wash, put on a clean set of clothes identical to what I had on, none the wiser.

On the same vane, is their one fast food place that will ruin your asshole every time if you eat there?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Besides Taco Bell? Anything mexican has me shitting piss for at least a day.

What is your favorite single player rpg of all time?


Besides Taco Bell? Anything mexican has me shitting piss for at least a day.

What is your favorite single player rpg of all time?
FF3...maybe Xenogears.

Your greatest, most amazing "fuck you" moment in a video game? For me, finally rocking "Mile High Club" achievement. Yours?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I guess everyone else was as stumped by that question as I was. I guess my answer is, there has been nothing that came close, my life has always been way too full for a video game to mean that much.

What happened to the internet?
Trannys bro, everywhere.

What was the lowest point in your life?
Homeless in Thailand waking up on the beach covered in sand and (not my own) piss

or doing webcam modeling (fun, but definitely not a moment I'd ever brag about).

What was the highest point in your life, if not not now, and why?


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Probably 17 - 20ish. Had gotten out of the craphole that is high school, spent some time at Uni studying things I actually find interesting before putting my degree on hold, earning quite a bit of money for that age but with no real expectation that I'd do anything responsible with it, had gotten into the rave scene so every weekend was all about the drugs and music, was in a string of crazy but still mostly fun relationships, and was in great health (or as great as can be expected, given the lifestyle). Easily the best fun & novel experiences/boring grind and shitty circumstance ratio over any other stage of my life.

11 - 14 would be a close second. Was young, living on an acreage in Qld with a pool a few meters from my front door, no responsibilities but school (which I was still able to coast through on pure intellect), spend the rest of my time reading (discovered a ton of my favorite authors here, Pratchett, Hobbs, Jordan, etc. ), gaming (EQ, then DAoC, Infinity Engine games, D2, WC3), running around the bush, in the pool, or wandering around with friends (one of whom was the usual "childhood crush I never had the balls to make a move on" story - soon after our families had a falling out and we weren't able to hang out) doing random BS.

That said, things aren't too bad now either, but it seems once you hit your mid-20's the potential for 'high points' decreases sharply as expectations and responsibility build up, and the best you can hope for is a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

You can go back in time and change one decision, what is it?


To actually apply myself in school and work hard at sports.

If you took the best 1000 fighters from every state and pit them against each other (military style warfare) which state would win and why?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Mine, cause jingoism

If you saw a button in RL that was labeled "Do not push", what are the odds that you would push it?



SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Mine, cause jingoism

If you saw a button in RL that was labeled "Do not push", what are the odds that you would push it?

I'd push it, but not before careful examination of my surroundings to see if there was any sort of trap or other nefarious result.

Do you prefer chicken stuffed with peppers or peppers stuffed with chicken?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I saw 1. I liked the whole introduction to the world.

Would it be better to live the last half of your life as a man or a woman?
A man, obviously. Men get more attractive (in all senses, not just physically) to women as they age, whereas it's a steady downward spiral for women after the mid 20s. Being a man is awesome.

Why the fuck does the Chipotle in the food court always have a 20 - 30 person line?